So, my TDU 2 has an infinite loading screen when i start it. to be more precisley :

When I start the game, the launcher pops up, everything is good

then I start the game

the warnings "Do not drive like that in reality" come, but before I should see the "Press Start" Screen, the game infinitly loads with black background and white circles sown right.

THE ONE to SOLVE me this problem will receive NON-BUNDLED GAMES / TF2 KEYS!

because tdu 2 is my absolute fav game...

1 decade ago*

i searched it a bit but i didnt found any solutions :P log off and log on again maybe? and maybe validating game files might work

1 decade ago

Try to update your graphics card drivers and try to play offline.

1 decade ago

Try running as administrator. Validate files. Reinstall the game.
If you changed any settings on your computer before game started to not work try bringing them back.
Also try running game while not connected to internet then switch to online.

1 decade ago

Some people here got it working by disconneting from the Internet. Try it, maybe it will fix your problem.

Anyways you didn't specify what kind of system do you have (CPU, GPU, drivers, etc.). With more info chances of solving a problem are much higher.

1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.