I have...


BE CAREFUL when Trading as I have an impersonator

Due to Rumors of HB issue out bans on people who use Gift links for trading, my offering of Humble Gift links will be tremendously limited in the coming future.. I may still have links but make certain you specify you're looking for links prior to any agreed upon trade..

MAKE SURE YOU ARE TRADING WITH ME, I have 14000+ games, and I'm over level 300 on steam.. If the person links this Profile and it doesn't match back to my steam profile, then don't trade with them.. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS WHEN TRADING

Random cards but I reserve the right to refuse cards based on my need for them.. (Using cards for badges) ... Numbers listed after the game are the amount of that copy I have in stock.. If the game isn't listed in one of my 2 trade topics I don't have it available for Trade..

TF or CS:go key, cards, gems, etc etc etc.. Only accept cards that I need for badges..

11 -- 11 Memories retold (HB) 1 key or 30 cards
2dark (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
911 operator (bs indie legend 9) 1 key or 20 cards
911 Operator (BS Sep 19th) 1 key or 20 cards
911 Operator (bs June 5th) 1 key or 20 cards
911 operator (bs june 29th) 1 key or 20 cards

Age of Wonder 3 (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Age of Wonders Planetfall (hb july) 3 key or 185 cards
Agony (hb spooky) 1 key or 30 cards
Alan Wake American Nightmare (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Alekhine's Gun (bs july 21st) 1 key or 45 cards
American Fugitive (BS July 31st) 1 key or 35 cards
Amnesia Memories (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Among the sleep (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Ancestors Legacy x 3 (File, HB Dec MYC, BS july 31st) 1 key or 45 cards
Anna - Extended Edition (bs july 16th) 1 key or 35 cards
Angry Video Game nerd 2 : assimilation (BS june 29th) 1 key or 45 cards
Anime gate of memories (bs exile) 1 key or 35 cards
Arma 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Armello x 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Arcana Heart 3 Love max (BS june 3rd) 2 key or 95 cards
Ashes of singularity x 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Astebreed: Definitive Edition (Bs bento) 1 key or 30 cards
Assault Andriod Cactus (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Atari Vault (BS june 5th) 1 key or 45 cards
Attack of the Earthlings (bs july 16th) 1 key or 30 cards
Attractio (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
A winter daydream (ig anime dream) 1 key or 30 cards

Bad Dream: Coma (IG solar blaze) 1 key or 25 cards
Bad Dream Fever (BS oct 25th) 1 key or 25 cards
Barotrauma (file, HB june) 2 key or 120 cards
Basingstoke (hb july) 2 key or 80 cards
Battle Chef Brigate x 2 (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
BattleTech (HB, File) 3 key or 205 cards
Battlestar Gallactica deadlock (hb july) 2 key or 125 cards
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY (file) 1 key or 35 cards
Batman The enemy Within x 2 (HB) 2 key or 85 cards
Batman the enemy within shadow mode (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Batman the Telltale Series x 2 (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Batman the telltale series shadow mode (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Beastiarium (ig indie stellar) 1 key or 25 cards
Beat Hazard 2 (hb July) 1 key or 45 cards
Beholder 2 (BS july 21st) 1 key or 35 cards
Better Late than dead (bs killer 8) 1 key or 25 cards
Beyond Eyes (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Binary Domain (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Bioshock the collection x 3 (hb) 2 key or 125 cards
Blackguards (file) 1 key or 20 cards
Blackguards 2 (ig daedalic col) 1 key or 30 cards
Black Paradox (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 35 cards
Black the Fall x2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Blockstorm (hb) 1 key or 20 cards
Blockstorm (ig online multiplayer) 1 key or 20 cards
Blood: Fresh Supply (BS sanctuary) 1 key or 35 cards
Book of demons (bs june 5th) 1 key or 35 cards
Bohemian Killing (bs undercover) 1 key or 35 cards
Borderlands GOTY enhanced x 3 (HB) 2 key or 95 cards
Borderlands: The Handsome collection x 3 (BL 2, BL Presequel)(hb) 2 key or 205 cards
Boundless x 2 (File, hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Bounty Train (bs apr 5th) 1 key or 35 cards
Bubsy Two-fur (ig offspring) 1 key or 25 cards
Bully Beatdown (ig indie warfare) 1 key of 25 cards
Brawlout (bs redemption) 1 key or 25 cards
Brutal Legend (hb) 1 key or 55 cards
Broken Age (hb) 1 key or 45 cards

Camp Sunshine (IG insanity) 1 key or 22 cards
Camp Sunshine (IG Fri 77) 1 key or 22 cards
Capitalism 2 (hb apr) 1 key or 45 cards
Carnival games VR x 2 (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Castaway Paradise (bs june 29th) 2 key or 85 cards
Cast of seven godsends (BS Killer 6 12/15) 1 key or 20 cards
Chaos on Deponia (ig daedalic col) 1 key or 20 cards
Chaos on Deponia (file) 1 key or 20 cards
CHAOS CODE -NEW SIGN OF CATASTROPHE (BS june 3rd) 2 key or 85 cards
Chainsaw Warriror (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Children of Zodiarcs (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Chosen 2 (file) 1 key or 35 cards
Chronicle of Innsmouth (ig fri 64) 1 key or 30 cards
Codex of victory (bs survivor) 1 key or 30 cards
Codex of Victory (BS dec 8th) 1 key or 30 cards
Codex of Victory (BS june 3rd) 1 key or 30 cards
Coffin Dodgers (bs deception) 1 key or 25 cards
Coffin Dodgers (file) 1 key or 25 cards
Community (File) 1 key or 55 cards
Company of Heroes 2 (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Copka (file) 1 key or 35 cards
Cornerstone: song of Tyrim (BS july 16th) 1 key or 25 cards
Crawl (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Crookz - the big heist (BS june 29th) 1 key or 35 cards
Cryofall (File) 1 key or 30 cards
Cursed Castilla (hb) 1 key or 30 cards

Dark (file) 1 key or 25
Darksiders Warmasters (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Days of war: difinitive (bs june 29th) 1 key or 35 cards
Deadbeat Heroes (HB) 1 key or 25 cards
Dead or School (BS june 3rd) 2 key or 85 cards
Dead Rising 4 x 2 (hb) 2 key or 150 cards
Desert Child (hb December MYC) 2 keys or 150 cards
Death Harvest 2 pack (hb) 2 keys or 125 cards
Deponia Doomsday (ig point & click) 1 key or 30 cards
Deponia The complete journey (ig daedalic) 1 key or 30 cards
Detention (BS bento) 1 key or 30 cards
Dex (bs dec 17th) 1 key or 25 cards
Dex (BS jan 13th) 1 key or 25 cards
Dirt Rally 2.0 (bs june 5th) 2 key or 85 cards
Distance (File) 2 key or 95 cards
Don't Escape 4 days to survive (hb july) 1 key or 35 cards
Doorways Chapter 1 to 3 collection (IG VR)(C) 1 key or 23 cards
Downfall (bs dec 17th) 1 key or 25 cards
Downfall (BS apr 5th) 1 key or 25 cards
Dragon Dogma: dark arisen (HB) 3 key or 220 cards
Dreadout (bs nem 7) 1 key or 35 cards
Driftland the magic revival (hb apr) 2 key or 120 cards
Dungeons 2 (file) 1 key or 25 cards
Dungeons 2 (bs june 29th) 1 key or 25 cards
Dungeons 3 (File) 1 key or 45 cards
Dungeons 3 (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Duke Nuke Em Forever (bs June 3rd) 2 key or 85 cards
Duke Nuke Em Doc who cloned (bs June 3rd) 1 key or 30 cards

Eador.imperium (bs feb 26th) 1 key or 35 cards
Earth Lock x 2 (file, hb july) 1 key or 35 cards
Eastside Hockey Manager (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Ebola (ig Shock reaction) 1 key or 25 cards
Edge of Twlight - return to glory (ig armada) 1 key or 20 cards
[Eidolon (BS All Star 3 Sep 16) 1 key or 20 cards]
[Eidolon (BS All Star 3 Sep 15) 1 key or 20 cards
Elite Dangerous (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Endless legend Classic (hb) 2 key or 75 cards
Endless space collection (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Enslaved Odyssey To the west x2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Eon Altar : episode 1 [(bs nem 3) 1 key or 25 cards]
Epistory - Typing Chronicles (bs colo) 1 key or 20 cards
Europa Universalis IV (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Extinction (bs oct 25th, BS july 21st) 1 key or 45 cards

