Got Always Sometimes Monsters here:
Added you. :)
Btw, I have recently updated my list here:
Ok man no worries a lot of the games in my list have gone. I had fancy skulls and the nightmare cooprative, they traded fast : )
I will let you know in advance if I receive another few bundles.
Hi, I can give you Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath for 2 sacks of gems (or any items you don't want that add up to 2000 gems).
super thanks, adding you will trade when I get home :D
e: thanks for the trade
I have CSGO keys, would you be interested to change 4 sacks of gems for each key?
Not really I'm more trying to get rid of the cards I have than acquire more ;D thanks tho
Well, I understand, really ! Are you then interested by a game in this thread knowing that Squishy worth less than a 1.00$ xD
You have a bunch of stuff I was looking for, but I already have them all, sorry :(
Qvadriga 6$
Bardbarian 2.5$
shattered planet 2.5$
cat goes fishing 9$
kinetic void 13$
fancy skulls 2.5$
eversion 6$
e: every one of those prices is horrible and lots are higher than steam sale prices, for left over bundle keys
I'll take anything I don't have for cards, if the price is right. Especially if it makes more cards drop! NPPD, Crystals, Fine Sweeper, Platypus II, Psichodelya, Tiamat X I would take any or all depending on what you want for them.
check there
I am interesting in those your games
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
Coin Crypt
Eador: Genesis
I'm interested in your Sacred Tears True and I have Bardbarian. I also have more games listed here
Sacred Tears TRUE is in the $8 BTA tier so I'm afraid I can't let it go for just one bundle game, even if it has cool metal bards in it, thanks tho
any interest in any of these?
App Game Kit 2
Axis Game Factory + Premium voxelsculpt, zombie fps, zombie survival, drone combat
Crimzon Clover
Game Character Hub
Game Guru + buildings pack, death valley pack, fantasy pack, Megapack 1,2,3
Goats on a bridge
Last Word
Remnants of Isolation
RPG Maker: Luna Engine
RPG Maker: VX Ace Delux
Sprite Lamp
Spriter Pro
Stencyl: indie Edition 1 year license
Whisper of a Rose
That's a super long list but I don't see anything I've been especially looking for, soz but thanks for the offer
I'm interested in Sacred Tears.
Here's what I currently have:
Thanks. ? top hat, night shift, 500 years i see you don;t have
I don't have those but I'm not especially looking for them either. Thanks for the offer tho.
1- I don't have a gift link, only the steam key. Its faster to add to steam, I didn't know anyone preferred links.
2- I would rather have UnHack or Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory to be honest I'm not sure why the Alcatraz game is in my list now that I look at it.
If that sounds good tho then add me
Doesn't look like anything I am looking for right now, sorry and thanks for the offer
Hey, i have humble key for Royal bounty HD(you must enter your there mail to recieve a steam key), offer if still interested
Platformines and DeadCore FOR Cherry Tree High Comedy Club AND Cherry Tree High I! My! Girls!
I offered for both bc I assume its one key or whatever, I wasn't trying to lowball you. Saddly my odds of actually installing and playing (vs just idling the cards) is higher for DeadCore than Cherry Tree. I could take Thief Town for Platformines, or you could sugest something else to make up the difference, I have a bunch of cards also if you want those. Anythign you see?
Rust Steam Key would be very cool depending on what you want in return. I also don't have Card City Nights or Toast Time or Enslaved. ? i need Mercenary Kings (cards)
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II (cards) (BTA)
Screencheat (cards) (BTA)
Coin Crypt (cards) (BTA)
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition (cards)
i dont know what does BTA mean ?
Beat The Average, it means they were more expensive in the bundle. And I'm not interested in hidden obj games thanks.
I don't have either of those on offer, and I already have them both active on my Steam account
Hello again.
I'm interested in your code for See No Evil.
I showed you my list before, but I have since then added new codes:
I went through your whole list and couldn't find anything that I wanted and didn't already have, sorry
If you wouldn't mind doing a couple games for it then probably ya Starwhal Poöf and Vox Populi I could use
Sorry but can't do two bta games (Starwhal and Vox Populi) and one normal game (Poöf) for only one bta game. I would be stupid. Starwhal alone is 11.99$ on steam and The Sacred Tears TRUE only 9.99$. Best I can do is only Starwhal. Iit's from 5$ tier from the Humble Weekly like The Sacred Tears TRUE as well.
The $5 tier for TRUE was actually $8, but I do see your point and I don't disagree I'm just not super interested in any of the games I listed, is why I said I would need a few.
I was considering to buy the Humble Weekly Bundle: Games From Japan myself and after one hour the was like 5$. I think you bought it later when it was 8$. But thanks for your time anyways ;)
Thanks for your offer sorry we couldn't work it out this time, maybe next time. Also I didn't realize Vox Pop was BTA, just that it has good reviews :x
Major Mayhem and Agnvik have been bundled 7 times and 5 times, See No Evil only this one time. If you could do 2:1 I would definitely be interested.
Quick info:
Steam Inventory Gifts
These are ROW (region free) Steam inventory gift items from the old tradable gift system, please offer trades of other inventory gifts or TF2 / CSGO keys
I am not accepting bundle keys for inventory gifts or replying to offers of bundle keys for inventory gifts. No one does this please don't be silly.
Full Bundles
Only for keys/gems other returnable items, these bundles should be unused but I can't be 100% sure until you try them
Never Bundled
Combat Core
Castle Story
The Frostrune
Card sets
SELLING sets for CSGO keys, a higher number of decent cards, see here
HB Gift Links
Flat Heroes
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
Poly Bridge
Space Run Galaxy
Legends of Eisenwald
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Key offers are always good
Gem offers are always good
For Gift items or high value trades cards may not be an option, cards from my want list are always considered. For card trades please see my card trading thread
Odds are if I want it badly enough I've tracked it down on my own but feel free to offer wishlist games especially
Triple X Tycoon ® was in the Groupees Build a Bundle #19, Steam keys now available
Mainly looking for some specific bundle left overs, feel free to leave offers. If you have something I [W]ant and are motivated to sell go ahead and add me.
I generally update this listing after every trade, so it should all be 100% accurate, tho it's not impossible for me to forget something
Please offer reasonable trades, considering BTA status or historical prices