Hi. There is one game i don't have from your list: Artificial Defense. Maybe we can find a trade for that if you want.
Hello, I am interested in:
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack DLC
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC
Are you interested in any game?
Sure. What about these: What The Box? & A House of Many Doors & Train Simulator: Riviera Line in the Fifties DLC.
Henlo. Anything here for Knights of the Old Republic I + II??
Constructor Classic 1997 (gog)
Deponia (gog)
Neverwinter Nights Diamond (gog)
Saints Row 2 (gog)
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (gog)
Aegis Defenders
BattleTech + Shadow Hawk Pack
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Grid 2 + Bathurst Track Pack
Heat Signature
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Kyle is Famous: Complete Edition
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
Project Warlock
Shadowrun Returns
Snake Pass
Steve Jackson's Sorcery! Parts 1 & 2
Styx: Shards of Darkness
The Battle of Polytopia
Three Dead Zed
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Dirt Rally 2.0 - H2 RWD Double Pack (dlc)
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Opel Manta 400 (dlc)
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Porsche 011 RGT Rally Spec (dlc)
Hi. I have the games above. I checked your list and if you want i could give you both for Evoland 2 or i could give you both for Cosmic Osmo & Spelunx & The Manhole.
Hey man :)
I would be kinda interested in lego sw force awakens
Here is my list:
Sure. I can trade it for Exit Limbo: Opening & Fungoids. They are about the same value with The Force Awakens and the only games from your list i don't have.
Hello something here ?
Cloud Chamber thanks
Anything here:
for the AVP collection or total war shogun 2? :D
Hey, I want Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded and/or Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty and I have:
⠀⠀⠀Aegis Defenders
⠀⠀⠀Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
⠀⠀⠀I am not a Monster: First Contact
⠀⠀⠀Snake Pass
⠀⠀⠀The Battle of Polytopia
⠀⠀⠀Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
⠀⠀⠀Dirt Rally 2.0 - H2 RWD Double Pack
⠀⠀⠀Dirt Rally 2.0 - Opel Manta 400
⠀⠀⠀Dirt Rally 2.0 - Porsche 011 RGT Rally Spec
⠀⠀⠀Constructor Classic 1997
⠀⠀⠀Neverwinter Nights Diamond
Thanks for looking.
Hi. I can give you any of them for Constructor Classic 1997. I have the other games / dlc's.
hi , i am interested in:
Survive the Nights
Are you interested in any game? anything for Red River?
Hi. Sure, i can trade it for any game of these you want: Demons with Shotguns / TRISTOY / Six Sides of the World / Polarity / Contraption Maker
Hell, anything for Rise of Flight: Channel Battles Edition from ?
Hello, I am interested in:
Krampus is Home
Are you interested in any game?
All three for these? Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife / Labyronia Elements / Hero by Chance / Hentai Mosaique Fix-IT Shoppe/ Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour.
Hey, something for:
Age of Wonders: Planetfall Deluxe Edition
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Collector's Edition Upgrade DLC
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Collector's Edition Upgrade DLC
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Stromdorf DLC
Hi. I can give you Age of Wonders: Planetfall Deluxe Edition for these: Virginia & Fated Souls 3 & Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (GOG),
or for these: Virginia & Undefeated & Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (GOG),
or for these: Virginia & Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes (GOG) & Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (GOG).
I have the rest of your games and i prefer to keep Warhammer DLC's to give them with the base games.
if you are not bothered by lists i can also trade one of these, or can trade 2 for 1 if the deal is fair:
btw all of these are confirmed not in your library
hitman contracts
hitman blood money
MXGP2 - The Official Motocross Videogame
motogp 13-17 (except you already own 15)
Total War: SHOGUN 2 is valued at 5€, MotoGP18 at 2€ and the other games from 0,80 to 1,70€. You will have to give 3 games at least to equal SHOGUN's value. You can check prices at MotoGP13-17 is one key or seperate?
the key is seperate
but its unfair to value shogun 2 at 5 eur because it came from a bundle from humble and generally these games are not priced fairly on (ex. Sometimes a game from humble choice costs more than choice itself)
0.37 + 4.76 + 4.89 + 4.33 + 4.39 + 0.68 + 1.89 + 2.96 = 24.27
these are the keyshop values of the total war classics bundle games individually combined on and the bundle cost 12 euros, however individually they cost double the actual value (12 euros became 24 euros). I would like to also say that the game was also given out for free on steam 2 years ago ( so the price shouldnt be that high.
lastly, since total war shogun 2 was released on disk, physical copies of the game came with steam keys, so it decreases the rarity of the steam key by a lot, as per this article (
Everybody has their own opinion on how to price their games but I do hope you take this information into consideration.
