
Sketchy person and a liar. I have bad taste in my mouth and I advise you to think twice about trading with him. I lost some of my working keys because of his lies. -REP

Short story:
We had failed trade a few days ago. I went first with my keys that he claimed that they are used, but they haven't been used. At least not all of them. He didn't lose anything in that trade, but he still left me -rep here. When I replied to that -rep and posted evidence, 1 person confirmed that 1 of my keys worked for him. You can check it up here: (
Gas Station Simulator activated on that person account (

Full story:
We have failed trade in which he hasn't lost literally anything. Our potentional trade was from to trade my keys for Crown Trick and INDUSTRIA for his Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition. ( I went first with my keys and he told me that they are already used. I felt bad about it and I offered more of my keys. In the end I even gave a lot of other keys and he said that they are all used. I was surprised but at least he agreed that we can cancel the trade of barter. I trusted him that all the keys are used. After our failed trade I checked (not on my account) 1 of the games (shapez) - and it turned up the key wasn't used, but I thought it was just coincidence. (

Before the trade I warned him that I got the keys from my friend. Friend had bunch of old keys in which he wasn't completely sure, but the friend told me they should be fine.

I will post screenshots of my whole discussion with Tulio568:
Evidence 1
Evidence 2
Evidence 3
All 3 evidence in one link:

I apologized to him because I felt bad for wasting his time and really thought that all of my keys are used. I was even ready to offer any kind of compensation, but he didn't ask for it. On top of all that he came here and left -rep for me in which he accused me that I lied, while obviously it was opposite. Also, this person showed up that confirmed that 1 of my keys worked fine for him: (
Gas Station Simulator activated on that person account (

6 months ago* Permalink

He wants to be honest about this issue. Well, most of the keys I tried to activate, but unfortunately they were activated by someone. When I had shown on Steam about the limit of activation of attempts keys, then I did not want to check another in a few hours. Yes I reacted too violently through my fault that I gave -rep. I may also have misunderstood the context of the author's own statement, and all with firmness I just want to apologize for all the confusion.
EDIT: Now I noticed this message what you posted under my rating profile on steamtrades. Well, better late than never. Fortunately, you understood what you should not do during the key exchange. But that's what I wrote earlier, I want to be honest with others and not make someone a scapegoat and destroy someone's reputation. Still through all this I am very sorry

6 months ago* Permalink

A pure RACIST and LIAR, -REP.
A few days ago, I sent him an offer ( on Barter, he accepted it and almost immediately failed this offer claiming a dispute to me and said that I sent region locked keys to him after receiving his game. But the fact is there were no trades between he and I, I have never sent steam friend request to him, let alone giving him region locked keys. And there are no keys of SE1, SE3 region locked to CN according to steamDB.
At first I was confused and thought he might made a mistake clicking the wrong button when he wanted to decline the offer, but 1 day later, he left a comment saying 'I have to region lock with my trade, because you live China.'.
Everything is clear, this is a pure slander, he did this just because I am Chinese.
I have saved the screeshot of his comment in case he edits it one day, and you guys voting for this can click that Barter offer url or this(
He should be banned from this site and Barter, and deserves all the -rep.

4 years ago* Permalink
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