something for rust? or 2cs go keys
Anything from the following games for Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime?
Bob Was Hungry
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Bulb Boy
Grow Home
It came from space, and ate our brains
Little Inferno
The Bug Butcher
Tiki Man
To The Moon
Ultimate General: Gettysburg
Wyv and Keep: The Temple of the Lost Idol
Something here for Lovers?
not really expensive. And just throw me whatd youd trade for that and well discuss from there.
Well, some people consider a 7-8 key game expensive, but I suppose not everybody. It's also in huge demand. Best I can offer with your list...
Mafia II + NBA 2K16 + GRID 2 + (Pick Two) Bioshock or Metal Slug or Metal Slug X
Yes, I know it is. 7 keys is about $14. It's also a tradable gift which many put a premium on, and in high demand. Mafia II + NBA 2K16 + GRID 2 is at best around 6 keys if you work hard at trading them, but they are everywhere. So asking for two other games not of any absurd value to make it worthwhile is not 'LOL'-worthy in the least. I'm not interested in wasting my time trading away each of the games you give me just to get the same I could get for trading Firewatch.
The games I was looking at from you are either from recent BTA bundles (people were and still are practically giving them away since they're all over the place) or can be found almost anywhere for trade.
If you're not prepared to pay up for a hard to acquire game either don't bother asking, or in the very least don't disrespect the person you're asking by laughing at an offer. The reality is there's not much that you have that is really of any significant value to make a Firewatch trade reasonable. If you're not in agreement regarding price, that's fine, but I don't appreciate that type of response after going out of my way to let you know what I'd be looking for.
I can give you dragon age origins, frozen Synapse, Bastion and eador for you nba 2k16
Any 3 of these for Prison Architect?
The beginner's guide, Galak-Z, Super time force ultra, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Kholat, Hexcells complete pack, Expand- Soundtrack edition, Regency solitaire, Shelter 2, Never alone, Faeria, Back to the future: The game, Battleborn starter skin pack
Anything for COD Black Ops 3?
Would you like anything here for "Mafia II Director's Cut" ?
No, I gave you a working black ops 3 key. If your seriously gonna be like this I will not refund you your key. I blocked you so I didn't have to hear you griping at me. I'm selling my csgo knife. You'll get your key unless you choose to be like this
then unblock me and explain me like this. when u block me u force me to do this, the guy i traded it could be the one who is scemmer but u should be behind your trade. Im not dieing to take my key just unblock me and we solve problem together. -Btw there is no knife in your account.
Call Of duty Black Ops 3 multiplayer starter pack
Nation Red
The Beginners guide
Lethal League
lovers in a dangerous spacetime
super time force ultra
space engineers
freedom force
freedom force vs the third reich
mafia II directors cut
NBA 2K16
Railroad tycoon 3
spec ops the line
baseball stars 2
the king of fighters 2002 unlimited match
the king of fighters '98 ultimate match final edition
metal slug
metal slug 2
metal slug 3
metal slug X
twinkle star sprites
star wars battlefront II
star wars dark forces
star wars empire at war gold pack
star wars jedi knight dark forces II
star wars starfighter
bloodrealm: battlegrounds debut champion lora + 3 elite packs
bloodreal: battlegrounds Gaul campaign
card city nights
card hunter basic edition
dominion online intrigue + prosperity expansions
Dominion online seaside expansion
scrolls exclusive avatar heads
scrolls full version
scrolls humble bundle deluxe pack
solforge dinosaur starter
solforge starter pack
star realms full version
talisman digital edition
talisman digital edition gambler character packs
talisman digital edition martyr character packs
talisman prologue
war of omens humble super starter
blades of time limited edition
gas guzzlers extreme
the lost crown
nuclear dawn
star ruler
always sometimes monsters
Euro truck simulator 2
full mojo rampage
Half minute hero super mega neo climax ultimate boy
kickbeat steam edition
tesla effect: A tex murphy adventure
the 39 steps
hostile waters Antaeus rising
DIRT showdown
operstion flashpoint dragon rising
Overlord + raising hell DLC
rise of argonauts
X-COM Apocalypse
X-COM enforcer
X-COM interceptor
X-COM terror form the deep
X-COM UFO defense
cities in motion 2
garrys mod
sanctum 2
sanctum collection
prison architect introversion key
Batman arkham asylum GOTY
Batman Arkham city GOTY
F.E.A.R 2 Project origins
gotham city imposters professional kit
Gurdians of middle earth
the lord of the rings online steely dawn starter pack
Wargame: European Escalation, and The Testament of sherlock homes
the sims 3
the sims 3 date night
the sims 3 high end loft
the sims 3 late night
aquaria steam key
broken sword directors cut steam key
fractal steam key
frozen synapse multiplayer and steam key
frozen synapse bundle desura key
frozenbyte bundle desura key
humble indiebundle #2 desura key
humble indiebundle #3 desura key
Mcpixel steam key
nightsky steam key
waking mars steam key
planet of the eyes
random access murder
starward rogue
darkness II
Duke nukem forever
shelter 2
savage lands
woodle tree adventures
paradise island
wasteland angel
evil pumpkin: the lost Halloween
cataegis: The White Kind
Sudoku Quest
Heaven island life
Overcast- Walden and the werewolf
The Division