You have a list to check? If not i am afraid we can't have a deal. Btw why you want this game? I see you already have it in your library.
btw i want it because I bought the total war classics bundle and shogun 2 was the only game key i sold to someone else. I want to have my bundle complete again because selling it was a huge mistake
im not sure if you really read the text i wrote but that was not a list
it was a list of information about the game that i think is very important for you to know
I hope that you read it because it's not a list but if you don't want to then that's fine, ill move on
I've read it and we can't have a deal with what you offer. If you have a list of games for me to check if i want something else, you can post it, if not we move on.
Hi there, something here for Aliens vs Predator Collection and Ticket to Ride?
Hi! Maybe my 1993 Spase mashine for anything from this:
American Fugitive
Yoku's Island Express
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI
if you didn't find anything interesting for yourself, thanks anyway for your time!
Hi. I already have 1993 Space Machine but i checked your list and if you want we can do these trades:
American Fugitive for NASCAR Heat 4
Yoku's Island Express for Blackguards - Deluxe Edition
Sid Meier's Civilization VI for Moo Lander & Millennium 3 - Cry Wolf
If you agree with any of these, add me to trade.
Sorry, i already trade "Yoku's Island Express" yesterday. And already agreed on "American Fugitive" with another trader.
Maybe "Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI" for Millennium 3: Cry Wolf+Blackguards Deluxe Edition?
hello, I am interested in:
Are you interested in any game?
Would you like to trade your this war of mine for my dishonored 2 and beat cops (GOG Key)?
Thank you for the offer but i already got them few days ago from another trade.
hello, i am interested in:
Summer in Mara
Murder by Numbers
Toodee and Topdee
Are you interested in any game?
What about these?
Summer in Mara for UltraGoodness & Top Burger
Murder by Numbers for Golden Mine Pickaxe & Tank Assault X
Toodee and Topdee for Zero G Arena & Zombie Claus & Christmas Cats Revenge
PlateUp! for Niflhel's Fables: The Book of Gypsies & PROJECTIONS & Ragdoll Party Online
There are some games that I don't have, sorry
Summer in Mara I think I'll get it in another trade
i spoke to you on steam games for Farming Simulator 17 ?
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Edition
Beasts Battle
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Jollyball (got it from a giveaway from the dev - it activates as For Beta Testing)
Forced Showdown
Anything from here:
For Cook Serve Delicious 3?!
hello, i am interested in:
Within The Blade
Ashina: The Red Witch
Meeple Station
Are you interested in any game?
Sure, here's my offers:
Ashina: The Red Witch for Tank Assault X & The Big Con
Within the blade for Wordeous & Door To Door & Dangerous Lands
Osteoblasts for Dangerous Level & 3D Gravity Rocket
Meeple Station for SPACE ACCIDENT & Unmanned helicopter
I might be able to change some games in case you don't have all of them or you don't agree with all of them.
hello, i am interested in:
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
Are you interested in any game?
Hi. Please write me a few games that interest you and i will let you know which ones i can give.
3 sacks of gems for each of these if you still have them?
Trivia Vault: Classic Rock Trivia
Trivia Vault: Super Heroes Trivia
Trivia Vault: Video Game Trivia Deluxe
Hello. I am looking for Autocraft. Does something interest you from my tradelist?
Code Vein against something on my list?
Hi. You have a lot of interesting games but unfortunately i traded Code Vein just a few hours ago. If there is anything else you might want from my list please let me know.
Hi, interested into Steel Vampire, here some games you don't have on steam :
Firelight Fantasy: Phoenix Crew
Eskimo Bob: Starring Alfonzo
Swords Fantasy: Battlefield
Taste of Power
Xpand Rally
Interested in something ?
Hi. I could trade it for Swords Fantasy: Battlefield & Taste of Power or for Taste of Power & Xpand Rally.
