

TheRealMW accepted my offer 4 weeks ago, since that I contacted him in Steam PMs each week to conclude the deal (I don't have the complete chat log, Steam message history only lasts 3 weeks). He must "open" his Inventory so that I can pick the selected game from it. He's logged every 1 or 2 days and plays regularly, so no real excuse to not respond.

In conclusion ... 1 month lost, an unnecessary monologue and a very disrespectful user.

Don't deal with this guy.

Edit : Fun fact, he played more than 130 hours these last 15 days but didn't have the time to reply in PMs.

Edit 2 : Removing him from Steam since he doesn't even react to this review.

3 years ago* Permalink

mate, this is none of your damn business, but I went homeless for months and was focused on work and finding somewhere new to live. 130 hours in two weeks obviously means I was idling or one of my friends was on my account since no one actually plays that much. yes, I played 4 hours of Monster Train for fun and was idly grinding cards because it was something to get my mind off of the facts that 1) the shelter I was staying at, at that time, was exploiting myself and my roommates there for free labor under threat of "termination" while I had an actual day job (which they also wanted a massive cut from; I have evidence of this all, and will be suing these parasites), and 2) I knew I was about to go on the streets, and was trying to avoid that. I like collecting games, it is generally harmless and calms me down a little. you ignore that there were months where I did not touch Steam except to work on the curators I am trying to build into something that can make me a little money on the side--and even those VISIBLY suffered during the weeks I was either on the damn street or couch-surfing. quit pretending to be some galaxy brained detective bringing up Exhibit A; you blatantly ignore vast holes in your gharish mischaracterization of me.

I did not disrespect you. I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience, you obviously have no fault in me going through such a rough patch--neither do I. but if you want a mea culpa: I'm so sowwy my life was thrown into disarray for months because some greedy bloodsuckers thought that unhoming someone for recognizing that they were not benevolently helping homeless young men get on our feet. I'm sowwy I am responding to you on the first day I have off, now that I've got into a new place, and the first time I've checked this site in months.

2 years ago Permalink
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