
lol :))) a scammer told me a scammer :)))

4 years ago Permalink

+rep realy nice trader he makes fair offers im happy :D

5 years ago Permalink

+Rep Solid trader. Very reasonable, friendly and patient. We spent a decent amount of time working out a deal that worked for both of us and his proposals were fair throughout. Definitely recommended as a trader and a person. +REP!!!

5 years ago Permalink

We didn't have a trade, not even a conversation!

Maybe I was impersonated, I have no idea ... and don't care about. He was a bit hasty, especially since he didn't even know who had approached him with my game list. Well, the included link to my profile would have made it clear to him in any case.

He was already known for his racist comments and that he will not accept a "no" if he wants to exchange his well-known freebies for high-quality games. That was also the reason why I had already decided in the past to exclude him from Steam from my side.

Dear Community, look at his 2 new +reps. And please look at the two corresponding profiles, here and here. "Registered" and "Last Online" of the 2 Acccounts are same!

On the same day. Both feedbacks only 57 minutes away. (visible through hover over with mouse)
What a coincidence, isn't it? ;)

His words:

" Better speak the truth instead of lying kid. :) "

Oh, yeah, you go ahead and set a good example. ^^

5 years ago* Permalink

Excuse me? YOU were the one that asked me a key, u did NOT answered back except asking for a Far Cry key. My friend has problems with u to in past, . Better speak the truth instead of lying kid. :)

5 years ago Permalink

Toxic kid

6 years ago Permalink

ur mommy is to :p

6 years ago Permalink

+rep successful Steam key trade

6 years ago Permalink
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