F1 2015 (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
F1 2018 (BS june 5th) 1 key or 45 cards
Fahrenheit: indigo prophecy remastered (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Fahrenheit: indigo prophecy remastered x 2 (file) 1 key or 35 cards
Fault Milestone one x 2 (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Fight n Rage (file) 1 key or 30 cards
Figment x 2 (file) 1 key or 25 cards
Flying tigers: Shadows over China (BS Killer 6 12/15) 1 key or 20 cards
Flying tigers: shadows over china (bs nov 9th) 1 key or 20 cards
Forced Slight better (bs allstar 9) 1 key or 24 cards
FortressCraft Evolved (BS oct 17th) 1 key or 35 cards
Forward to the Sky (BS killer 11) 1 key or 20 cards
Forward to the sky (BS Anime Stars) 1 key or 20 cards
Frontiers (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
FTL (hb) 1 key or 35 cards

Gemini Heroes reborn (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Get Even (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Gigantic Army (BS Astro) 1 key or 35 cards
Global Outbreak: Doomsday Edition x 2 (ig fri 62, file) 1 key or 25 cards
Gods will be watching (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Gods Trigger (bs july 31st) 1 key or 35 cards
Goetia (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Goodbye Deponia (file) 1 key or 35 cards
Grav (File) 1 key or 25 cards
Grey Goo definitive edition (hb, BS Origins) 1 key or 25 cards
Grid Ultimate Edition (hb june) 2 key or 85 cards
Grip: Combat Racing (BS july 31st) 2 key or 85 cards
Gris (hb apr) 3 key or 185 cards
Guilty Gear xrd - Revelator (BS june 3rd) 2 key or 85 cards
Gunslugs (File) 1 key or 25 cards

Hack/G.u. Last recode (hb) 2 key or 95 cards
Hand of Fate (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Has Been heroes (ig fri 77) 1 key or 25 cards
Heave Ho (HB may) 1 key or 25 cards
Heaven Vault (hb) 2 key or 65 cards
Hektor x 3 (IG Fri Fun)(C) 1 key or 20 cards
Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice (HB june) 3 key or 250 cards
Hero generation regen (ig house of hero) 1 key or 25 cards
Homebrew - Patent Unknown (bs dec 17th) 1 key or 25 cards
Homebrew - Patent unknown (bs apr 5th) 1 key or 25 cards
Hero Defense (BS dec 17th) 2 key or 95 cards
Horizon Shift (BS Killer 6 12/9)(C) 1 key or 20 cards
Horizon Shift (BS Killer 6 12/15)(C) 1 key or 20 cards
House of evil 2 (IG shock reaction) 1 key or 25 cards
How to survive x 2 (hb) 1 key or 35 cards

I'm not a monster (bs vengence) 1 key or 35 cards
I'm not a monster (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Icy: Frostbite Edition x 4 (BS killer 11) 1 key or 25 cards
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Impact Winter (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (HB) 1 key or 35 cards
Inside the park VR (file) 1 key or 30 cards
Internet Cafe Simulator (BS july 31st) 1 key or 35 cards
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition (HB) 1 key or 30 cards
Iron Sky Invasion (file) 1 key or 25 cards
I sham Remain (Ig Tuesday turmoil) 1 key or 20 cards

Jackbox Party Pack 4 (hb) 2 key or 75 cards
Jalopy (BS) 1 Key or 35 cards
Jalopy (file) 1 key or 35 cards
Joggernauts (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 35 cards
John the zombie (ig hump 49) 1 key or 40 cards
Jotun (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Jurassic World Evolution (File, hb may) 3 key or 250 cards
Just Cause (file) 1 key or 25 cards
Jydge (bs Recoil) 1 key or 30 cards

Kathy Rain (bs nem 6) 1 key or 25 cards
Kelvin and the infamous machine (ig point n click) 1 key or 35 cards
Kerbal Space Program (hb) 3 key of 150 cards
Kholat x 4 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Kickbeat steam edition (bs spot 2) 1 key or 25 cards
Killer is dead - Nightmare edition x 2 (bs nem) 1 Key or 25 cards
Killing Floor (hb) 1 key or 20 cards
Killing Room (bs nem 6) 1 key or 20 cards
Killing Room (BS survival) 1 key or 20 cards
Kingdom Under fire basic edition (bs july 21st) 1 key or 35 cards
King's of Kung-Fu (BS oct 17th) 1 key or 35 cards
Knights of Pen and Paper 2 (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Knight Squad (bs spot 6) 1 key or 25 cards
Knock - Knock (IG mon mot 72) 1 key or 35 cards
Kung Fu Panda: showdown of legend (removed)(IG fri 78) 3 key or 280 cards

Led it Rain (file) 2 key or 95 cards
Lego Batman 3 (hb) 2 key or 65 cards
Lego Batman 3 (hb) 2 key or 65 cards
LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds (BS shadow) 1 key or 45 cards
Lakeview Cabin collection x 2 (hb) 1 key or 22 cards
Lara Croft Go x 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Last day of June (hb) 1 key or 65 cards
Last hours of Jack (IG hump 46) 1 key or 30 cards
Layers of Fear Masterpiece collection (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Layers of Fear x 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Legacy of Dorne x 2 (hb)(removed) 2 key or 85 cards
Lethe: Episode 1 (ig lost & found) 1 key or 35 cards
Lords of the Fallen Digital Deluxe edition (bs nem 5) 2 key or 65 cards
LoveKami Useless Guardian (BS Moenovel) 1 key or 35 cards
LoveKami - divinity stage (BS moenovel) 1 key or 35 cards
Lust for Darkness (bs redemption) 1 key or 25 cards
Lust for Darkness (file) 1 key or 25 cards
Lust for Darkness (bs sep 19th) 1 key or 25 cards
Lucius 3 (grp) 1 key or 45 cards
Lucius 3 (bs june 29th) 1 key or 45 cards

Manuel Samuel (file) 1 key or 30 cards
Marooners (hb) 1 key or 22 cards
Marooners (bs nem 4) 1 key or 22 cards
Marooners (IG mon mot 64) 1 key or 22 cards
Mastema: out of hell (ig blaster) 1 key or 25 cards
Medieval Kingdom Wars (bs feb 26th) 1 key or 25 cards
Medieval Kingdom Wars (BS june 5th) 1 key or 25 cards
Mega Man Legacy Collection x3 (HB) 1 key or 55 cards
Men of War: assault squad 2, warchest edition (hb june) 2 key or 105 cards
Metal Gear Solid V ground zero (hb) 2 key or 105 cards
Metal Unit (hb july) 1 key or 35 cards
Middle Earth - Shadows of War x 2 (File, HB) 3 key or 250 cards
Minit (File) 1 key or 30 cards
Minit (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Moon Hunters (BS colo) 1 key or 30 cards
Moto Racer 4 (bs june 29th) 1 key or 25 cards
Mushroom 11 (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Mutiny (ig anime dream) 1 key or 35 cards
Mutiny (IG Anime Puzzle time) 1 key or 35 cards

NaissanceE (BS June 29) 1 key or 25 cards]
Narborion Saga (IG indie gravity) 1 key or 30 cards
Narcos: rise of the cartels (bs june 5th) 1 key or 45 cards
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin (file) 1 key or 35 cards
NBA2k20 (hb) 2 key or 160 cards
NBA playgrounds 2 x 3 (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company (BS Brain oct 21) 1 key or 20 cards
Nekopara vol 0 (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Never Alone (IG Rave) 1 key or 25 cards
Never Alone (file) 1 key or 25 cards
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (BS july 29th) 2 key or 100 card
Niche A genetics survival game (hb may) 1 key or 35 cards

Observer x 2 (hb) 2 key or 105 cards
Odallus: The dark call (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Odallus The Dark Call (bs nov 9th) 1 key or 25 cards
Odyssey - The story of scienece (bs jan 13th) 1 key or 25 cards
Of Orcs and Men (BS june 5th) 1 key or 30 cards
Of Orcs and Men (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Okami HD (HB MYC Feb) 2 key or 85 cards
Old Man's Journey (HB) 1 key or 22 cards
Old Man's Journey (bs exile) 1 key or 22 cards
Omerta: city of gangsters x 2 (bs june 29th, July 16th) 1 key or 25 cards
Onikira Demon Killer (file) 1 key or 35 cards
On Rusty Trails (bs livewire) 1 key or 35 cards
Opus Magnus (hb apr) 2 key or 85 cards
Oppaidius Summer Trouble! (ig anime dream) 1 key or 45 cards
Outpost Zero (BS Origin) 1 key or 65 cards
Out of Reach (bs nov 9th) 1 key or 35 cards
Oriental Empires (bs indie legend 9) 2 key or 65 cards
Oriental Empires (file) 2 key or 65 cards
Overclocked: A history of violence (bs) 1 key or 25 cards
Overgrowth (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Overload (hb june) 1 key or 40 cards
Overlord 2 (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Override: mech city Brawl (bs feb 26th) 1 key or 35 cards
Outcast Second contact (hb) 2 key or 85 cards

