I have...

1 x steam key Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition

It was aquired from Alienware Arena,the reason i give it in this cheap price is cause
i was lucky to get it for free (not for everyone free ,only to 10+ lvl members of the site ; > )

Post here before u add me

Edit: seems i have an impersonator,so be carefull who u add,my account has 1k+ games and 50 lvl steam profile

I want...

2 cs:go keys

6 years ago*

Thats pretty cheap. Is there any deadline or region lock to activate it?

6 years ago

no as far as i know.there is no deadline or region lock,
also to be secure the key i got is the deluxe version with the base game included
i can go first,as long as the other trader has more than 50+ rep

6 years ago*

closing the trade cause i got an impersonator

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.