
This guy adds preys on new users, trying to steal their valuable games with lowball offers. Please be careful and don't trade with this person. - I also copy pasted their profile link to come here so I know I am talking to to right person and not an impersonator. And this guy has done this previously as other comment says.

6 months ago Permalink

-rep Horrible communication.

The user sent me a trade offer on Barter, I offered to add them to discuss a possible deal. The negotiation on Barter took about 2 weeks, adding them took another 3-5 days, that is fine, at last if you accept. The user accepted the request without reminding me at all, I checked my friends history to find out they added me. Took me a while to find out they added me, after finding out and messaging them about a possible deal, user proceeds to ask me the same question over and over. I informed them about the product information as much as I could, another 2 weeks passed and my messaged already expired from the Steam chat. I remind the user if they agreed or not, they offered a complete deal in which we had never earlier negotiated on. I reminded them about our deal on Barter (already expired at the moment), and said I would recreate another offer if we agree. Instead, another week has past and the user proceeds to ghost me. I just got reminded about this deal, this happened in June-August. Nothing was lost, just beware of this user if you are trading with them. If you are about to trade with them, be prepared to waste your time! This user has stolen hours of my time, if they were not interested in the beginning, then don't send me an offer! Definitely Not recommended!

EDIT 2/10/21: Whether you actually forgot or not,

Maybe you forgot this cause you do this to everyone, and I am sure you have 11 negative reputations due to this.

3 years ago* Permalink

"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

3 years ago* Permalink

Trade completed however user is terrible with replying to communications. Have asked repeatedly to mark trade as completed on yet they will not reply nor mark trade as completed. Would not recommend.

3 years ago* Permalink

"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

2 years ago Permalink

-rep, poor communication. They accepted a trade offer for a game that was just traded. I immediately informed them that the game was traded. I gave them the option to pick another game or agree to cancel. They choose to not communicate at all and just mark the trade as abandoned.

4 years ago Permalink

"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

2 years ago Permalink

genuine fraud

5 years ago Permalink

Never traded with them

2 years ago Permalink

[-rep] Only negative rep I've ever needed to give. Please trade at your own risk. This trader is not honest and doesn't keep his trade commitments if he doesn't feel like it.

First trade with them went through OK, so on the second trade, I've just sent the key first.
The trader was silent for a few days. Then they told me that they don't have the item that hey offered me.
They asked me to chose another game, so I did. They just disappeared and stopped answering my messages.

5 years ago* Permalink

"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

2 years ago Permalink

Took awhile to conclude the trade but nevertheless went smoothly. thanks!

Edit: tried to use the link she gave but didnt work. She constantly ignores messages and selectively avoids questoons after i threatened to report her. She said she will contact humble but when i ask for updates she just ignores my messages. Extremely unresponsive and dishonest seller. Claims the belongs to her and i have never shown it to anyone so according to her only the two of us have seen the code but clearly that isnt the case or she is blatently scamming. By the number of negavive reports she has she probably does this to others as well...
She blamed me for not using the key earlier which doesnt make sense unless the key isnt hers or is stolen.Do not trade with her

6 years ago* Permalink

"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

2 years ago Permalink

[-rep] Only negative rep I've ever needed to give. Please trade at your own risk. This trader is not honest, and doesn't keep his trade commitments if he doesn't feel like it.

We had an agreed-upon trade, but he ignored me for more than 3 days (forcing me to keep my game on hold), traded his game to someone else yesterday, and told me it was because he "didn't see" my "offer". However, he initiated the trade with me, and he proposed that other trade yesterday on Barter, where a game is clearly marked as "in accepted offer <to/from> <user>" if you have a pending trade. I believe he willfully broke our agreement and lied about it.

He didn't ask me if I would be willing to cancel and just abandoned the trade (against Barter etiquette once a trade is agreed on, and also against the standard of being a chill human being) without telling me.

[FULL DETAIL Version] My trade with him: (Screenshot of the trade timeline:; he proposed it 3 days ago, I accepted 3 days ago.)

  • 3 days ago: I left a comment on the Barter trade when I accepted.
  • I added him, and left a comment ( on his Steam profile.
  • 2 days ago: He commented on his profile (see image above), so he was active.
  • 28 hours ago: He traded the game away. (Screenshot:
  • I commented a second time on Barter to let him know I had added him.
  • 3 hours ago: He finally accepted my friend request, which is when he informed me he had traded it. (Screenshot of conversation:
  • 3 hours ago: On Barter, I marked the trade as "failed" and briefly explained in a comment.
  • Sydn disabled comments on the trade, hiding my explanation.

He says "didn't see [my] offer", but I didn't propose the offer, he did, and he literally did the trade with the other person through Barter. (Link to trade: When someone has accepted your Barter offer, the game will have a note under it saying "in accepted offer <to/from> <user>" when you look at it in a list, such as if you try to propose another trade to someone else with it. On Barter, it's hard to "accidentally" make a new offer to someone, two days later, with a game in an already-accepted trade.

