I have...

Steam Key [Strayed] Its a survival game worth 14.99 here is the description:

Joseph Toddy is strayed on a deserted island, his main objective is to repair his vessel, he will need to look for necessary pieces, and build a raft to explore nearby islands. He will do whatever it takes to leave the island.

I want...

Because of only 58% positive reviews i would like 1-2 worth of csgo items, 1 key, 60 cards, or 3k gems

You will send the offer first of your items. Then I will give you your steam key.

8 years ago

1-2 worth of csgo items, 1 key, 60 cards, or 3k gems ??
For free game thats currently running on free gleam giveaway?

8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.
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