Anything here from the Codemaster stuff for either or both of your games.
Ah np then. Have some other stuff but its pretty minor. So I doubt you need anything.
All good. Cheers.
hi, i can take Escape machines for There was a Caveman, will add you.
edit: user alread has game, There was a caveman still avaliable.
Hi do you interest in key of this game?
Guardians of Orion
had a look to your thread, E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy + Banzai Pecan? otherwhise my interest in the games is quite minimal, or something from my lower base priced games.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is ROW gift?
feel free to add me if you want to trade.
edit: thanks for trade.
Sure i can do both games for Magnetic Cage Closed
& yes my E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy gift is ROW
something for magnetic?
a ToD
123 slaughter me street
Angels that kill
Joe's diner
Pineview drive
Lumber island
little big adventure 2 LBA 2
Stealth bastard deluxe
Yet another zombie defense 2-pack (gift)
Anything from here for Magnetic Cage?
Interested in something in my thread for your Magnetic: Cage Closed? I can also get you Rochard, Intrusion 2, or Jamestown from your wishlist if nothing else interests you from my thread.
I put an add request up on Steam to see if you wanted to discuss a trade.
nothing from your thread gets my attention, could trade for Intrusion 2 + Jamestown, but not sure if you should take the time to get those games i have a pending offer, otherwise i look for similar base priced games.
I would do it for Intrusion 2 + Jamestown. I can get those games today, add me so we can talk. What if I added Rochard as well?
You there man? Steam shows you online and everything. Was hoping to do a trade with you. How about Intrusion 2, Jamestown, and Rochard for your Magnetic: Cage Closed?
Gonna go afk for a bit, let me know what you think about my new offer. If I am still afk and you add me, just leave me a message here or on Steam and I can probably get all 3 games some time tonight, at the latest tomorrow.
sure ok, will trade, i accepted your friend invite, sorry for late reply was afk.
Anything here for Xeodrifter?
i could take No Time to Explain, feel free to add me for trade.
something else for There was thomas?
edit: thanks for trade.
ok how about Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition row gift for sniper ghost warrior2 + breach and clear deadline
Something for Ghost Warrior 2:
i can take Battlemage, guess that the only thing i can ask, unless you want more games for 3D realms anthology, already traded with you once, contact me on steam if you want to trade.
Edit: thanks for trade.
Hi, I interested in your Miracle Fly, Mutant Mudds, Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again, Shutter, here my trade thread, tell me if you find something interested, can do trade 2:1, 3:1 and etc., depend what games you choice.
already own Gunnheim, sorry forgot to remove from there, had a look to your open thread too , already own stuff i would be interested.
sorry, nothing that gets my attention, already own stuff i would be interested.
The Last Tinkerโข: City of Colors for THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH?
sorry, nothing that gets my attention, already own stuff i would be interested.
[W] TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4, The Legend of Dark Witch
Something here for you?
sorry, nothing that gets my attention, already own stuff i would be interested.
Too bad: only got one game I could offer. Interested in Driftmoon?
[h] [w] Carp Fishing Simulator (if i've messaged you before please disregard this)
any or all of these for tomb raider underworld?
Race On
Deadly 30
Skilltree Saga
Shiny The Firefly
have no interest in any of game i dont have, thanks, already have Deadly 30.
had a look at your inventory, how about 10 cards? 4 batman, 4 Grid 2, 2 Abe Odyssey.
cant trade those, but tomorrow ill have
3 cards for 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull Badge
3 for doodle god
3 life is strange
and 4 murdered: soul suspect.
I'm interested in the both Gundemonium games. Anything here for it:
Hi, something here within reason for devilian? or maybe cards?
i could take CT Special Forces (prefered) or Aero's Quest, if still interested please contact me on steam, we have traded before, it's a non-steam key btw.
edit: if you want leave game key in my inbox, ill respond asap.
thanks for trade.
i got a few new games, im interested in aero's quest if still something in my thread you want.
Stacks TNT (L) 8 Cards+ Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant (VL) 4 Cards= adding you
i ask for 900 gems or 10 $.07 cards for Rig'n'Roll.
i had a look at your inventory, i can take 4 huniepop cards, since they are quite higher value.
hello, if you need some games from my list, i would like some games like Starlord and Gon' E-Choo! and more:
My List
Tradables information
โบ Newly added and โฆ Re-stocked games, these will be featured for some days.
โ - This game hast been bundled
๐จ - This game has at least 6 months without being re-bundled, many in the list exceed year(s).
Tradable Tiers
๐ - Any 1:1 wishlist offer will be accepted.
Medium - Some better looking games, i will be more picky with offers, you may need to offer 2 games.
High - Big developer games, or extremely popular games. I will ask for other games i consider high tiers.Wishlist
Use my tinychan link to check if you can offer something from the list. If you request a ๐ tier we have a trade. I may be more picky with higher tiers.
Other Bundle Games
If you have a short list i may take the time to check it out ( 7PM-12AM EST ).
I have little time, so it's actually better if you check the wishlist above and offer.
Just don't expect i accept crap DIG/Indiegala games that easily.
I will only trade for games i would like to try/play.
Wishlist Information
" - " | Filler game, its interesting enough for me.
๐ต | I see a nice game.
โ | The priority games.
Trading information