I have...

Humble Bundle Games:
I am not a Monster
In Memory of TITAN

August 2020 Humble Choice - All of these titles:

July 2021 Humble Choice - All of these titles:
SWINE HD Remaster

August 2021 Humble Choice - All of these titles:
Encodya - GOG ONLY
Nowhere Prophet

January 2022 Humble Choice - All of these titles:
Between the Stars
Rebel Cops

February 2022 Humble Choice - All of these titles:
Black Book
Just Die Already
Paradise Lost

April 2022 Humble Choice - All of these titles:

July 2022 Humble Choice - All of these titles:
Banners of Ruin
Legend of Keepers

August 2022 Humble Choice - All of these titles:
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Emily is Away <3
In Sound Mind
Mind Scanners

September 2022 Humble Choice - All of these titles:
Crown Trick
shapez + Puzzle DLC

Stand with Ukraine Bundle:
911 Operator
The Amazing American Circus
Book of Demons
Broken Age
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Crying Suns
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Drawful 2
Draw Slasher
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Fury Unleashed
Iron Danger
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Moon Hunters
Nex Machina
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Popup Dungeon
Radio Commander
Roarr! The Adventures of Rampage Rex
RPG Maker VX
Slinger VR
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Telefrag VR
This War of Mine
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Wanderlust: Travel Stories - GOG copy
West of Dead
X-Morph: Defense + 3 DLC
Yoku's Island Express

Fanatical Games:
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
DARQ: Complete Edition
Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption

Flippfly Key (I guess it's something like Origin):
Race the Sun

Skins & Other Items - No reasonable offer will be refused
Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount
Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 C.O.D.E. Salute Pack
Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Elite Starter Pack
Elder Scrolls: Legends: 2 Card Packs (Skyrim) 1 Event Ticket 100 Gold 100 Souls
Elite Dangerous - Cobra Mk III ship skin
Gangs of Space Jingle Jam Pack
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - Celeste Starter Pack
King Arthur's Gold Direct Download Multiplayer Activation Key
Neverwinter Feywild Starter Pack
Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer & Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide
Robocraft Jingle Jam Pack

Freebies - Trade for other freebies
All Guns On Deck
Broadsword: Age of Chivalry
DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition
GooCubelets 2
GooCubelets the Algoorithm
Idle Champions - Starter Pack
Rover Rescue
Top Trumps Turbo
Why So Evil; Why So Evil 2: Dystopia; & Brilliant Bob - all 3 in one key

I want...

Axiom Verge
Baldur's Gate 3
Bear and Breakfast
Cassette Beasts
Cat Cafe Manager
Cat Goes Fishing
Child of Light
Crystal Story II
Dicey Dungeons
Earth Defense Force 5
Floppy Knights
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Katana Zero
Last Call BBS
Nexomon: Extinction
Nobody Saves the World
Overlord II
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 5 Royal
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator
The Messenger
Windjammers 2
Wylde Flowers
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza: Like a Dragon

No reasonable offers are refused, and if your list isn't a disorganized garbage heap, I don't mind looking through it.

Don't waste my time offering me a bunch of trashy games you got for free (unless it's for a game I got for free, obviously). If you don't have something worthwhile don't even bother writing the message. I give priority to games from my wishlist, especially for the more popular titles I have available to trade. You're free to offer different games but I will only trade games for games or DLC for games I already have and need. If you want a more expensive title you are welcome to offer a bundle deal. I try to be fair and am willing to discuss and negotiate. However, I have no interest in cards, refs, CSGO/TF2 keys, skins, gems, or anything like that.

Since this seems to be baffling some people, I will go ahead and spell this out. Yes, I place priority on wishlisted games, but that doesn't mean I necessarily give them greater value than they're worth from Steam. If you want a title of mine that at full price is $45 and other people have already shown an interest in it, don't expect me to take an offer of a game on my wishlist that's priced at $5 seriously. The games I have available to trade have a range of prices as does my wishlist and other games that I might want to trade for. Try to keep your offers within a range of reason. Fair enough?

