
-REP Receives my key for Secret Neighbor and then complains about it activating as a "beta" key and refuses to send me the key for Arcane Double Pack Deluxe (Arcane preraise + reraise). Even after I prove it is a full game key (cards and all) and that there is nothing wrong with the key he still refuses to send me my key. He would not even compromise and offer me a key for one of the games instead of the dual pack, he just argued and then went offline. Goes to show don't trust people with a positive rep just as much as a negative rep.

Edit* Even his screenshots shows he was leaving the convo because the key didn't activate the way he wanted it to. He never clarified what key type it was (Retail, Promo, Beta, Ect), Devs wouldn't tell me to share the keys if they plan to revoke them. If he has done the wrong thing and had keys revoked thats on him.

Even with his broken argument aside and the key gets revoked or its not full game, he at least gets cards from the key he scammed from me where as I get nothing.

6 month edit* It is 6 months later and the key he scammed has not been revoked

11 month edit* How is that not permanent game treating you?

3 years ago* Permalink

I just ask you to ask yourself the following question:

You get a BETA key for 1 game - is that good for you?
Are you ok to send your key?

It didn't say it could be a BETA
I went offline?

I have 10 screenshots that prove the contrary, and I'll post them.
Because you are lying.
I told you, give me the key (NOT BETA KEY) and I'll send you my key.
If you don't want to, I won't give you my key for free against a BETA.
That wasn't the plan.

NOW screenshots :

Normally trade
Secret Neighbor vs Arcane Double Pack Deluxe
He sent me a BETA key of the game. He never told me this before.
On top of that, he just gave me a bad reputation, is this a joke or what?

Screenshots :
Game this MAN send to me :

edit to the comment :
Are you kidding me?
Because you have betas keys in the list, all games can be betas keys?

On your list the game is not described as in BETA I'm sorry you never said that.
When the devs will see that you don't do the review they will surely revoke the key, it's just a BETA to try the full game.
It's not the FULL game forever sorry

3 years ago* Permalink
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