14 normal cards (selected) + 1 emoticone for Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box ?
Hi, how many cards for Monaco, Steamworld Dig, Awesomenauts, Full Mojo, Rampage, and Gunpoint?
Hi, take a look here I trade Purgatory: War of the Damned for 2 random Bundle Games I don´t own. Are you interested? If yes, add me on STEAM.
Finding Teddy for Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller: GOTY? I've also got a few cards and other games.
Could add 4 The Detail cards (removed one from the market). The only emote i can spare is :dwayneelf: (still on the market). Here are the games I have left:
Finding Teddy
Strike Vector
Last Inua
Deep Dungeons of Doom
Millennium 5 - The Battle of the Millennium
Chaos Ride (Steam, Desura)
Sinking Island
Tex Murphy: Martian Memorandum
UFO: Aftermath
Majestic Nights - Chapter 1
Oh, would Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller: GOTY for Finding Teddy & Majestic Nights be ok for you? (without the cards and the emote)
edit: Thanks for the trade!
oh sorry I already got Dracula in a trade and forgot to answer you. :( If you have another game that I want, I would be glad to trade SteamWorld Dig for it.
No problem.
These are the games I have to trade right now:
I don't think you'll be interested in any of them.
can offer one of my:
Crunch time!
Data Hacker: Initiation
for your:
Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm
hmm, but Soul Gambler has cards and Legionwood 2 doesn't have cards (you stated fair offers and that isn't exactly fair)
but none of us bought it in steam store, so that rule doesn't apply, besides you declined the other non-cheaper games
I'll tell you what, we'll split the cards from Soul Gambler and the game is yours. so that means 2 cards of the same value as Soul Gambler cards.
Hello there, would you be interested in Year Walk + Gray Matter from your Want List for Thief? Cheers!
Hi. Thanks for this tempting offer, but Thief is a little more valuable and I think I could use it in a bigger trade. Sorry, next time maybe!
something here for full Mojo?
something for Amnesia?
Hi, interested in anything here?
Canyon Capers (has cards)
Clickr (Has Cards)
Civilization III Complete
Cobi Treasure Deluxe
Commander Conquest Of The Americas
Dead Bits (has cards)
East India Company
Final Slam II (has cards)
Gun Monkeys (has cards)
Litil Divil
Marine Sharpshooter 2
Mechanic Escape
Numba Deluxe
Pirates Of Black Cove
Pixel Junk Monsters Ultimate (has cards)
PixelPuzzles Japan (has cards)
POSTAL (has cards)
Rabbit Hole 3D (has cards)
RADical ROach (has cards)
Rooms (has cards)
Shadows On The Vatican Act 1: Greed (Has cards)
Soul Gambler (has cards)
Speedball 2 HD (has cards)
Super Killer hornet Deluxe (has cards)
Supreme Commander 2
Victim Of Xen (has cards)
Anything here for Burnout?
Hmm would you do Dracula 4 and 5 - Special Steam Edition for Burnout ? Or...I'm also interested in your Squishy the Suicidal Pig and Knights and Merchants trading cards sets, depending on how many you are willing to trade. :)
edit: Thanks for trading!
Sure, actually I was also interested in The Ship: Murder Party and A Bird Story. Maybe we could do those two for English Country Tune, Proteus and Race the Sun ?
Hi there and thanks for offering, but I saw your inventory and I am not taking Radical Roach cards, sorry!
Hmm maybe Pixel Puzzles: Japan but I'm not that interested...What do you mean by "any games" (on your trade topic) ?
edit: Thanks for trading! :D
Added you to see what coupons you have please :) I am only interested in the ones I am going to buy and will throw you some stuff I don't want :)
Do you want something from for Full Mojo Rampage?
Dragon Age: Origins (Steam Key)
Mass Effect 2 (Steam Key)
Dead Space 2 (Steam Key)
Bejeweled 3 (Steam Key)
Crysis 2
Lara Croft Guardian of Light anything from this?
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition = how much cards
Kane & Lynch Collection = how much cards
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light = how much cards
Medal of Honor = how much cards
Thief = how much card
no thx that games what i write ther i dont will play it are somethink else i just want it in me steam accont
if i get a good offer i will buy it if not i will dont buy it
Oh ok. But I'm not really interested in cards for those games. Sorry, next time maybe!
Awesomenauts Cluck Costume for anything here (except those I am looking for high value trade)?
hi I got Awesomenauts Cluck Costume already, but I could trade Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes for your Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (steam key)
Hi! Can u do Spirited Heart Deluxe instead? (I have 199x, just havent activated). If yes please add me on steam, im going online in 40min.
I can't find two games I'm really interested in. Thanks for your offer though, next time maybe!
Both of these for crysis 2?
Hello bro, my Anomaly Earth + Anomaly Korea ( both with steam cards good prices ) Steam Keys + Mechanic Escape ( with Steam Cards too good prices ) , for yours: David. + Dark Gates Steam keys??
Regards! ^^ anything for RPG Maker XP ? ( I have too Fate: Hero Bundle, Sky Mercenaries, Coffin Dodgers )
I can't find anything I'm enough interested in, sorry. Thanks for offering though.
How many cards for Crysis 2, Hearts of Iron 3 or Lara croft and the guardian of light?
Crusader Kings II - Sons of Abraham (DLC) for anything here (except those I am looking for high value trade) ?
Hi! Would you do Quest for Infamy for Crusader Kings II - Sons of Abraham?
Edit: I just got it in another trade. The Night of the Rabbit Premium Edition maybe? I know it has cards, but I can't really find something else I'm really interested in. :/
Hi, Interest something here?
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Games! (steam only) from my wishlist preferably :D >>here<<
Please don't just post your thread link without any more precisions.
Comment here before adding me on steam. Thanks! :)