Pac Man Championship Edition DX + (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Pac man championship edition 2 (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Pandora: First contact (BS sep 19) 1 key or 35 cards
Paradigm (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Party Hard high crimes x 3 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Party Hard 2 x 2 (hb) 2 key or 105 cards
Party Hard 2 (bS june 3rd) 2 key or 105 cards
Pinstripe (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
PixelJunk Nom Nom galaxy (bs must play 3) 1 key or 30 cards
Planet Alcatraz 2 (grp) 1 key or 30 cards
Planet of the Eyes (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Planar Conquest (ig conquest) 1 key or 25 cards
Planar Conquest (IG Mon mot 66) 1 key or 25 cards
Pool Panic (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Port Royal 3 x 2 (BS june 29th, July 16th) 1 key or 35 cards
Primal Carnage Extinction (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Project Cars (HB) 2 key or 85 cards
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator (hb) 1 key or 25 cards

Rad Rodgers Radical edition (BS july 21st) 1 key or 35 cards
Raiden V (hb apr) 1 key or 25 cards
Railway Empire x 2 (file, hb july) 1 key or 35 cards
Rainworld x 2 (BS dec 17th, BS july 21st) 1 key or 45 cards
Rebel Galaxy x 3 (hb, BS Origins, BS nov 9th) 1 key or 20 cards
Rebel Galaxy (BS july 16th) 1 key or 20 cards
Rapture rejects (hb jingle jam) 1 key or 30 cards
Realpolitiks (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Redeemer: enhanced edition x 3 (bs sanctuary) 1 key or 35 cards
Redout: enhanced edition (BS july 21st) 1 key or 45 cards
Red Faction guerrilla x 2 (HB, file) 1 key or 45 cards
Redneck Rampage (grp) 1 key or 35 cards
Regions of Ruin (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Renegade ops collection (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Renowned Explorers: International Society (bs nov 9th) 1 key or 25 cards
Republique (bs sep 19th 1 key or 45 cards
River City Ransom (BS redemption) 1 key or 25 cards
River City Ransom : underground (bs feb 26th) 1 key or 35 cards
Rivers of Alice Extended version (BS) 1 key or 30 cards
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry (hb) 1 key or 24 cards
Rise of industry (hb may) 2 key or 75 cards
Rise of Insanity (ig hump 70) 1 key or 25 cards
Rise of Insanity (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 25 cards
Rise of Insanity (bs june 29th) 1 key or 25 cards
Rise of man (ig hump 49) 1 key or 30 cards
Rise of prussia (bs sep 19) 1 key or 35 cards
Rescue Everyday Heroes (BS mighty) 1 key or 25 cards
Road Redemption x 2 (hb, File) 2 key or 155 cards
Robothorium: Cyberpunk Dungeon Crawler (BS livewire) 1 key or 35 cards
Roller Coaster Tycoon classic x 3 (BS sanctuary) 2 key or 85 cards
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2: triple Thrill pack x 2 (BS june 29th, July 16th) 1 key or 45 cards
Rogue Stomers x 2 (bs, BS july 21st) 1 key or 25 cards
R.U.M.A (ig VR 35) 10 cards

Sam & Max season 2 (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Sakura Angel (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Sakura Agent (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Sakura Beach (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Sakura Beach 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Sakura Fantasy (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Sakura Magical Girls (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Sukura Nova (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Sakura Space (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Sakura Spirit (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Sakura Swim Club (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Satellite Reign x 2 (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
SAWKOBAN (IG Bullid) 1 key or 30 cards
Scrap Garden (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Scrap Garden (bs dec 17th) 1 key or 25 cards
Screencheat (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Seraph (BS Nem 6) 1 key or 30 cards
Serial Cleaner (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Serial Clearner (File) 1 key or 30 cards
SEUM: speed Runners from hell (BS Exile) 1 key or 35 cards
SEUM: speed runners from hell (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Shadowblade: reload (bs all star 9) 1 key or 25 cards
Shadowrun: hong kong - extended (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Shadowrun Returns x 2 (hb)(c) 1 key or 20 cards
Shadowrun returns (bs nem 3) 1 key or 20 cards
Shadwen (bs shadow) 1 key or 30 cards
Shadwen (BS july 21st) 1 key or 30 cards
Shaq Fu a legend reborn (Ig action-fu) 2 key or 85 cards
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 (BS origins) 1 key or 25 cards
Shark attack deathmatch 2 (Ig survive homecoming) 1 key or 25 cards
Shelter 2 x 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Shenmue 1 + 2 (hb) 2 key or 95 cards
Sherlock Holmes and the Devil's daughter (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Shiness: the lightning Kingdom (BS june 3rd) 1 key or 45 cards
Shock Troopers 3 (bs raining) 1 key or 25 cards
Shoppe Keepe 2 business and arguculture rpg (file) 2 key or 55 cards
Sin City 4 (BS nov 9th) 1 key or 45 cards
Sin City 4 (BS feb 26th) 1 key or 45 cards
Sins of a solar empire: trinity (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
Skullgirls (BS allstar x) 1 key or 20 cards
Skulls of Shogun (IG Fri 80) 1 key or 25 cards
Sky Break (BS slayer) 1 key or 35 cards
Slain Back from hell (file) 1 key or 20 cards
Slain back from hell (bs dec 17th) 1 key or 20 cards
Sonic and Sega all stars racing x 2 (HB sonic) 1 key or 65 cards
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 (hb sonic) 1 key or 25 cards
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 (hb sonic) 1 key or 25 cards
Space Hulk Ascension (bs nem 5) 1 key or 45 cards
Spelunky (HB) 1 key or 45 cards
Spec Ops the line x 3 (HB) 1 key or 45 cards
Spellforce 2 - Anniversary [BS nem 3) 1 key or 30 cards]
Steredenn (File) 1 key or 25 cards
Spacecom (BS slayer) 1 key or 35 cards
Stealth Inc. 2: a game of clones (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Stealth 2 A game of clones (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of pripyat (bs Feb 26th) 1 key or 30 cards
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky (bs colo) 1 key or 25 cards
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky (BS feb 26th) 1 key or 25 cards
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadows of Chernobyl (bs feb 26th) 1 key or 45 cards
Stasis (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 30 cards
Stairs (bs oct 17th) 1 key or 35 cards
Stairs (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 35 cards
Steel Rats (file) 1 key or 45 cards
Stillness of the wind (hb june) 1 key or 35 cards
Strategy & Tactics: Wargame collection (grp) 1 key or 25 cards
Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages (bs sep 19th) 1 key or 35 cards
Strider x 3 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Strong Bad's Cool game for attractive people (hb) 1 keys or 20 cards
Stygian Reign of the old Gods (file, HB June) 1 key or 35 cards
Subject 13 x 4 (IG Fri 27)(C) 1 key or 22 cards
Super Time Force Ultra (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Sunrider Academy (hb) 1 key or 55 cards
Sunrider: Liberation day - captain's edition (hb) 1 key or 55 cards
Super Cloudbuild (BS slayer) 1 key or 45 cards
Super Mega Baseball: extra innings (bs nem 6) 1 key or 22 cards
Surviving Mars (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Stasis (BS june 5th) 2 key or 85 cards
Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy (bs feb 26th) 1 key or 30 cards
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi outcast (bs exile) 1 key or 25 cards
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast (bs feb 26th) 1 key or 25 cards
State of Mind (hb, file) 2 key or 120 cards
Styx: master of shadows (bs june 5th) 1 key or 60 cards
Styx: master of shadows (hb) 1 key or 60 cards
Sword Legacy Omen (File) 1 key or 35 cards
Sword Legacy Omen (bs sep 19th) 1 key or 35 cards
Syberia 3 (bs sep 19th) 2 key or 85 cards
Syndrome (bs july 21st) 1 key or 45 cards
System Shock pack (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
System shock (bs caremageddon) 1 key or 25 cards
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (BS june 5th) 1 key or 20 cards
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (hb) 1 key or 20 cards
System Shock 2 (hb) 25 cards