I think you'll get the idea.

7 years ago*

Tales of zestiria or transistor or battleblock for warhammer? Checked ur wl

7 years ago

Never mind, don't have it available to trade. Got scammed. LOL.

7 years ago*

Oh, do you have proof? If yes u can -rep this user and report him on steamrep.
Am still interested in some of your games, you can check my thread if u like smth, from urs i like Mordheim, Final Cut,

7 years ago

I reported them on Steam and informed HB about the theft, so hopefully the key will be revoked and they don't get squat.

Not sure what smth is supposed to be. You indicated that you had Tales of Zestiria originally but I only see that listed in the games you want, not games you have available.

7 years ago

Since i want them somewhere then is chance i already got it and its available to trade too.
I offered Tales but for Warhammer, not for any of two other games. If u like smth from my H list in thread for Mord and Cut we can talk about deal. (sry 4 eng)

7 years ago

No, I'm afraid I don't see anything that I want from your list.

7 years ago

WL is out of date btw? I see i have Space Run Galaxy, BattleBlock Theater, INK..

7 years ago

You have games that are from my wishlist, but their value is not reflective of the games you're wanting in exchange. A $40 game is not equivalent to a $5 game.

7 years ago

Bundle games arent "like" $40. Its not really about retail value on Steam. But as u want, nothing then and free bump for you.

7 years ago

I'm aware that a game that comes from a bundle isn't worth its full price of $40, but to suggest it's on the same level of a game that at full price is $5 and also came from a bundle is laughable. There's a reason people organize games they have by the website they come from as certain websites are known to churn out bundles of very cheap games. I trade games that are of reasonably close value to each other or will bundle for games that are of less value. Your offers don't reflect that mindset so I'm not interested.

7 years ago

I offered you games that i have and they are on your WL so sorry for offering WL games, i cant offer u game that i dont have. Its okay. :) have a nice day

7 years ago

I do find it slightly ironic that you disagree with my reasoning slightly, despite holding back your Tales of Zestiria game when it came from a bundle itself. You're not willing to trade that for Mordheim: City of the Damned. So, you yourself place value on your games based on their cost, even if they come from a bundle, and are surprised I would do the same?

That's fine. Have a good day yourself.

7 years ago

Hi, I`m interested in following games

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide w/2 DLC
Torchlight II
Payday 2 w/DLC
Mordheim City of the Damned
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
Battleborn with skin pack

lemme know if anything reasonable from here interest you, have a nice day

PS If you got scammed you can recover your games by contacting humble support, I can help you how to contact them cheers

7 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I have already traded away Rust, Payday 2, and the key I had of Torchlight II. The other one is in my inventory and I'll only trade that through Steam. Might as well save it for someone who has a good inventory item I want and they won't trade it for a key. I do have the others remaining. After reviewing your list the games I had an interest in were Tales of Symphonia, Slain: Back from Hell, and FTL: Faster Than Light. Comparing the value of the games in question though I wouldn't do 1:1 trades. If you have an interest in making a trade based on that feel free to add me so we can chat instead of trying to haggle through messages here.

Thanks for the advice; I have sent them a message already.

7 years ago

Yes, no, maybe so?

7 years ago

After reviewing your list the games I had an interest in were Tales of Symphonia, Slain: Back from Hell, and FTL: Faster Than Light. Comparing the value of the games in question though I wouldn't do 1:1 trades

These are steam gifts not bundles copies so i value these more than bundle games. if you are willing to trade
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide w/2 DLC
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
Mordheim City of the Damned

for them then we can trade.

7 years ago

I can appreciate that those games have greater value to you, they just don't hold the same value to me. At least not Slain: Back from Hell and FTL: Faster Than Light. However, I would trade Mordheim City of the Damned for Tales of Symphonia. Since Vermintide has DLC and Van Helsing is a mash-up of 3 games I think it gives them more value trading-wise. So if that suits you, we can trade one game for another.

Before I forget, you did express an interest in Battleborn. Would that be suitable for Slain: Back from Hell? Just thought I'd offer since you first showed a desire for the game.

