Want any offers for it please... It's $35 BTW...
I'll consider any offers..............
I have coupons ;)
How many and which ones?
Add D4rkMaster10 and you'll see.
ill give you half life 1
Dead Space 2?
do you have it or are you going to buy it?
I only have a double pack so would be buying DS2. Np if you don't want to tho lol I would offer more but I don't exactly want it badly.
would you buy a $10 game for it
Nah, like I said don't really want it that bad.
would you spend like $7.50 for it lol?
What is it you want that is $7.50?
add me: Samman06219 So we can talk =p
anyone else?
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Want any offers for it please... It's $35 BTW...