Table Top Racing World Tour (BS Nem 6) 1 key or 35 cards
Take on helicoptors (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Tales of Berseria (hb) 3 key or 165 cards
Tastee: lethal tactics x 2 (file) 1 key or 20 cards
Tennis World Tour (hb) 2 key or 65 cards
Tesla Effect : a tex murphy adventure x 2 (hb) 1 key or 28 cards
Tharsis x 2 (HB) 1 key or 20 cards
Tharsis (bs survival) 1 key or 20 cards
The Adventure pals (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
The Age of decadence x 2 (file) 1 key or 25 cards
The Ball (Hb) 1 key or 35 cards
The Bards Tale IV Directors (hb apr) 1 key or 35 cards
The Bug Butcher (bs demon) 1 key or 25 cards
The Coma : recut (bs Bento) 1 key or 45 cards
The Coma : recut (BS19 th) 1 key or 45 cards
The Coma: recut (bs 25th) 1 key or 45 cards
The Charnel house trilogy (ig fri 39) 1 key or 20 cards
The Charnel house Trilogy (ig after dark) 1 key or 20 cards
The Dark eye: chains of satinav (ig daedalic col) 1 key or 25 cards
The Dark Eye: demonicon (ig july 16th) 1 key or 30 cards
The Details season 1 (bs undercover) 1 key or 25 cards
The Deadly Tower of Monsters (Hb) 1 key or 30 cards
The Dwarves (HB) 2 key or 95 cards
The Final Station (bs tinybuild) 1 key or 25 cards
The final station x 4 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
The Flock (BS play) 1 key or 25 cards
The Flock (IG fri potus) 1 key or 25 cards
The Golf Club 2019 x 2 (hb) 2 key or 105 cards
The Interactive adventures of Dog mendonca and pizza boy (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
The Last federation (bs nov 9th) 1 key or 30 cards
The Little Acre (File) 1 key or 45 cards
The Memory of us (file) 1 key or 45 cards
The Padre (BS oct 25th) 1 key or 45 cards
The Keep (IG hump 43) 1 key or 30 cards
The King's Bird (file, HB june) 1 key or 30 cards
The little acre (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
The Masterplan (bs nem) 1 key or 25 cards
The Messanger (HB june) 1 key or 30 card s
The Mooseman (BS slayer) 1 key or 35 cards
The political machine 2016 (IG turn-based) 1 key or 35 cards
The Rivers of Alice (BS deception) 1 key or 35 cards
The Red Solstice x 2 (File) 1 key or 25 cards
The Red solstice (ig fri 83) 1 key or 25 cards
The Signal from Tolva x 3 (BS killer 11) 1 key or 25 cards
The Signal from Tolva (IG fri 76, BS nov 9th) 1 key or 25 cards
The Ship Remastered (BS Nem) 1 key or 20 cards
The Spiral Scouts (HB) 1 key or 35 cards
The Swindle x 3 (BS killer 11) 1 key or 30 cards
The Sword of Ditto (hb may) 1 key or 35 cards
The Technomancer (BS july 21st) 1 key or 35 cards
The Turing Test (HB) 1 key or 35 cards
The uncertain: episode 1 (bs nem 4) 1 key or 20 cards
The Uncertain: episode 1 (BS all star x) 1 key or 20 cards
The Uncertain: episode 1 (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 20 cards
The Walking Evil x 2 (IG commander Doom) 1 key or 35 cards
The Walking vegatables (file) 1 key or 22 cards
The Walking dead + 400 days x 3 (BS sanctuary) 1 key or 45 cards
The walking dead x 2 (HB) 1 key or 25 cards
The Walking dead 400 days x 2 (hb) 15 cards
The Walking dead Michonne x 3 (BS sanctuary) 1 key or 35 cards
The Walking Dead Michonne x 2 (HB) 1 key or 35 cards
The walking dead Season 2 x 3 (BS sanctuary) 2 key or 65 cards
The Walking dead season 2 x 2 (hb) 2 key or 65 cards
The Walking dead a new frontier x 2 (hb) 2 key or 65 cards
The Walking dead the final season x 2 (hb) 3 key or 120 cards
The Warlock of Firetop mountain (bs nem 5) 1 key or 25 cards
The Wolf Among us x 2 (hb) 2 key or 95 cards
The Works of Mercy (BS jan 13th) 1 key or 35 cards
Think of the Children (BS killer 11) 1 key or 25 cards
Think of the children x 2 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
This Strange realm of mine (IG strange vices) 1 key or 25 cards
This war of mine x 3 (BS sanctuary) 1 key or 25 cards
This War of mine (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Throne of Lies (IG Online Multiplayer) 1 key or 35 cards
Through the woods (bs jan 13th) 1 key or 30 cards
Titan Quest Anniversary edition (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Tis - 100 (hb) 1 key or 25 cards
Toby: The secret Mine (ig Secret Octogon) 1 key or 25 cards
TownCraft (IG Fri 32) 1 key or 20 cards
Tokyo Dark (hb) 2 key or 85 cards
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs (ig all star heat) 1 key or 25 cards
Tokyo Twlight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: special gigs (bs july 16th) 1 key or 25 cards
Toy Odyssey: the lost and found (ig lost & Found) 1 key or 30 cards
Tower 57 (HB) 1 key or 35 cards
Train Valley 2 (hb) 1 key or 56 cards
Tropico 5 (BS slayer) 2 key or 65 cards
Truberbrook (hb apr) 1 key or 35 cards
Trulon: the shadow Engine (grp) 1 key or 20 cards
Trulon: the shadow Engine (bs sep 19th) 1 key or 20 cards
Trulon : the shadow engine (bs jan 13th) 1 key or 20 cards
Tyrfing Cycle (ig hump 46) 1 key or 30 cards

Umbrella Corps : Deluxe Edition Upgrade (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Uncanny Valley (IG Mon 75)(C) 1 key or 23 cards
Unbox Newbie's adventure (bs deception) 1 key or 45 cards
Undertale (hb) 2 key or 125 cards
Until I have you (bs oct 17th) 1 key or 35 cards
Unreal Deal Pack - 3 key or 285 cards

Valnir Rok (IG Online Multiplayer) 1 key or 30 cards
Valnir Rock x 2 (file) 1 key or 30 cards
Valnir Rock (sep 19th) 1 key or 30 cards
Vahalla hills (hb) 1 key or 30 cards
V-rally 4 (HB) 3 key or 185 cards
Vernon's Legacy (ig freddy) 1 key or 25 cards
Void Bastards x 2 (file, hb july) 1 key or 35 cards
Vikings Wolves of Midgard x 2 (file, hb) 1 key or 45 cards

Warhammer 40000 Dawn of war GOTY (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Warhammer 40000 Dawn of war 2 (hb) 2 key or 65 cards
Warhammer 40000 Dawn of war 3 (hb) 3 key or 185 cards
Warhammer 40000 Deathwatch enhanced (hb) 1 key or 65 cards
Warhammer 40000 Gladius relics of war (hb may) 2 key or 85 cards
Warhammer 40000 Kill team (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Warhammer 40000 sanctus reach x 2 (bs sanctuary) 1 key or 45 cards
Warhammer 40000 sanctus reach (hb) 1 key or 45 cards
Warhammer 40000 Space Wolf (BS june 29th) 2 key or 85 cards
Warhammer: end times - vermintide (bs colo) 1 key or 35 cards
Warhammer: end times - vermintide (bs indie legend 9) 1 key or 35 cards
Warhammer end times - vermintide (hb) 1 key or 35 cards
Warmachine Tactics Standard + Merc Faction DLC (hb)(c) 1 key or 25 cards
Wave of Darkness (grp) 1 key or 25 cards
We are the Dwarves (ig indie warfare) 1 key or 30 cards
We are the Dwarves (ig chromatic nov) 1 key or 30 cards
Weakwood Throne (IG Store June 5th) 1 key or 25 cards
White day: a labyrinth named school (BS apr 9th) 3 key or 185 cards
Windward (BS Nem 8) 1 key or 35 cards
Windward (bs indie legend 9) 1 key or 35 cards
Winged Sakura (bs bento) 1 key or 35 cards
Wing's of Vi (file) 1 key or 30 cards
Wing's of Vi (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 30 cards
Winter Voices complete pack x 3 (IG Fri 27)(C) 1 key or 20 cards
World's dawn (bs oct 25th) 1 key or 25 cards
Worlds End (IG Tokyo Core) 1 key or 25 cards
Worlds of magic (ig magic) 1 key or 25 cards
WWE 2k20 (hb) 2 key or 150 cards

Xcom Enemy unknown Complete x 2 (hb) 1 key or 55 cards
Xcom 2 (file, hb may) 3 key or 200 cards
Xmorph Defense (hb dec myc) 2 key or 65 cards

Yandere School (IG anime rhas) 1 key or 25 cards
Yandere School (file) 1 key or 25 cards
Yesterday Origins (bs) 1 key or 20 cards
Yesterday Origins (bs sep 19th) 1 key or 20 cards
Yesterday Origins (bs jan 13th) 1 key or 20 cards
You Deserve (ig freddy) 1 key or 25 cards
Yuppie Psycho x 2 (file, hb july) 1 key or 35 cards

Zenith x 3 (BS killer 11) 1 key or 25 cards
Zombie Driver HD complete pack (ig chroma) 1 key or 20 cards
Zombie Driver HD complete pack (IG Robot Rumble) 1 key or 20 cards
Zombie Night Terror x 2 (File) 1 key or 35 cards
Zombie Playground (IG fri 49) 1 key or 30 cards
Zombie Playground (ig indie warfare) 1 key or 35 cards

7 for 1 TF key, 10 for 1 CS:Go key . Cards must be worth .06 cent unless I need them for badges
2 sack of gems per game below. ...

