
Good trader. + rep

6 years ago Permalink

+rep. Thanks for the trade!

6 years ago Permalink

+rep, super fast and trusty trader!

6 years ago Permalink

Great trader, +rep

6 years ago Permalink

Rep+ Great trader

6 years ago Permalink

+REP,nice trader

6 years ago Permalink

Quick and easy trade. Recommended!

6 years ago Permalink

+rep fast and trustworthy trader, 3 keys for KF2

6 years ago Permalink

+rep good trader!

6 years ago Permalink

No problems. good trader

6 years ago Permalink

+rep fast and reliable trader

6 years ago Permalink

+Rep, nice and perfect. One of the best!

6 years ago Permalink

+rep, fast and kind

6 years ago Permalink

Fast and easy ++rep

6 years ago Permalink

+rep fast trade

6 years ago Permalink

No problems. good trader

6 years ago Permalink

+rep, Trade went OK!

6 years ago Permalink

+rep | gems for key | somewhat rough trader but no problems in this trade.

6 years ago Permalink

Quick trade.

6 years ago Permalink

We traded some games, great & fast trader! +Rep

6 years ago Permalink

+rep, he went first, nice and smooth trade :)

6 years ago Permalink

Polite, Very fast trader. I sent 2 CSGO keys for a game. No issues. Thanks! +Rep

6 years ago Permalink

Good Trader.

6 years ago Permalink

+rep Fast and friendly trade, nice

6 years ago Permalink

Very good trader, fast and reliable.

6 years ago Permalink

A fast trade and a friendly trader +rep

7 years ago Permalink

+rep. funny guy... :)
(also, trsutworthy)

7 years ago Permalink

+rep, very honest guy and friendly guy. We both ran into some issues, but this guy did not lose his wits and sticked till the result was successful. Huge +rep. Thanks for the trade mate.

7 years ago Permalink

+rep nice and fast trader ^^

7 years ago Permalink


7 years ago* Permalink

+rep, nice, fast and trustworthy trader

7 years ago Permalink

+Rep, fast, honest and friendly trader :D

7 years ago Permalink

Friendly and reliable trader +rep

7 years ago Permalink
  • REP;
    Honest trader. :)
7 years ago Permalink

+Rep. Honest and fast trader.

7 years ago Permalink

good and fast trader

7 years ago Permalink

Good trader +rep

7 years ago Permalink

Nice trading, great, friendly trader! +rep

7 years ago Permalink

+Rep. He went first. Honest trader.

7 years ago Permalink

Very fast trade and really friendly!

7 years ago Permalink

+rep very friendly

7 years ago Permalink

+rep Great trader! Very fast and professional!

7 years ago Permalink

+Rep quick and easy trade, thanks

7 years ago Permalink

Fast trader.+rep

7 years ago Permalink

Very patient and trustworthy trader!

7 years ago Permalink

Very immature, only sees the trade side itself and does not mind the conditions of the other trader, wants everything in its time as fast as possible.

He sent me the Strider key in exchange for Frederic. After that, I realized that I no longer had the key, as I published an outdated game list. No problem, my mistake.

To solve the problem, he said he was not going to activate the Strider key. He asked me to buy the frederic key. No problem, I warned you several times that you would buy a copy (GIFT) on Steam and that it would go straight to your inventory. He agreed.

Past one day, the same message sent me offending and saying that my honesty is not worth $ 1, and when the purchase is via bank, it takes up to 3 business days, something that anyone who has already paid a ticket in life knows .

After that, the copy arrived in the hospital and he sent other offensive messages, saying that I was trying to deceive him because it was a GIFT LATAM. Being that I warned several times how the purchase would be and the same did not disagree, and besides, at no time did I activate the key of his game.

As I was nervous, I sent 5 cd-keys of games with good metacritic and value far superior to the combined, besides having left the key of the strider and Gift of the trade for the same. I did this because I was already pissed at him and I did not want to negotiate anymore.

