
User attempted to scam me. Said he doesn't have a steamtrades account. So obvious.

6 years ago Permalink

Warning. This guy Is scammer.
Trying to scam me and my friend. -rep. Low lvl, empty wall, 20 friends (5 bots) all of his keys are sold.

6 years ago* Permalink

I will just leave this here!
Obvisouly a scammer!

7 years ago Permalink

Scamming idiot

7 years ago Permalink

This guys have 50€ steam and he trade it for paypal money
He have just a free game and account was created 3 months ago and have first free game today.
Its a smurf account of 1 guys with fake blue cards in steam and after he trade with people steam delete the game or money he have give to the trader and he get for free paypal money don't trust him.
Just see on steamdb

and for 1 time don't see my -rep I know I have scam people but this guys is scammer too

7 years ago* Permalink

Trying to scam me by starting convos, and points out I have - 2 rep, when I bought up that he has 20 - rep he said " well so what you have - 2, go first or bye"
Idiot thinks he can get away with having 20- rep and asking me to go first saying - 2 is more than - 20
Edit: His response is bull shit, he literally shows 1 screenshot, I show 4 of him saying " Im a scammer but for once i got the game xD" Idiot

7 years ago* Permalink

This is guy is completely unreasonable. He tried to buy 15 codes off of me and said I had to send code first. I told him that I can't send all the codes first, but I could make a suggestion since he was buying a lot and I offered that he could pay half upfront, and then after I sent the codes he could pay the other half. I have had 100% feedback in every community I am a part of and now he gave me a negative rep because I wouldn't give him 15 steam codes after looking at all his negative feedback

7 years ago Permalink

scammer.... gives false feedback

7 years ago Permalink

-rep terrible scam attempts, made fake conversation, and had a really low key scam attempt. Told me to send my key first and then they would send theirs..he asks for Wallet Keys, DONT SEND HIM THEM, HE WILL BLOCK YOU RIGHT AFTER! HE gave me a Negative for NO REASON!

7 years ago Permalink

-rep for giving -rep for no reason at all , idiot you havent even tried to trade you have no idea how to use website and from your rep you are a total scammer

7 years ago Permalink

its a prank

7 years ago Permalink

Scammer, Don't do business with him, He will ask you for steam card gifts for his keys that he doesn't own them

7 years ago Permalink

Bad try scam, - rep!

7 years ago Permalink


7 years ago Permalink

Big scammer.

7 years ago Permalink

He was trying to rip me off with someone else.


7 years ago Permalink

fuck you scammer

7 years ago Permalink

Obvious scammer who I messed with cause I had a little too much time on my hands.
The following conversation should be enough to clarify the situation:

This was the trade thread he responded to without even posting a reply there.

All of his steamtrades + reps are all given be shell accounts. Open and shut case if there ever was one.

7 years ago Permalink

Pffft. Trying to scamm people. Btw, only positive rep comes from people with more negative rep than positive. LoL

7 years ago* Permalink

-rep he has exactly 0 euro spent on his account on games ( it is clearly a fake account made for scamming)
P.S.: proof
sorry for accusing you have no games with value; you have only free games and some games from idling

7 years ago* Permalink

This human piece of shit scammed a new user,this shit is like a shark waiting for users who are new to trading.

7 years ago* Permalink

-REP, fucking SCAMMER

7 years ago Permalink


7 years ago Permalink


7 years ago* Permalink


7 years ago* Permalink

funny trader

7 years ago* Permalink


7 years ago* Permalink

Tried to scam me, offered BF1 but wanted to go second despite having no legit trades. Full chatlog here.

Here's some more chatlogs to show what kind of guy this is, if you don't go first so he can scam you, he gets extremely aggressive and tries to insult in other languages for whatever reason.

7 years ago* Permalink

Be aware, this guy is suspicious on steamrep and also he isn't the "original owner" of this account

7 years ago Permalink

It was going alright, I agreed to go first as that is what I said I would do in my trade post I sent them a key for Stardew Valley , and they sent me a key(so far so good) then I went to redeem it and it said it has already been redeemed on a different account and they stated saying that the key I gave them was for Luminosity.

(should this be disputed I have screenshots of this, ordeal)

7 years ago* Permalink
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