7 years ago

I`ll add you to steam, we can discuss it further.

7 years ago

Something from Here for

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Mordheim City of the Damned

7 years ago

Sorry, afraid you don't have anything I want.

7 years ago

[h] Fairy bloom freesia + OST
[w] Torchlight 2

7 years ago

$20 game for an $8 game? No thanks.

7 years ago

how about Curses 'N Chaos?

7 years ago

So my copy of Curses 'N Chaos for your copy of Fairy Bloom Freesia + the soundtrack for it? Sure; that's a fair trade.

7 years ago

Afraid not. I pretty much got all of those bundles myself, or at least the ones I had an interest in. Thanks for the offer though.

7 years ago

Im interested in Botanicula, I have Hero Siege from your wishlist.

7 years ago

Not an unreasonable offer; seems like the game isn't finishable without its DLC though. However, I looked through your list of games you have available to trade and I have an interest in Citizens of Earth. Would you be willing to trade that for Botanicula?

7 years ago


7 years ago

https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/Xtt3c/ for Van Helsing: Final Cut , Mordheim City of the Damned gift-link?

7 years ago

Starting off, I'm going to say the way you organized your list isn't doing you any favors. You front load it with games of lesser value and finish it with your better games, so as I was skimming over it I figured it wouldn't have anything of value whatsoever. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only person who'd look over your list that way either. Marketing 101 you might call it. Not trying to come off in a condescending way, that's just some friendly advice.

Having said that any of your games of greater interest to me I already have. The one title that I had some interest in was Offspring Fling, but I wouldn't trade either game you're requesting for it. If something else from my list that's more in line with that title catches your eye, feel free to let me know.

7 years ago

Thank you for the advice buy

I believe that i have a good games, so if you didn't know the title, you can check them on the store

i have ton of junk that i give them away, i only keep good games ,, i will show you how

140 ///// OVERALL:Overwhelmingly Positive (1,152 reviews)
24 Hours 'till Rescue //// OVERALL: Mostly Negative (10 reviews)
7.62 - High Calibre //// OVERALL: Very Positive (155 reviews)
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition //// OVERALL:Mixed (2,469 reviews)
Age of Steel: Recharge //// OVERALL:Mixed (25 reviews)
Albino Lullaby: Episode 1 //// OVERALL:Mostly Positive (174 reviews)
Alien Rage - Unlimited //// OVERALL:Mixed (437 reviews)
Aozora Meikyuu //// OVERALL:Very Positive (153 reviews)

This is first 7 games in the list ,, if you checked them on the store you will be interested in
Anyway i appreciate you time reading my list and happy trading, good luck

7 years ago

Out of the 8 games you listed, half of them are rated as mixed or mostly negative. Those are unquestionably junk games. The games that are rated positively are priced as follows:

140 - $5
7,62 High Calibre - $5 and 10 years old, making a title like that even less valuable.
Albino Lullaby: Episode 1 - $10, but it has 2 more episodes that you don't have, making that game worth very little on its own.
Aozora Meikyuu - $5 and a visual novel game, which I have zero interest in.

All 8 of those games wouldn't be worth 1 of the games you asked me for because their prices are so low and their ratings are so poor. True, I didn't look up all of your listed games in the store, but if I am looking through someone's list and I don't recognize most of the titles, there's a good chance those games are not worth the kind of games you're asking for. Turns out, even with the ones you listed to show me that your games are valuable, didn't prove your point for you. So since you're not willing to put up the one game of yours I had an interest in against a fair selection from my list, we have nothing more to discuss.

7 years ago

I can understand you,, but i give you an example of the games ,, i'm not offering you first 8 games
the game value depend on the gamer itself ,, [ForHonor] worth nothing for me although it cost alot of mony

My point is check all the games [ that's why i'm linking them to the store and the same you do ]

Anyway i appreciate you time reading my list and happy trading, good luck

that means good luck but i have to pass

7 years ago*

Only trading it via inventory trades, so no, sorry.

