I have...

LEGO STAR WARS The Force Awakens

LEGO NINJAGO Movie Video Game

LEGO The Lord of the Rings

LEGO The Hobbit

I want...


You can add me directly on Steam if you want to talk more about it

Also, i using GG deals to ensure proper trade between us

1 month ago*

sorry, there is nothing in this list that is interesting for me to obtain

1 month ago

interested in anything here ?

3 weeks ago

sorry, there is nothing of interest in there

3 weeks ago

Check my trades, I want Lego Hobbit

1 week ago

sorry, there is nothing of noted in there for me to trade for

1 week ago

interested in anything? I can even give you all my games for one of them https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/AdGOK/h-games-w-offert

1 week ago

i willing to accept bionic Commando,deponia and hopefuly zoeti,

honestly, i just want to give zoetia to someone who really like playing the genre IF you don't mind me doing that of course
if you do mind it, i still accept Bionic Commando and Deponia

you can pick one of the game in the list above

1 week ago*

It's okay, add me on Steam and I'll give you the games you want in exchange for the game The Hobbit

1 week ago

sorry, there nothing in there is interest for me to play

1 day ago

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