That is, he did not spend a single penny, won 6 games and is still complaining. I'm only denying it because it did the same in my profile.
I advise against making any changes with this user. Because her mental age is equal to or less than a spoiled child.

7 years ago Permalink


He did not really scam me.... but.
He stole my time.
I really cannot understand why some people would not acknowledge that wasting somebodies time is not worthy downvoting them, and retaliatory votes should not be allowed (ebay realized this some years ago, so why does this community not respect that time=money)....


I gave him my key, he did not give me his (and no replacement).
It is his fault from the beginning, so of course i am pissed of and not very polite, but i did never curse.
I lost a good key (Strider. Yes i have his word that he has not/will not use it, but i seriously cannot use it in trades anymore) and much time for a key which is worth under a $.
As time and smooth tradings are important to me. i can spend a $ easily.
He has a good key for a game he liked, i have 5 key worth nothing for games i am not the least interested in so i will not activate them. I refused the gift link.

So i am the victim here and of course i posted a negative review, because the community has to be kept clean.
He is just retaliating.

Longer version:

What he ignored to tell is that after i gave him my key and he realized he did not have his, i offered 2 substitute trades from his lists.
Those games were gone too.
Then i provided links to shops where he could buy one of his lost keys for under $1.
I also mentioned that i live in europe.
He did not respond for about a day.
After that he told me he already bought a key on steam, which was ok for me because gift is ok.
I really did not know (and he did not state so, even as i told him i needed a europe key) that his gift link would be LATAM.
So i refused his gift and did not use any of his 5 tier 0.5 keys he offered.

Here is the script of the first day:

Halten Sie Ihr Passwort geheim.
Thiago Leve: hey man
Thiago Leve: i'm from steamtrades
Thiago Leve: for your post
Thiago Leve: Weather Lord for Strider, right?
Thiago Leve hat den Status gewechselt zu: Online.
Spielosoph [GER]: hi
Spielosoph [GER]: yes
Thiago Leve: cd-key or gift?
Spielosoph [GER]: what do you want? both possible
Spielosoph [GER]: hb gift link
Spielosoph [GER]: NO steam gift
Thiago Leve: strider
Spielosoph [GER]: yes as key or link?
Spielosoph [GER]: i like key
Thiago Leve: key
Spielosoph [GER]: xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Thiago Leve: a moment please. I'm take the key
Thiago Leve: Man, I'm sorry. But I do not have the weather key anymore. I did not activate and I will not activate the Strider key, you can trust me. Is there another mine that you want?
Thiago Leve: Realmente me desculpa, não me atenteei
Thiago Leve: I'm really sorry, I did not pay attention*
Spielosoph [GER]: Frederic: Evil Strikes Back
Spielosoph [GER]: or Fallout 4
Spielosoph [GER]: ....
Thiago Leve: I noticed that the list I sent was outdated, frederic and fallout I do not have anymore. This is the list I currently have (Normality and
Crazy Forest were not in the other). You can choose 3 games for disagreement:

[-- here i stripped a list of ~50 very low value games. i did not know any of them and i know a LOT of games --]
Thiago Leve: If you do not want to, I understand. Sorry for the lack of attention.
Spielosoph [GER]:
Spielosoph [GER]:
Spielosoph [GER]: i live in Europe
Thiago Leve: But I did not send any links. Weird. I just sent the name of the games
Thiago Leve: I'll put the names in your post. Only a moment
Spielosoph [GER]: what?
Spielosoph [GER]: please just buy a key for weather lord or frederic
Thiago Leve hat den Status gewechselt zu: Abwesend.

[-- After that it is roughly as he stated --]

7 years ago* Permalink

Fast and smooth trade, thanks.

7 years ago Permalink

rep+ good trader :)

7 years ago Permalink

+rep, fast and reliable, recommended.

7 years ago Permalink

Fast and smooth trade, thanks.

7 years ago Permalink
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