

6 years ago Permalink

He tried to scam me. Don't want to go first with so much negative rep. When i told him the only way to have a deal if he go first. Then he just stop chating with me. Beware of this scammer guy!

6 years ago Permalink

Still trying to scam. Asked for my Sims 3 for his Pyre. Told him as long as he goes first. He said fine and said he had to log onto another account for it. Obviously never saw him again :)


6 years ago Permalink

-rep SCAMMER! Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series: 4AZ7F-MHG55-MRMGL ....

7 years ago Permalink

+rep Thanks for the trade!

7 years ago Permalink


7 years ago Permalink

He tried to scam me

7 years ago Permalink

And he tries to scam again, this time he offers outlast 2 for saints row 3 full package, this was too good to be true so I checked his steamtrades page and saw all the negative reviews. He then told me that he had a humble bundle gift link and since I had a key I had to go first. Which I was not planning to do since his profile (lvl 13 and 175 games) didnt look promising and thrustworthy for me to go first (I have lvl 96 and 1000+ games). after he didnt want to comply, I told him that I checked his steamtrades pages and said that he did the same thing with 46 other people. You can already guess by now, he instantly removed and blocked me.

7 years ago Permalink

Seems like a nice guy. Just took the wrong path in scamming. Asked for a 15 dollar game for a 40 dollar game which I thought was suspicious, so I asked him to go first, he asked why and I told him about his rep. He then says he will pass which is a story many of his minus rep say. Tried to be nice with him, privated his profile after I minus rep so it just comfirms hes a scammer. Proof:

7 years ago Permalink

-rep adds me for trade but unfriends me later, making his profile private.

7 years ago Permalink

-rep he tried to scam me when i said ill go first because of my rep and he said he will give me game 10.5$ for my cards 3$(#not_a_scam) . shortly look his reps and dotn trade with this scammer

7 years ago Permalink

He tried to scam me
Thanks Rating system!

7 years ago Permalink

he tried scam me

thanks for rep system

7 years ago Permalink

This guy doesn't help himself, added me without a comment on my profile then this happened.

17:34 - Wills20202: hi
17:34 - Wills20202: You still got Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and Devil Daggers?
17:34 - Wills20202: Tycoon 2 ^
17:35 - πŸ…°nfraxx: What can you offer for them?
17:35 - Wills20202: I have Attack on Titan and Robot Arena III
17:36 - πŸ…°nfraxx
: Due to your steamtrades profile I would require you to go first, a lot of negative rep on there.
17:36 - Wills20202 is now Offline.

7 years ago Permalink

Damn, first trade on this site and got scammed, had even the gut feeling, shouldn't have.

Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Hi
TheElementalWills: Hi
TheElementalWills: Im interested in Octodad,Garrys Mod, Beat Hazard Ultra and roller robot dosco dodgeball
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Sure thing
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: What can you offer in return?
TheElementalWills: I can offer SUPERHOT and Subnautica
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: I've got subanutica already
TheElementalWills: SUPERHOT and Borderlands PreSqquel?
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Got Borderlands already too
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: I'm interested in Superhot though
TheElementalWills: ok gimme a min gtg get the mail brb
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Sure thing
TheElementalWills: back
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Ok
TheElementalWills: Superhot and Shovel Knight?
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Is there a list of games that you have up trading?
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: It miught be quicker for me to look at them
TheElementalWills: thats pretty much all of them just some crappy free games
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Well, if you exclude them?
TheElementalWills: ?
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: If you don't show me the crappy free games
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: IT might be faster than typing Suprhot and X each time
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: I'm all up for trading for superhot
TheElementalWills: I listed everything but the crappy. The Non Crappy are SUPERHOT, Borderlands Pre Sequel, Shovel Knight, Subnautica, Portal 2, Terraria
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Well
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Could you give me just a sec
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: I'm gonna ask couple of my friend if they want Borderlands the Pre sequel
TheElementalWills: ok
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Ok
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: I'm up for Superhot and Shovel Knight
TheElementalWills: ok
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: I'm new to the site
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: How shall we trade?
TheElementalWills: would you mind going first?
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Do you have yours in key format?
TheElementalWills: No
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Gift?
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Gift link?
TheElementalWills: Gift Links
TheElementalWills: what are yours?
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: keys
TheElementalWills: ok
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: I hope it's ok?
TheElementalWills: yep
TheElementalWills: XD
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: So, I'll go first then
TheElementalWills: ok
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Just a sec, I'll dig them up
TheElementalWills: np
TheElementalWills: can you put the game name next to them too?
TheElementalWills: so I know which ones which
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Sure thing
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Octodad: Dadliest Catch 6BLE4-4RX6C-BY2B4
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Garry’s Mod WJQPV-2FRM0-54WYP
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Beat Hazard Ultra 555Z6-BY239-B424E
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball FDFGL-A2D4A-8AXIT
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Got them?
TheElementalWills: hold on a sec
Eeglis α••( ᐛ )α•—: Sure thing
TheElementalWills: Humbles being a butt might be a bit ok
TheElementalWills: its not letting me logon
TheElementalWills is now Offline.