12 is better than 6 (BS all star x) 12 cards
12 is better than 6 (hb) 12 cards
1406 (ig shock reaction) 12 cards
25 cadre of death x 2 (ig commander doom) 15 cards
6120 (grp) 12 cards
6120 x 2 (ig commander doom) 12 cards

Aarklash Legacy (hb) 15 cards
A.I. Space Corps (ig fri 29) 12 cards
Achievement Machine (grp) 12 cards
Action Alien: prelude (ig call of art) 12 cards
Adventure of the dragon (ig mon mot 49) 12 cards
adventures of hendri (grp) 12 cards
Airport Madness 4 (file) 12 cards
Alien Spidey (file) 12 cards
Alien Spidey (hb) 12 cards
Alter Army (file) 12 cards
ALLTYNEX Second (BS guardians)
Alltynex second (bs oct 25th) 12 cards
A New Beginning - Final Cut (hb) 12 cards
Animal Lover (ig anime wonder) 12 cards
Animal Lover (ig visual legend) 12 cards
Arcadecraft (IG Casual Cruise) 12 cards
Art of Murder Deadly Secrets (BS sep 19th) 12 cards
Art of Murder Hunt for the puppeteer (BS sep 19th) 12 cards
Art of Murder The secret files (bs sep 19th) 12 cards
A Salem Witch Trial - Murder Mystery (IG mon mot 54) 12 cards
Astroid Bounty Hunter (IG just 1337) 12 cards

Back to Bed (HB) 10 cards
Back to Bed (IG Afterdark) 10 cards
Badland Game of the year (IG distraction) 15 cards
Battle for Orion 2 (IG vault) 12 cards
battlevoid Harbringer (HB) 15 cards
Beat The game (grp) 12 cards
Beat the Game (ig gun shield) 12 cards
Betrayer (IG Fri 27)(C) 10 cards
Big Action Mega Fight! x 3 (IG Smackdown)(C) 12 cards
Bleak:Welcome to Glimmer (grp) 12 cards
Blood harvest 3 (grp) 12 cards
Blitzkrieg Anthology (ig indiespensible) 10 cards
Blitzkrieg Anthology 2 (ig indiespecsible) 10 cards
Block Storm (ig rave) 12 cards
Blood Harvest 3 (file) 12 cards
Book of desires (file) 12 cards
Bomb Royale (IG no pain no gain) 12 cards
Bone Ep 1 + 2 (hb) 15 cards
Burnin' Rubber 5 HD (ig hump 68) 12 cards

Candlelight (grp) 12 cards
Cargo Breach (file) 11 cards
Carrier Command Gaea Command (hb) 15 cards
Cataegis: The white wind (grp)(c) 12 cards
Centralia: home coming (ig survive homecoming) 15 cards
Centralia: home coming x2 (ig commander doom) 15 cards
Ceville (ig larry) 10 cards
Ceville (ig larry encore) 10 cards
Chain Saw (ig shock reaction) 12 cards
Chess Ultra (bs july 16th) 12 cards
Chroma Squad (BS All star X) 15 cards
Chronicles of Magic Divided Kingdom (BS Feb 21) 12 cards
Chronicles of magic Divided Kingdom (bs apr 5th) 12 cards
Chronicles of Vinland (grp, File) 12 cards
Circuit breakers (bs excalibur) 12 cards
Civilization 3 x 3 (hb) 12 cards
Cognition an Eric reid thriller (bs) 12 cards
Commando dog x 2 (ig commander doom) 12 cards
Copter and sky (IG VR VII) 12 cards
Contract (grp) 10 cards
Cubium dreams (grp) 12 cards
Cultures: North land + 8th wonder of the world (grp) 10 cards
Creavures (ig casual cruise) 12 cards
Cross and Crush (grp) 12 cards
Crispy Chicken (Ig mon mot 20) 12 cards
Crow (BS Stay Alive) 10 cards
Crow (BS IG Fri 24) 10 cards
Crowntakers (hb) 12 cards
Cthulhu realms full version ( File) 8 cards
Curse: the Eye of ISIS (bs sep 19th) 12 cards
Cyber City 2157: The Visual Novel x 4 (ig anime) 10 cards

Daemonsgate (bs oct 17th) 12 cards
Damnation (Grp) 15 cards
Dark Fear (BS Neon) 12 cards
Dead Man's draw (hb) 15 cards
Death Goat (IG Take off)(C) 10 cards
Decay: The Mare (BS All Star 3 Sep 16)(C) 12 cards
Deep dungeons of doom x 3 (hb) 10 cards
Deployment (BS livewire) 12 cards
Deployment (file) 14 cards
Dimension Drifter (BS july 21st) 12 cards
Disc Jam Beta (hb) 12 cards
Distrant (BS all star 6)(C) 12 cards
Distraint (bs demon) 12 cards
Distrust (bs nov 9th) 15 cards
Do not feed the monkey's (bs july 21st) 12 cards
Double Cross (BS june 29th) 12 cards
Double Dragon 4 (BS arc system 2) 15 cards
Doom in the dark x 2 (ig commander doom) 12 cards
Doom in the dark (ig commander doom) 15 cards
Dragon View (BS Oct 17) 12 cards
Driftpunk racer (grp) 12 cards
[Dreamscapes: Nightmare heir (grp) 12 cards]
Dungeon Escape (IG call of art) 12 cards

Earth Muncher (IG mon mot 68) 10 cards
Earth Muncher (ig infinity quest) 10 cards
Earthworms (bs sep 19th) 12 cards
Earthworms (BS jan 13th) 12 cards
Ebony x 2 (ig commander doom) 15 cards
Echo Tokyo: Intro (ig Dharker) 12 cards
Endless Fables 3 : dark moor (bs apr 5th) 12 cards
Epic Adventures Cursed onboard (Ig riddles) 12 cards
Epic Adventures La Jangada (ig riddles) 12 cards
Epic Car factory (bs july 16th) 12 cards
Envy the Dead (grp) 12 cards
Equivoque x 2 (IG anime Dream) 12 cards
Era of Majesty (ig steamy) 12 cards
Eredia: The diary of heroes (ig rogue activity) 12 cards
Esport Manager (file) 10 cards
Esport manager (bs sep 19th) 10 cards
Esport manager (BS jan 13th) 10 cards
E-Start Up (File) 12 cards
Eterium (hb) 12 cards
Eternam (bs oct 17th) 12 cards
Eternity's Child (IG Fri 28) 10 cards
Eternity The last unicorn (be July 16th) 12 cards
Explodemon (file) 12 cards
Exorcism Case Zero (ig indie fleet) 12 cards
Extreme Exorcism (bs july 16th) 12 cards

Fantasy wars (bs sep 19th) 12 cards
Fall of light (bs apr 5th) 12 cards
Fall of light (bs june 3rd) 12 cards
Fine China (IG Digital Illusions) 12 cards
Fire & Forget - The final assault (IG Deadly) 10 cards
Fist Slash : of ultimate fury (BS feb 21) 12 cards
Five: guardians of David (grp) 12cards
Fly and Destroy (Ig just 1337) 12 cards
Freedom March : rebel leader (file) 12 cards

Galactic Civilizations 2 ultimate edition (hb) 15 cards
Galactic Rangers VR (ig Star Odyssey) 12 cards
Galaxy Ball (grp) 12 cards
Ghostdream (ig blaster) 10 cards
Gimbal (IG fri 34) 12 cards
Gift of parthax (bs dec 8th) 12 cards
Gift of parthax (bs june 3rd) 12 cards
Gone Fireflies (ig tuesday turmoil) 12 cards
Good Robot (grp) 10 cards
Gooner (hb) 12 cards
Grafi (grp) 10 cards
Gran Skrea online (ig calm keeper) 12 cards
Ground pounders (IG comet sword) 12 cards
Grottesco absurdus (ig Call of Art) 12 cards
gShift x 5 (IG Fri Fun) 10 cards
Guards (BS oct 25th) 12 cards
Guards of the gate (oct 25th) 15 cards
Guns of Icarus Alliance Collectors (hb) 10 cards
Guns of Icarus collectors (HB) 10 cards
Gun Rocket x 3 (IG Fri 22) 10 cards
Gun Rocket (file) 10 cards
Gryphon Knight Epic (IG wizard blast) 12 cards
Gynophobia (ig freddy)(c) 10 cards

