Hello. I would like to buy Diablo III game, which is 50% off at Best Buy. Unfortunately it's a physical disc and it's a US only deal. I would like to ask for a favor to those living in US to buy me the game, and I'll send the money via Paypal. You can check the deal here http://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/27ho5c/best_buy_diablo_3_199950_pcx360ps3_physical/. It's available to pick up in store from Target/Walmart.

I have some requirements, though. Don't want any scammers dealing with me:

  1. Your account must be in good standing according to me.
  2. You need to scan the code and the receipt from where you bought it. If there is a guidebook inside, it is not mandatory to scan it but it will be greatly appreciated.

I think that's all. I can do nothing but give you a small tip or some items from my inventory you want as a tip, and my gratitude if you decided to help me. Thanks for your time.

1 decade ago*

i could do this except for scanning, lost the power cord to the scanner, and its stuffed in one of 50 storage boxes.

1 decade ago

Hmm that's fine, I only need a written code to copypaste and a proof of purchase, that's all. Will contact you later.

1 decade ago

i can take a "potato quality" picture of it.

1 decade ago

Added you.

1 decade ago

Hey bud I added you but you have not accepted.

9 years ago

Hasn't Diablo been cheaper in their digital sales? Why would you buy physical disk just for the code? And not to mention that they also have some region locks placed in battle.net

1 decade ago

I have no idea the digital sales have been cheaper. Right now it's $40 and $60 for a RoS bundle. How cheap was it you talking about?

And I have to disagree with the region locks, although I'm not 100% sure. Blizzard claims their key now is region free, the only difference is the region you decided to play on.

Well my main purpose for this thread is to get Diablo III as cheap and legit as I can get, because I want to play it right away. I dunno if Blizzard is going to do a summer sale later, and as far as I know it's the cheapest it's ever been.

1 decade ago

Its been around this same price. Or cheaper (I think lowest was $20). But anyways, good luck with your hunt.

1 decade ago

Bought a retail disc in my local store in the end, for about USD 37 ... well, I really like the game so why not collect the boxed version anyways. Thanks much for anyone trying to help me here.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.