8 years ago Permalink

He is a scammer try to scam my account but without sucess

8 years ago Permalink

a scammer!!!

8 years ago Permalink

-rep scamer :)) u think idk about u

8 years ago Permalink

Many13: Hey
TheElementalWills: hi
TheElementalWills: I have Total War: Warhammer
Many13: What do you want for it?
TheElementalWills: you have steam money?
Many13: Yep
TheElementalWills: could you get Starbound?
Many13: yes, but you'll have to go first
TheElementalWills: ok
TheElementalWills: gimme a min
Many13: One sec
TheElementalWills: damn it
TheElementalWills: Don't buy it
TheElementalWills: I just realized that It was traded already sorry...
Many13: Ok
TheElementalWills se encuentra ahora en estado Desconectado.

He added me directly, I came here to check the rep. -rep looks like a scam attepmt

8 years ago Permalink


TheElementalWills: Hi
TheElementalWills: Killing Floor for Slime Rancher
TheElementalWills: ?
ZombieSteak: Sure
TheElementalWills: kewl
ZombieSteak: Gift link or key?
TheElementalWills: either workd
ZombieSteak: Gonna have to probably pass on this man or ask that you provide me a key first. Lots of people leaving you negatives on steamtrades
TheElementalWills is now Offline.

8 years ago Permalink

-rep scammer

8 years ago Permalink

Don't trade with him he's a scammer:

TheElementalWills: hi
Fruchtzwerg: hi
TheElementalWills: Im interested in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, The Beginers Guide, Devil Daggers and Assassins Creed III
Fruchtzwerg: what do u offer?
TheElementalWills: I cna offer Scribblenauts Unlimited, Gang Beasts and Just Cause 3
Fruchtzwerg: will u go first?
TheElementalWills: why?
Fruchtzwerg: because u seem to be a scammer? xD
TheElementalWills hat den Status gewechselt zu: Offline.

I think it's pretty obvious ;)

8 years ago Permalink

Just added me directly in steam, wanted me to go first... obiously checked his profile. Asked to go him first or nothing: insta blocked me. Just a filthy scammer...

8 years ago Permalink


8 years ago Permalink

Traded Stardew Valley for nothing.
Wish a knew just a second a go (didn't know I could search on links to the Steam account).
Added me, asked if I could go first, somehow I did and, said he needed 5 minutes and then I knew what was going on, he went offline and blocked me.
He was called [ElementalGaming] Wills20202 when he traded with me.

8 years ago Permalink

Obvious scammer, tried with me offering to go to be true.