I would not recommend this trader. If he wants to, he will feel free to ignore you (leaving you unable to trade your game in the meantime) and trade away the game you agreed on, wasting days of your time.

7 years ago* Permalink

here is steam trade guide lines for you
"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

for more info -

6 years ago Permalink

-rep NOT a recommended trader at all!
Beware of this trader! Just wrote "i hope you get cancer & die , bye" to me. He didn't complete the trade and was very toxic.

7 years ago* Permalink

why am i not recommended ? what is this - rep about ?
here is the proof. we did not trade any games but we canceled the trade because i have traded pillars with someone else & he mad at me now because of it
there is nothing you lose & so am i

here is steam trade guide lines for you
"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

for more info -

7 years ago* Permalink

Wouldn't recommend trading. He listed a copy of Sims 4, turns out he didn't have it for months. He was nice and apologised, promised to took down the ad, HOWEVER later it turned out it was some kind of key activation he tried to REFUND FROM EA.

Let that sink in.

He put up a game for trade that was already activated and he tried to refund (I don't even understand what was the idea there, you don't get back a key from a refund ever).

Also kept me waiting for 3 days not bothering to answer, even when he was online and I messaged him it was 2nd or 3rd attempt (after the 3 days).

I'm not questioning if he is trustworthy, he has almost +600 rep, you can't buy that. But he prooved to be extremely troublesome and could not deliver, which was a huge bummer after keeping me waiting for 3 days. All it takes is 10 seconds to check your messages on your phone's steam client or just not ignore that giant flashing thing on your desktop that says new message.

7 years ago Permalink

Another hater review! never done business with this user. i have never friended him on steam so how can we trade ?. show me a one proof for that.

here is steam trade guide lines for you
"Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you"

for more info -

7 years ago* Permalink
  • -REP We agreed on a price of 2 TF2 Keys + 8 cards for my game + DLC.
    I sent him a trade offer for those items and then sent my gift links. He then decides to tell me he doesn't want to trade his Rust cards, AFTER I send him the gift links.

  • I say: "You didn't say no rust cards"
    Then he says: "lol dude you are not the one who gonna send you the trade offer"
    Is that a threat?

  • I finally send another offer without Rust cards... he goes: "dude i have to complete those badgets"

  • He sends me an offer. 2 keys plus some cheap TF2 items which I have no interest in. I had to accept because I had no other choice.He already had the gift links. Especially after the "lol dude you are not the one who gonna send you the trade offer. this is my account & my property"

  • I felt like I had to accept this offer after that blatant threat and the fact he already had the gift links. I did not have a positive experience with this user.

Proof of chat:
Proof of offers and trade:
User's account:

7 years ago* Permalink
  • Rep, very bad experience with this trader. in the beginning of the chat i told him that i can't do more than 2 keys. & this game is already on retail sites for less than 4 euro. i was being fair. and finally i agreed to do 2 tf2 keys + 0.5$ item or 2 keys + 8 cards by my choice. this guy gave me the gift link for the game & activated it. also he has sent me an trade offer too. but those cards are for my self because i have't complete the badget for these games. i wanted to give him the cards i want to trade not the cards he wants. anyway why don't you post a screenshot of the beginning of the chat ?

Somehow the trade went well. i didn't scam him. i never promised i will give you rust cards. you should have asked me before send thoese links.
Proof -

7 years ago* Permalink

-rep Trade with caution!!!
Let me be more clear:
I gave to this user 4 copies of " The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff DLC (for Origin)" for 2€.
He didn't have money so he promised to send it later. We traded before (not with really world money) but I trusted him.
After around 2 months he sent me 5.28€. He wanted from me to buy 3 copies of Humble bundle (deal was around - 0.50€ profit for me because I will buy games for him) and 2€ for Sims DLC.
He didn't send right amount of money, as well there was fees so I declined that payment in hope that he will send right amount of money.
After that I never got my money.

Scammed by this steam profile --
Profs of Paypal transcation (wrong ammount) --

He changed his comment to often. Firstly he said that he don't know me, then he said that he never traded with me, then this was a revenge feedback BUT AT THE END HE ADMITTED!|

"i cant receive money on paypal. it took over 2 weeks to see the amount on my card"

Sorry, but it's not excuse for not sending money after over three months!!!

8 years ago* Permalink

After around 2 months he sent me 5.28€. He wanted from me to buy 3 copies of Humble bundle (deal was around - 0.50€ profit for me because I will buy games for him) and 2€ for Sims DLC.
He didn't send right amount of money, as well there was fees so I declined that payment.
After that I never got my money.

i cant receive money on paypal, because i am from sri lanka. it took over 2 weeks to see the amount on my card

8 years ago* Permalink
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