Hacknet x 4 (hb) 15 cards
Hacker Evolution Source (file) 12 cards
HackyZack (hb) 12 cards
Haimrik (bs dec 8th) 12 cards
Haimrik (bs june 3rd) 12 cards
Hanse - The hanseatic league (bs assemble) 12 cards
Hatch and Slay x 3 (IG Fri 27) 8 cards
Heart and Seoul (ig anima back) 10 cards
Heart and Seoul (ig sapphire) 10 cards
HeadSnatchers (file) 12 card s
Herd if coming (IG call of art) 12 cards
HIVE: Altenum Wars (IG Fri 72) 12 cards
Hiveswap ep 1 x2 (hb,) 12 cards
Hiveswap ep 1 (BS Survivor) 12 cards
Hiveswap ep 1 (file) 12 cards
[Hills of Glory 3d x 2 (IG Reaction) 12 cards]
Hoops vr (ig Digital Illusions) 12 cards
Horace (hb may) 15 cards
Horror girl puzzle (ig call of art) 12 cards
Hospital Manager (Grp) 12 cards
Hoven the Sages Spinel (grp) 12 cards
Human we have a problem (file) 12 cards
Hungry Flame (ig just 1337) 12 cards
Hyperdrive Massacre (bs anarchy) 12 cards
Hypership out of control (IG pitch)(C) 12 cards
[Hyperspace invaders 2 : Pixel x 3 (IG fri 22) 12 cards

In Between (hb) 12 cards
In fear I trust Epi 1 (bs dec 8th) 10 cards
In Fear I trust Epi 1 (BS june 3rd) 10 cards
In fear I trust epi 2 (BS dec 8th) 10 cards
In Fear I trust Epi 2 (BS june 3rd) 10 cards
In fear I trust Epi 3 (Bs dec 8th) 10 cards
In Fear I trust epi 3 (BS june 3rd) 10 cards
In fear I trust Epi 4 (bs dec 8th) 10 cards
In Fear I trust Epi 4 (BS june 3rd) 10 cards
In Memory of Titan (hb) 15 cards
Immersion (IG Bullid) 15 cards
Intelligence Trader (file) 12 cards
I want to be human (BS feb 21) 12 cards

Jack Orlando directors cut (file) 12 cards
Jelly wants more (grp) 15 cards
Jump Stars (File) 14 cards
Just hero (ig fri potus) 12 cards

Kaiju-A-GoGo (ig comet sword) 12 cards
Kalaban (file) 15 cards
Karma. incarnation 1 (ig pan) 12 cards
Kiai Resonance (IG NO pain, no gain) 12 cards
Kick ass commandos (grp) 12 cards
Kingdom Classic (hb) 12 cards
King's Heir : rise to the throne (BS feb 21) 12 cards
King's Heir : rise to the throne (bs apr 5th) 12 cards
King of Dragon Pass (hb) 12 cards
King's Table - The Legend of Ragnorok (bs oct 17th) 12 cards
King of the Eggs (IG mon mot 54) 12 cards
Kontrakt (file) 12 cards

Lawless Lands (grp) 15 cards
Last Anime BoyLast Anime boy: Saving loli (ig indie blend) 12 cards
Legends of Aethereus (BS 986) 12 cards]
Legend of the Skyfish (grp) 12 cards
Lemuria: lost in space (file) 12 cards
[Life of Pixel (BS pixel)(C) 12 cards
Linelight (ig distraction) 10 cards
Liveza: death of Earth (ig fri 34) 12 cards
LocoSoccer (file) 10 cards
Long Night x 3 (IG Monday 54) 10 cards
Longshot Universe (ig quest) 10 cards
Loot Hunter (IG Mon 86)(C) 10 cards
Lose Grimoires 3 : the forgotten well (bs apr 5th) 12 cards
Lost Moon (IG Lethal) 12 cards
Lost Moon (BS Eclipse) 12 cards
Love Letter (hb) 12 cards
Lovely Heroines x 2 (file) 12 cards
Lucius (ig scared stiff) 12 cards
Lucius Demake (grp) 12 cards
Lucius Demake (hb) 12 cards

Machine made: rebirth (ig fri potus) 12 cards
Mad Combat Marines (grp) 12 cards
MadRobot X (IG fri 42) 12 cards
Magicka (hb) 12 cards
Magic Farm 2 (IG casual fusion) 12 cards
Mahjong Classic (grp) 12 cards
Marlow Briggs and the mask of death (hb) 12 cards
Master Pyrex Wizard Smackdown (ig distraction) 12 cards
Match Point (hb) 12 cards
Mech Rage (bs sep 19th) 15 cards
Mech Rage (bs jan 13th) 15 cards
Miasmata (bs jan 13th) 12 cards
MINAURS (grp) 12 cards
Mind reflection x 2 (ig honeymoon) 12 cards
Minigolf (ig casual fusion) 12 cards
Milford Heaven - Luken's Chronicles (IG Fri 35) 12 cards
MirrorMoon EP (hb) 15 cards
Mr. Shifty (bs tinybuild) 12 cards
Mr. Shifty (BS jan 13th) 12 cards
Mr. Shifty (hb) 12 cards
Mousecraft (ig mon mot 64) 12 cards
Moribund x 2 (ig hump 40) 10 cards
Mushroom Quest (IG Summer Punisher) 15 cards
My Bones (IG mon 102)(c) 10 cards
My Personal Angel (ig indie blend) 12 cards
Mysterium: a psychic clue game (hb) 12 cards
Mystery Loss (grp) 12 cards
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game (hb) 12 cards
Mythic Pearls: legend of Tirnanog (ig casual fusion) 12 cards

Nandeyanen!? (IG mon 79) 10 cards
Nandeyanen!? (IG anime mosaic) 10 cards
Naninights x 5 (IG Fri Funday) 12 cards
Nanofights (grp) 12 cards
National Zombie Park x 5 (IG Fri 21) 10 cards]
Necronomads (hb) 12 cards
Neverliria x 2 (ig honeymoon) 12 cards
Night Crisis (File) 12 cards
Noir Chronicles: city of crime (bs apr 5th) 12 cards
[No Turning back, Pixel Art (IG Reaction0(C) 12 cards]
No Time to explain remastered (hb) 15 cards
[Nova-111 (File)(c) 12 cards

Octahedron transfixed edition (file) 12 cards
OddPlanet x 3 (ig hump 23) 10 cards
OddPlanet (file) 10 cards
Odyssey the deep space (ig star odyssey) 12 cards
On Earth as it is in heaven (ig one punch) 12 cards
Oozi: Earth Adventure (hb) 12 cards
Orborun x 2 (file) 12 cards
overture (hb) 10 cards
Owys (bs 400) 12 cards
Oxenfree x 2 (hb) 15 cards

Pac Man 256 x2 (hb) 15 cards
Panzer elite action gold (bs july 21st) 12 cards
Paradox Soul (grp) 12 cards
Paranautical Activity (BS oct 25th) 12 cards
Paranautical activity (ig rogue activity) 12 cards
Party Hard (hb) 15 cards
Path of sin : greed (BS feb 21) 12 cards
Path of sin: greed (bs apr 5th) 12 cards
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 (IG turn-base) 12 cards
Phantasmata (file) 12 cards
Pixel Shield (grp) 10 cards
Pizza Connection (BS assemble) 12 cards
Pizza Connection 2 (BS assemble) 15 cards
Planet Ancyra Chronicles (IG Chronicles) 12 cards
Pleasure Airlines (ig indie blend) 12 cards
Popixel (ig steamy) 12 cards
Post Master (BS Extreme Sims 3)(C) 12 cards
Psychonauts (hb) 15 cards
Punch Club x 2 (hb) 12 cards
Puzzletime Lovely girls (ig anime puzzletime) 12 cards

Qora (file) 10 cards
Queen's Quest 4 : sacred Truece (BS feb 21) 12 cards
Queen's Quest 4 : sacred Truece (bs apr 5th) 12 cards

