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Free games

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Looking for fast Idlers to idle some games for me and pass me the cards. If you can idle any of these feel free to add me (post here first) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065110191

Why so evil
Gnarltoofs Revenge
Paranormal Psychosis
Starship novastrike
deadly profits
Wyatt derp
Wyatt derp 2
Devils share
Attrition Nuclear Domination
Temper tantrum
Galactic Hitman
Mini attack submarine
Minion masters
revolution Ace
woodle tree adventures
Beast Blasters
GOO Cubelets The algorythm
Goo Cubelts 2
Goo Cubelts
They came from the moon
Break into zatwar - absconding zatwor - fiends of imprisonment (3 in 1)
Brilliant bob - why so evil - why so evil 2 (3 in 1)
The slaughtering grounds
Withering kingdom - arkane war
Asteroid bounty hunter
The troma project
Earth 2150
Commander conquest of the AMericas
world war III
The Note
Shot shot tactic
Heaven island life
Horror Hospital
Winged Knights
Overcast - Waldena and the werewolf
dead bits
Krog Wars
Masked shooters 2
Bold New World
Kings Guard TD
Journey to the Center of the Earth

You get free games/ i get the card drops - simple - feel free to add me.

7 years ago*

Secret of Magia, GUN MONKEYS, A-Men 2, Crystals of time,

7 years ago

I can idle, adding you

7 years ago

keys sent.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.