Hi. Only games i am missing are Frozen Hearth, On Earth As It Is In Heaven, Marine Sharpshooter II, Spaera, Fibbage XL, Tompi Jones.
TABS value is at 5,79€, so i could trade it for On Earth As It Is In Heaven & Marine Sharpshooter II & Spaera & Fibbage XL & Tompi Jones, their total value of which is 5,71€.
Offering $.25 steam wallet each for any jingle jam games I don't own or any other games you want to unload I don't own alrdy, let me know if interested, thanks! Can also send cheap steam gifts if you sell in bulk/multiple games
Hi, interested with these for chivalry 2 or my time at portia?
Who Let the Frog Out. for Mountain
DIG - Deep In Galaxies for Autonauts vs Piratebots,
Dorke and Ymp for Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
Prophecy I - The Viking Child for Monaco
Spring Bonus for Path to Mnemosyne
please check out my list
it's v short, but has some great games—all of which are my own extras from humble bundle
if it helps, I have another, longer, list…although, I'd rather trade these first
I'm trying to add these games to my library:
Mega man legacy collection 2
Mega man 11
Mega man X legacy collection
you have at least the last one, but if you have any of the rest, or any from my Want list on that page, we can trade for them all
if I end up finding a trade for any of these, I'll update that page so you'll see I already got the game I was looking for
thanks for your time!!!
Hi. You must have seen something wrong. I don't have any Mega man game for trade.
Chroma Squad for a JRPG MMO game called Fantasy world souls?
its a cool blind of pokemon and final fantasy
Hi, interested with these for warsaw or call of juarez gunslinger?
12 is Better Than 6
100% Orange Juice
A Dog Named Mato
A Valley Without Wind
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
Air Threat - removed from steam
Alien Spidy
Ancestors Legacy
Arcade Paradise
Archery Practice VR
Aveyond 3-1: Lord of Twilight
AVICII Invector
Bang Bang Racing
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Beast Boxing Turbo
Beat Hazard
Beat Hazard Complete
Bionic Heart 2 - Deluxe Edition
Black Skylands
Blackwater Bayou VR - removed from steam
Bravery and Greed
Broken Age
Cakey's Twisted Bakery
Cargo! The Quest for Gravity
Charlie's Adventure
Citizen Sleeper
Coal Man Clicker - removed from steam
Commander: Conquest of the Americas
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Content Warning
Crankies Workshop: Bozzbot Assembly - removed from steam
Crankies Workshop: Grizzbot Assembly - removed from steam
Critical Mass
Dangerous Waters
Dark Frame
Darwinia Soundtrack DLC
Dead Bits
Deadly 30
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
DEFCON Soundtrack
Desktop Beach Girls
Destination Dungeon: Crypts of Warthallow - removed from steam
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Diluvian Ultra
Dracula's Library - removed from steam
DragonBlast Expansion DLC - base game is Free To Play
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Dungeons - The Dark Lord
Dungeons 2
Dyana Moto
El Matador
Elven Legacy
Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG (region locked-cannot be redeemed in CN, RU/CIS, LATAM, TR)
Fantasy Mahjong connect
Fap Simulator 2020
Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1
Figment 2: Creed Valley
Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook
Forbidden Planet
Friends vs Friends (region locked-
Frostpunk Original Soundtrack
Furry Love
Furry Love 2
Future Wars
Ghost Master
Glass Wing
Gorky 17
Grand Ages: Rome
Grav Blazer
Grave Prosperity: Redux- part 1 - removed from steam
Gravitycers - removed from steam
Greed Corp
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes
Guns & Fishes
Hacker Evolution Duality
Hearts of Iron 2 Complete
Heileen 2: The Hands Of Fate
Heretic's Fork
Hero's Hour (region locked-Europe)
Hold your houses
Huntsman: The Orphanage (Halloween Edition)
Idle Champions - Celeste Starter Pack DLC - base game is Free To Play
Idol Hands
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
King Of The Castle
King's Bounty II (region locked-
Kingdom of Maverta
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition - Haunted Fall DLC
Konung 3: Ties of the Dynasty
Land of Puzzles: Battles
Land of Puzzles: Castles
Land of Puzzles: Elven Princess
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Litil Divil
Lost Eidolons
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maverta Island