Raptor call of the shadows 2015 (ig dotemu) 15 cards
Regular Human basketball x 2 (hb) 12 cards
Renoir (BS dec 8th) 12 cards
Renoir (BS june 3rd) 12 cards
Revolution ace (file) 12 cards
Rescue Team 4 (grp) 15 cards
Restless hero (ig defense hero) 12 cards
Return to Mysterious Island (bs sep 19th) 12 cards
Reveal (file) 12 cards
Reversi (IG Fri 19)(C) 12 cards
Rituals (BS Worlds apart) 12 cards
Roads of Rome 2 (ig best of qum) 12 cards
Roads of Rome 2 (file) 12 cards
Robot Fighting (file) 12 cards
Rogue - Red Port (ig fri 34) 10 cards
Roof Rage (hb) 12 cards
Runaway Express mystery (grp) 10 cards
Rym 9000 (bs oct 25th) 12 cards

Samurai Wish (grp) 12 cards
Savage Lands (bs survival) 10 cards
Savage Lands (bs sep 19th) 10 cards
Schein x 2 (IG hump 12)(C) 10 cards
Segfault (grp) 12 cards
Septerra Core (file) 12 cards
Serafina's crown (IG Anime angel) 12 cards
Shadow council the puppeteers (file) 12 cards
ShadowSide (ig shallow shadow) 12 cards
Shoppe Keep (BS sep 19th) 12 cards
Showtime! (BS Timeless)(C) 10 cards
Shiny (BS dec 8th) 12 cards
Shiny (BS june 3rd) 12 cards
Sid Miers Pirates x 3 (hb) 12 cards
Sinister Zombies (ig mon mot 47) 12 cards
Skyscrappers (hb) 15 cards
Skyflower (BS 400) 10 cards
SKy Hawk (grp) 12 cards
Smile to Fly (Ig honeymoon) 12 cards
Sniper Squad Mission (file) 12 cards
Snooker nation championship (ig mon mot 64) 10 cards
Sonic CD (hb sonic) 15 cards
Soul of the devil (ig fri 35) 10 cards
Soto (IG indie inside) 12 cards
Space Battle VR (ig space odyssey) 12 cards
Spaceport Hope x 2 (IG Hump 12) 8 cards
Space Flowers (file) 12 cards
Spandex Force: Champion Rising x 2 (IG Hump 8) 8 cards
Spectre (ig Freddy's) 10 cards
Splasher (hb) 12 cards
Splotches (ig tuesday turmoil) 12 cards
Stalingrad (BS Sep 19) 12 cards
Stardust Vanguards (IG mon mot 68) 12 cards
StarsOne (ig survive homecoming) 15 cards
StarTide (File) 15 cards
Strayed (IG Fri 34) 12 cards
Streets of Red (hb) 12 cards
StrikeForce Kitty (IG inside cat) 12 cards
Sticky Dildo Man (file) 12 cards
Stickman fighting (grp) 12 cards
Stick it to the man (bs july 16th) 15 cards
Story of a cube (grp) 8 cards
Story of the Survivor (IG Mon 102) 10 cards
Suna (ig casual cruise) 10 cards
Super Hexagon (hb) 12 cards
Super life of Pixel (bs dec 17th) 12 cards

T.A.P (file) 12 cards
Tactical (IG dream quest) 12 cards
Takedown: red sabre (hb) 12 cards
Tales from Candlekeep: tomb of annihilation (BS feb 26th) 12 cards
Telecube nightmares (ig resolutions) 12 cards
The cat lady (bs apr 5th) 15 cards
The Cronicles of King Arthur 2 (ig casual fusion) 12 cards
The Darkness 2 x 4 (hb) 12 cards
The Dame was loaded (bs oct 17th) 15 cards
The Far Kingdom: elements (IG casual Fusion) 12 cards
The God (file) 15 cards
The initate (bs escape room) 12 cards
The Joylancer (bs oct 25th) 12 cards
The last dawn first invasion (ig time kill) 12 cards
The Last Sigal (grp) 12 cards
The Last time (bs hidden gem 6) 10 cards
The Last Tinker City of color (file) 10 cards
The Mims (BS must play 3) 10 cards
The Mystery Of Woolley Mountain (IG scared stiff) 10 cards
The mystery of wooley mountain (ig mountain dust) 10 cards
The Mystery of Wooley mountain (file) 10 cards
The Mysterious cities of Gold (file) 12 cards
The way we all go (IG Visual Legend) 15 cards
This World unknown (ig visual legend) 15 cards
Trident's wake (file) 12 cards
Tropico 4 (hb) 15 cards
The Risers (file) 12 cards
The seven year war (1756 - 1763) (IG armada) 12 cards
The Town of light (bs colo) 12 cards
The Town of Light x 2 (file) 12 cards
The Town of Light (bs redemption) 12 cards
The Town of light (HB spooky) 12 cards
The Watchmaker (BS jan 13th) 12 cards
The Watchmaker (BS june 3rd) 12 cards
Throne of lies online game (hb) 12 cards
Time Lock VR (IG digital illusion) 12 cards
Toy Road Constructor (grp) 12 cards
Trash Squad (ig pan) 12 cards
Twilight Struggle (hb) 12 cards
Two digits (hb) 10 cards

Unsolved Mystery Club: Ancient Astronauts (IG casual fusion) 12 cards

VVVVVV (hb) 15 cards
Vector Velocity (IG digital illusions) 12 cards
Vertiginous Golf (hb) 12 cards
Vertical Drop hero (file) 12 cards
Viking Saga: The Cursed Ring (ig best of qum) 12 cards
Viking Saga: New World (ig best of qum) 12 cards

Walden, A game (ig Defense hero) 12 cards
Warhamemr 40000 spacewolf (hb) 15 cards
War of power : the last fight (ig shock reaction) 12 cards
Warriors Wraith (grp) 12 cards
Weaverse (grp) 12 cards
Week of Circus Terror (IG Indie revere) 10 cards
Wick (bs sep 19th) 10 cards
Wick (BS oct 25) 10 cards
Wick (BS Jan 13th) 10 cards
Wildland (File) 15 cards
When Our Journey Ends - A Visual Novel (IG anime dream) 12 card

Yet another zombie defense game HD (bs Dec 17th) 10 cards
Yet another zombie defense game HD (bs feb 26th) 10 cards

Zombie Claus (ig commander doom) 15 cards

I want...

TF 2 keys, CS:Go Keys, Sacks of Gems, TOD tickets, Cards,

7 for 1 TF key, 10 games for 1 CS:go key (games for 15 cards and under)
1 key = 8 sacks of gems..
2 sack of gems for games under 15 cards
1 sack of gems for games under 12 cards

Any game I don't currently own, if you post, please let me know that game you're offering that I don't own, not just a list, as I'm inclined to not view most list, although I'll compare2steam some

Carnage Racing,
Quadrilateral Cowboy
Hypnospace Outlaw
Radio Commander

9 years ago*

added for Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio and Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween

9 years ago*

accepted, and talking

9 years ago

Hey Mate, I'll take Blade Kitten at your asking price. Sent you a trade offer as usual ;)

9 years ago

sorry the cards you offered I'm not accepting, check my other topic for cards I'm not accepting.

9 years ago

Something for Blade Kitten?

9 years ago

no thank you own everything you're offering.

9 years ago

Interested in Blade Kitten and Sudeki. Have the 37 cards, added you.

9 years ago

alright accepted your invite waiting on a message

9 years ago

Something for Moorhuhn Invasion?

9 years ago

possibly Immune for my other account?

9 years ago

Anything here for Lead and Gold & Governor of Poker 2?

9 years ago

block n load and Burstfire possibly, the only two games I see of yours that I don't already own..

9 years ago

Got the games already. Sorry :(

9 years ago

it's np, if you see anything else you want on either of my two list let me know, would love to pick up both of the games I don't already own...

9 years ago

Have a pending trade for Block N Load but could do Burstfire for Alum or Blade Kitten. Add me if OK!

9 years ago*

ok we're already friends on steam, will message you next time I see your on.

9 years ago

Fine, would prefer Alum then.

9 years ago

ok that's fine, just need to find a time we are both on at the same time

9 years ago

Drakensagn: The River of time (IG Divergent) 12 cards

12 random cards? Add me if you'd like to trade.

9 years ago

invite sent

9 years ago

Hi, I'm interested in Deadnaut for games from my list Thanks!

9 years ago

not really anything on there that I'm interested in,

9 years ago

Victor 15 random cards cards add me

9 years ago

we are already friends on steam, message me next time you're on.

9 years ago

I've 25 misc cards for one of your Nightfall: Escape keys, adding.

9 years ago

didn't get your invite, maybe try again

9 years ago

hm, it says you've been added, just offline.

9 years ago

ok we can trade when we're both on next time

9 years ago

(Mass message , sorry if you get this message more than once for a different game)

Hush http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/qdaj7/steam

9 years ago

the only thing on your list which I don't own is Game Guru,, I'd give you both the games you wanted for that one and the extras you mentioned..