8 years ago Permalink

-Rep Added me directly after reading one of my trade threads. Denied having ever used Steamtrade/gifts despite my thread being only found here when confronted about the negative rep. (Enhanced Steam also links this account to SteamRep where he has been reported too)

8 years ago Permalink


8 years ago Permalink

-rep Made off with a game code Oh well, wasn't too interested in it.

8 years ago Permalink

This guy wanted to trade Doom 2016 for Just Cause 3 or Hitman. He then went on to say he had a rubbish laptop so maybe COD BLOPS 2 for Doom. I accepted, gave him the JC3 key too (don't ask me why, I was feeling overly trusting I guess. He went offline and blocked me once he had the keys.

I can see from the previous poster, that he's already traded my JC3 key.

8 years ago* Permalink

+rep, was suspicious of the negative rep, but he went first with the Just Cause 3 key. Activated just fine, trade went well.

Edit: Turns out the guy scammed another person for it...

8 years ago* Permalink

-REP added me on steam with offer starbound gift for rocket league (gift link wrote here on sg) and I said ok i am interested you go first... And he started arguying like scammer... He said me that he won't go first and telling me that he won't go first in trading steam gift for gift link when he doesn't know that rocket league gift link exists...When I said him 3 times that it is from humble bundle monthly ... And finally I stopped him to arguying and finally he started reading what I was writting him... He said that " Why you did not just tell you got it from humblle bundle earlier ? " I answered that I did 3 times... And i won't wasting my time.. So i said him that " Say me how do you want make that trade " .. He won't go first and won't prove that he is trustworthy somehow and only arguying and wasting my time... -REP he act like scammer don't go never first with that guy.. Or you will be scammed ;) . He was so much rude and he is lier.. gave me negative feedback with comment which content many lies ...
Also 1 hour and half I tried to start with him from the begining if he is really interested in that game what he wrote me that he want.. and he wrote " add me after 4 hours then we can trade " .. LIER, RUDE, SCAMMER person ;) be wary of trading with him --> there is his steam

he added me .. offered me starbound gitt for rocket league gift link.. I accepted .. did not do anything of that what he wrote in -REP feedback
Many people just confirmed me that he is scammer ;) so be wary of him ;) ..

8 years ago* Permalink

Was given bad rep because i couldn't purchase a 30Β£ game to trade with his Terraria

8 years ago Permalink

Told me he would sell me a Mafia 1 key for $10...seems legit.
When I called him out on his bullshit and asked him about his bad rep, he got flustered and blocked me.

8 years ago Permalink

Never ever trust this fellow. He is one of the impersonator. He cheated me in a trade.

8 years ago Permalink

Scam Attempt ,gave dupe code for batman arkham city.

8 years ago Permalink

he just tried to scam me, added directly in steam but i found his profile here

View attached image.
8 years ago Permalink

This guy attempted to trade scam me by saying he has the game that I want. But, when I say "can you change your inventory settings from 'private' to 'friends only' please" he doesn't want to do it. Why? because he's a scammer.

8 years ago* Permalink

This guy pretended to be someone else and offered a trade. He then removed me and blocked me on Steam. Avoid him at all costs.

8 years ago Permalink

+REP, quick and easy trade. :)

8 years ago Permalink

He is a Scammer

8 years ago Permalink

Scam, received an already used Code

8 years ago Permalink

shame shame shame. really bad attempt of scamming. here is proof.

9 years ago* Permalink

He tried to scam me. He wanted to trade Rocket League and ARK for Shantae and GRAV.
At first he said it was a gift, later he then told me it a key and when we just about to trade he just gtg.
And he unfriend me. so yeah nice try scammer.

9 years ago Permalink

He will give u already use gift for your games
Do not Trade with this Scammer

9 years ago Permalink

People send fake key ....

9 years ago Permalink

+Rep Good trader!

9 years ago Permalink


9 years ago Permalink

He wanted my Saints Row 4 gift and writted on my post to trade,when i asked him to go first he eliminated me from friendlist

9 years ago Permalink


9 years ago Permalink
Sign in through Steam to add a review.