McPixel 3
Mediterranea Inferno
Megabyte Punch
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Miner Wars 2081
Mini Thief
Mirror Mysteries
Naval War: Arctic Circle - removed from steam
Nearly Dead - Live and Let Die
Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Oil Rush Bundle
Oniken: Unstoppable Edition
Operation swat
Orbital Racer
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf
Painkiller: Recurring Evil
Painkiller Redemption
PAYDAY 2 or PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection (region locked-cannot be redeemed in CN, RU/CIS, LATAM, TR)
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate
Poly Memory: Dogs
Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
Primal Age
Primal Carnage
Professor Watts Memory Match: Cats
Professor Watts Memory Match: Cute Animals
Professor Watts Word Search: Into The Ocean
Professor Watts Word Search: Yummy Foods
Psychiatrist Simulator
Puzzle Kingdoms
Puzzle Monarch: Egypt
Puzzle Monarch: Mummy
Puzzle Monarch: Super Natural
Quadrant M4 - removed from steam
Quixzel Rush: Pumpkin Bash - removed from steam
Quixzel Rush: Tooth Protector - removed from steam
Radiant Cell
Ragnarok: Fallen Legends
Red Johnson's Chronicles - 1+2 - Steam Special Edition
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
Regions Of Ruin
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Remnants of Naezith
Rise of Flight: Furious Wings DLC
Rym 9000
Save the settlers
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Shadowgrounds Survivor
Slime Rule
Snake Pass
Soulblight (region locked-cannot be redeemed in CN, RU/CIS, LATAM, TR)
Space Empires IV Deluxe
Space Pilgrim Episode III: Delta Pavonis
Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol
Spaceguy 2 - removed from steam
Squid Run (aka Desktop Pop It and Simple Dimple)
Star Ruler
STAR WARS Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic
Starship Annihilator
Steel Rats
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
Suicide Guy Deluxe Plus
Suicide Guy: The Lost Dreams
Super Meat Shooter
Swamp Jump
Switch Galaxy Ultra
Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Tell Me Everything
Terrian Saga: KR-17
The Amazing American Circus
The Crypts of Anak Shaba - VR - removed from steam
The Dark Eye: Memoria
The Deed
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dropping of The Dead - removed from steam
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
The God's Chain
The Kings' Crusade
The Mims Beginning
The Night of the Rabbit
The Quarry (region locked-Europe)
The Void
Theatre of War
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Theatre of War 3: Korea
This Means Warp
This War of Mine: Complete Edition
Timen runner
Trainz Simulator DLC: Coronation Scot
Trials of The Illuminati: Assorted Jigsaws - removed from steam
Trials of the Illuminati: Cityscape Animated Jigsaws - removed from steam
Trials of The Illuminati: Snack Time Jigsaw Puzzles - removed from steam
Trials of The Illuminati: Women of Beauty Jigsaws - removed from steam
Triple Otakus Puzzle
Trivia Vault: 1980's Trivia
Trivia Vault: 1980's Trivia 2
Trivia Vault: Auto Racing Trivia
Trivia Vault Football Trivia
Trivia Vault: Health Trivia Deluxe
Trivia Vault: Hockey Trivia
Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 4
Trivia Vault: Mixed Trivia 2
Trivia Vault: Movie Trivia
Trivia Vault Olympics Trivia
Trivia Vault: Super Heroes Trivia
Trivia Vault: Technology Trivia Deluxe
Trivia Vault: Tennis Trivia
Trivia Vault: Toy Trivia
Tropico 3
Tropico 4
Trulon: The Shadow Engine
Universe For Sale
Unusual Ghost
Volcanic Blocks - removed from steam
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector
Warlock 2: Wrath of the Nagas DLC
Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe+
Yellow: The Yellow Artifact - removed from steam
Your Doodles Are Bugged! & Easter Special DLC - removed from steam
Zombie Driver HD
Zombie Shooter
ZombieRush - removed from steam
Software & other stuff from Stand with Ukraine Humble Bundle:
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
Complete Unity 3D Developer
Intro to Game Development with Unity
GameMaker Studio 2 Creator 12 Months
Polygon Farm, Polygon City, and Polygon Prototype
From Jingle Jam 2023:
MCC Island (Minecraft Java Edition) Jingle Jam Rewards pack!
Any games i don't own.
I am accepting any game i don't have as long i find it a fair trade.