9 years ago

How about we try some negotiations to come to an agreement. For Game Guru +DLC's I am asking you for (4) bundle games. Before you make a decision based on that little information let me to try and make my case. Its true we both purchased our tradables from bundles which significantly lowered the value of the items. I'm sure we could both agree to look past the bundle prices paid due to the lack of purchasing such bundles at the appropriate time. I would like to break down the content at its full value so you can get a clearer picture of what your getting in the trade.

My offer in either game keys or humble links. Game Guru + Mega Pack 1, 2 , 3 +Buildings Pack+Fantasy Pack+Death Valley Pack


Game Guru 19.99
Mega Pack 1 24.99
Mega Pack 2 24.99
Mega Pack 3 24.99
Buildings Pack 29.99
Fantasy Pack 11.99
Death Valley Pack 29.99

There is a current sale on Steam until September 15th for GameGuru, GameGuru - Buildings Pack, GameGuru - Death Valley Pack, GameGuru Mega Pack 1, GameGuru Mega Pack 2 for 19.99 ( 49.99 when the sale ends) which doesnt include the Mega Pack 3 24.99 or Fantasy Pack 11.99.

What I would like from you. Putrefaction 4.99 , Darklands 6.99 , Man Alive 10.00 , and Hush 9.99

At the current prices you come out on top. At the bundle prices we paid I believe we both could come to profitable gain in this trade. Let me know what you think , if you want to make changes and we'll try to work something out. Thank you.

9 years ago

I didn't even really want Gameguru in all honesty, just figured I'd offer it up as it was the only thing you were offering that I didn't have.. I wouldn't really mind possibly doing Darklands, Man alive and Hush but would have to pass on offering Putrefaction as well..

9 years ago

eh, sure why not. ill send an invite

9 years ago

accepted your invite I think

9 years ago

gotcha , i sent a message

9 years ago

(Mass message , sorry if you get this message more than once for a different game)

VolChaos http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/qdaj7/steam

9 years ago

hello, your Gynophobia for my Jagged Alliance Online: Echo Pack, it's a dlc?

9 years ago

no thank you

9 years ago

Something here for Gynophabia?

9 years ago

traded that game already, will have more soon.

9 years ago

Ok, did you find something on my list? I can keep a game for you if its the case

9 years ago

think I own everything you're offering,

9 years ago

Dungeon Crawlers HD + Monster Loves You for cards

9 years ago*

alright invite me

9 years ago

sorry own everything you're offering.

9 years ago

Interested in Deadnaut, Spandex Rising, An Assassin in Orlandes, and Crazy Chicken Invasion for cards.

9 years ago

toss me an invite lets see if we can work something out..

9 years ago

Added :)

9 years ago

alright cool

9 years ago

Added for Bloodbath Kavkaz - 12 Cards

9 years ago

ok seems we are having an issue with different time zones

9 years ago

I added you but you declined. I'm interested in The Chronicles of Emerland. solitaire (IG mon 75) 15 cards. If it's still available please add me.

9 years ago

I only decline people with steam level 0 or 1 accounts, I'll add you, we are friends on steam, just message me when you're on next

9 years ago

own everything you're offering, might be interested in something depending on what you wanted in return..

9 years ago

I've a game that you don't have already, "Microcosmum: survival of cells" are you interested?

9 years ago*

yes, if I don't own it I'm interested in it. what did you want in return?

9 years ago

Since Microcosmum: survival of cells isn't a bundle game and have a hight price tag for the cards,
What you think about 2 small bundle games?
I'm interested in Scribble Space and Go Home - Rage Incoming

9 years ago

sure that works, invite me on steam and message me, we can trade next time we're both on

9 years ago

Interested in 12 Labours of Hercules II for 15 cards. Add me to trade.

9 years ago

ok sending invite

9 years ago

Hi again, I'm interested in Nightfall: Escape, Volstead, and Rats:Time is Running Out if you want to do another big trade. Thanks!

9 years ago

sure message me next time you're online

9 years ago

i think were already friends ill pm you

9 years ago


I want:

A Story About My Uncle

9 years ago

add me and we can make a trade

9 years ago

Hi; I want Dustoff Heli Rescue, Coffin Dodgers, An Assassin in Orlandes, Blade Kitten and Monster Jam Battlegrounds for 1 TF2 key. Add me if still have all.

9 years ago

no thank you, for those prices you could get 4 of them without Coffin Dodgers for 4 for 1 TF key,

9 years ago

I pass, thanks anyway.

9 years ago

take care

9 years ago

not sure I saw anything i don't already own, thank you anyway

9 years ago

Hi, something from here for Dungeon Hero

9 years ago

own everything you're offering, thank you anyway

9 years ago

how much cards for the game and the value of the cards??

9 years ago

hi, Dungeon Hero for something http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/hTd3Q/

9 years ago

think I own most of the games you're offering,

9 years ago

own everything you're offering as far as I can tell

9 years ago

no thank you have everything you're offering

9 years ago

Can offer 12 cards for Haunted, added you.

9 years ago

talking on steam now

9 years ago

Talking to you on steam for The Haunted: Hells Reach

9 years ago

ok acceped.

9 years ago


I'm interested in some of your codes

Decay: The Mare
Dungeon Hero
Monster Jam Battlegrounds
The Note

This is what I currently have to offer: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/T3i8r/h-250-leftover-steam-codes-w-steam-codes-for-games-i-dont-have


9 years ago

remnants of isolation is the only game from your list that I don't own

9 years ago

Anything here for The Haunted: Hells Reach?

9 years ago

own everything you're offering, thank you anyway

9 years ago

how about left in the dark?

9 years ago

would you do system shock 2?

9 years ago

Lets do it :)

9 years ago

actually never mind, just saw your 9 negative rep,

9 years ago

And 205 positives

Dont tempt me to put you -5 negative feedback for being rude and read how I was scammed

Use your mind or you'll end up losing more than me :D

Read the -9 Negs and the +205 Pos and then decide

You're choice now for being big mouthed

Welcome to my little game... this is like the movie SAW

I can go first and blablabla

9 years ago*

Hi, I'm up for another cards for game trade if you are interested. :)
Looking at Botology, Butsbal, Clergy Splode, Earth Overclocked, Energy Balance, Fantastic Pinball Thrills, Gunslugs, Gynophobia, Monster Truck Destruction, Monster Jam, Owys, Spectraball, Veteran Combat, Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn (and maybe a few others...)

9 years ago

add me or message me on steam if we're already friends and we can make a trade happen.

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

no thank you

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

ah no worries, I don't typically trade with people when their negative reps go above 10.. good luck in your future trades.

9 years ago

hey i wanna buy Coffin Dodgers 15cards add me pls

9 years ago

think we're in the process of talking now.

9 years ago

Interested in any of those? (I am interested in Coffin Dodgers)
Also what cards do you want?

9 years ago

no thanks, own everything you're offering

9 years ago

Added for Super Star Path for cards.

9 years ago

thanks for the trade

9 years ago

I'll take One Final Breath for cards; added.

9 years ago

sounds good

9 years ago

Hi, anything from here for Total Extreme Wrestling?

9 years ago

own everything you're offering

9 years ago

Hi, something from here for Riddled Corpses

9 years ago

own everything that you're offering.

9 years ago

Or how many cards?

9 years ago

it's 12 cards

9 years ago

what is the minimun card value?

9 years ago

it's 12 cards I need to help me reach level 5 on my badges, I don't look at prices only whether or not I need the cards being offered.

9 years ago

Thanks for your time!!!

9 years ago

Mass message. I am looking for the following games and your trade link came up in a search for one or more of them. Sorry for repeated messages and these are currently bundled games. Thanks for reading. Painkiller Hell & Damnation , Super Dungeon Run , Runers , CONSORTIUM , Hoven the Sages Spinel , Lethal RPG: War , Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the ... , Gunslugs . I have available http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/qdaj7/steam

9 years ago

hey maybe we can work something out, going to toss you an add

9 years ago

I will take Kingdom Wars 2: Battles (BS 845)(C) 15 cards. Added

9 years ago

accepted message me

9 years ago

no thank you own everything you're offering

9 years ago


9 years ago

accepted, message me when you're on next

9 years ago

Hello, anything from here for Driving School Simulator?

9 years ago

no thank you, own everything you're offering.

9 years ago

Particulars (steam key) for anything here (except those with remarks at the end)? http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/dKqS7/h-bundle-leftover-w-bundle-leftover

9 years ago

I own everything you're offering, thank you anyway.

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.
New Bundles