I have...

CS:GO keys
TF2 keys

I want...

CS:GO keys
TF2 keys

Bot - http://steamcommunity.com/id/GemsBotSH/
Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/LevelUpServiceSH

Chat Comands

!help :The list of commands.


♦ Why can not I trade?
Make sure your profile is not private or has a trade hold.

♦ What type of keys do you accept?
All CS:GO keys are accepted, except for the capsule and community sticker ones. On top of that the bot accepts TF2 keys.

For more information, please visit ShLvlUp.com

If you have additional questions, please contact my owner

| ShLvlUp.com - is a service which can automatically trades keys for card sets.
| Steam Low Level Up Service - trading sets, perfect for steam users with a level below 150.
| Steam Level Up Service - trading sets, perfect for steam users with a level below 300.
| Steam High Level Up Service - trading sets, perfect for steam users with a level above 300.
| Steam Level Up Service (Foil) - trading foil sets.
| SH (Buy/Sell) Gems - exchange keys for gems.

6 years ago*

Hey, are you interested in games for TF2 keys?

4 years ago

No, thx

4 years ago

You should exchange keys between TF2 and CSGO, it'd be awesome

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.