I have...

Always updated :

[H] GOG's keys (French date DD/MM/YYYY) :

Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (Expire 07/02/2025)
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (Expire 07/02/2025)
BioShock™ 2 Remastered + BioShock® 2 (Expire 12/04/2025)
Close to the Sun (Expire 07/02/2025)
Coromon (Expire 28/02/2025)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Expire 16/07/2034)
DLC Dying Light - 10th Anniversary Bundle (For Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition)
Duck Paradox (Expire 07/02/2025)
GRIP: Combat Racing + 19 DLC (Expire 18/04/2025)
Hero's Hour (Expire 14/03/2025)
Monster Train (Expire 21/02/2025)
Moonscars (Expire 21/03/2025)
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (Expire 07/02/2025)
Pumpkin Jack (Expire 21/02/2025)
Quake II (Expire 07/02/2025)
Shogun Showdown (Expire 27/02/2025)
Spells & Secrets (Expire 24/07/2034)
Spelunky (Expire 07/02/2025)
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech (Expire 20/03/2025)
The Gunk (Expire 21/02/2025)
The Outer Worlds (Expire 08/03/2025)
The Town of Light (Expire 28/03/2025)

I want...

GOG games at first (i accept your double key against one of my game will expire soon...) or a same value Steam key at last...

GOG wishlist : https://www.gog.com/fr/u/fraktale/wishlist
Steam profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198235176456/

1 week ago*


Welcome to Steam Trades! (:

Make sure you check out this beginner’s guide whenever you get a chance. There’s a staggering number of scammers and impersonators lurking around, and they all prey on newcomers like yourself. Hopefully, the guide will help you avoid them. I recommend you block everyone on the scammers list before they even have a chance to get to you.

I know you already have these, but could I offer you a second copy in exchange for Scorn and/or Dredge?

  • Quake II
  • Spelunky
  • The Outer Worlds
  • Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
  • The Coma: Recut
  • Hero’s Hour

It’s perfectly understandable if you have to decline. Thank you so much for considering. Have a wonderful evening!

1 week ago


This comment was deleted 1 week ago.

1 week ago*

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

There is no direct messaging feature on Steam Trades. It’s standard practice to connect on Steam and exchange keys. I’ll send a friend request shortly. You can verify it’s actually me and not an impersonator using the instructions below. It’s highly unlikely that a scammer will impersonate me just to get some cheap GOG games, but it’s best to be cautious. And if you follow this method, you’ll likely never run into scammers.

If someone adds you on Steam, you open their profile, you grab either the entire URL, their username (e.g., steamcommunity.com/id/nex-gen), or their Steam ID (e.g., steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199060709903), and you search it in the Steam Trades database (in the Search reputation field). This will look up the Steam Trades profile for that user, and you can be sure the person who added you is the same one you were talking to here on the website. If they have numerous negative reviews, that’s a pretty strong indication that they are a scammer.

1 week ago*


This comment was deleted 1 week ago.

1 week ago*

I understand. (: I added you on Steam.

1 week ago


This comment was deleted 1 week ago.

1 week ago

Hello, seeing you dont have dredge anymore, and I have it Twice, would you trade dredge for Deus Ex?

1 week ago


This comment was deleted 1 week ago.

1 week ago*

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