
He says I am sending a duplicate key. I sent him many keys in this trade. And I sent these keys 1 year ago.

And now he says one of those keys is a duplicate key after 1 year. But he can't prove this.

He wants a refund after 1 year for a key worth a few cents. And he wants me to take responsibility for this.

Even though I said I would send something else on his list for this key anyway, he edited his positive review.

I don't normally do this to anyone but I would never recommend anyone to trade with him. Otherwise years later he probably will ask you for a refund, send you a negative review.

Reply to the answer:

Most of the time he doesn't understand what you're saying. He tells me things like check activation date etc. Although he can't prove this himself. He tells me because he can't prove this himself.

Is there anyone on earth who will refund anything after 1 year?

Although no one would do such a thing, I still offered to send him something else from his list to solve this issue just a few days ago. And the proof is in the screenshot. But he still changed his review to negative. Because most of the time he doesn't understand what you're saying.

No one takes responsibility for something after a year but this person wants you to do this.

Everyone trades keys for usually instant use. And if you keep the key for 1 year, now you are responsible not the person who sent the key.

I sent you dozens of keys in a few trades and you want a refund after 1 year for one that's only worth a few cents.

NEVER TRADE WITH THIS PERSON. Otherwise, he may come and ask you for a refund after 1 year for a key worth a few cents.

Ignore the positive reviews on his profile. Because many people I talk to are not happy to trade with this person.

1 year ago* Permalink

As I said, you can check the activation date, but you didn't.
And I waited for a long time for your explain for that duplicate key, but nothing reached me.
I have no way but to leave a negative review on your profile to prove you did nothing to solve this issue.

For me, I bought your key for reselling, it's normal for me to keep the key for a long time.
Even if a year passed, you still have responsibility for your key.

Take care when you trade with this guy unless you use the key instantly.

10 months ago Permalink
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