7 years ago

Interested for Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack
I have many from your wishlist : https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/ZtQkV/h-300-games-including-high-tier-humble-monthly-titles-w-wishlist-offers

Also have a barter profile, if you want to find them easily.

7 years ago

Just browsed your list, and I'd take Dustforce DX. Feel free to add if you're cool with that.

7 years ago


7 years ago

Hey there! Would you be interested in trading something for Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity and/or Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition?

7 years ago

Afraid not, sorry.

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

I don't make trades through PayPal.

7 years ago

Hi. Anything here for Event[0], Infinifactory, Van Helsing: Final Cut, and Warhammer: Vermintide + DLC?

7 years ago

I have all of the games listed there I have any interest in. So no thanks.

7 years ago

Battleborn + Goat Sim for DOOM 2016

7 years ago

I would make that trade, but since you have an even lower rating then me and you don't list DOOM 2016 in any of your trade posts, I'd expect you to go first.

7 years ago

Dungetris for Okhlos?

7 years ago

No, sorry.

7 years ago

Hi! Something here for Undertale?

7 years ago

I already have all the games listed there that I'd want.

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

Well, to be honest the only game of yours I had an interest in was Gryphon Knight Epic. However, I wouldn't say that's an equivalent trade for Stephen's Sausage Roll since I had to pay $10 to get that game from the bundle. If there's another game I have you want that's more on the same level as that game though, let me know.

7 years ago

Hi, would you be interested in After The End: The Harvest (steam key) from your wishlist for Jotun? (better if can provide gift link)

7 years ago

Afraid not. I've got that game wishlisted because I'm interested in seeing if the game gets finished and fully released. I'm not willing to trade for it in its early access state though.

7 years ago

I'll trade it for Ziggurat.

7 years ago

ok add me

7 years ago

Interested in Guild Wars 2 pm me when you have a chance

7 years ago

So, what were you planning on offering?

7 years ago

Beat Hazard Ultra

7 years ago

Just the DLC Beat Hazard Ultra, without the base game for it?

7 years ago

it should be the base game and all of the dlc with this code aka Mega Bundle

7 years ago

I have made an offer to somebody else on this game, without an answer yet. I will admit that this other offer is of greater interest to me then yours, so I'm willing to wait on it for a while. If that deal doesn't work out, I'll come back to this offer and consider it at that time.

7 years ago

Not a problem, it is usually easier to get a hold of me on Steam (at least for a faster response due to having the program running in the background and on my phone. Just keep me posted. I can list all of the other games I have extra as well to you later if you feel that it isn't enough of a trade. Hope to hear back from you soon and if all else I hope you get what you are needing :)

7 years ago

i want your undertale i can trade Catch Me or Card City Nights

7 years ago

Sorry, traded it to someone else. You're free to offer those games on something else though.

7 years ago

Interested in trading any of the following for your copy of Ashes of the Singularity?

A Story About My Uncle
Alien Soldier
BANZAI PECAN: The Last Hope For the Young Century
Battle vs Chess
Dungeons 2
Frozen Synapse
Galactic Civilizations Ultimate Edition
Goat Simulator GOATY
Golden Axe 2
Horizon Shift
Huntsman: The Orphanage (Halloween Edition)
Killing Floor
Killing Floor - Chickenator DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 1 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 3 DLC
Legend of Grimrock 2
Minion Masters
Mount & Blade (GOG)
Numba Deluxe
Party of Sin
PixelJunk Monsters
Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut)
Retro City Rampage DX
Shattered Planet
Shining Force
Sid Meier's Pirates
Snooker Nation Championship
Star Wars Dark Forces
Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Train of Afterlife
Vanguard Princess + all DLC
Victim of Xen
Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge

7 years ago

No. I put this in the original trading post for a reason.

7 years ago

Hi, something reasonable here for Superhot? :)

7 years ago

Before I start making offers, what do you consider reasonable? How many keys worth of games?

7 years ago

Guess you changed your mind.

7 years ago

Mark of the Ninja for Van Helsing Final Cut

7 years ago

A single $15 game for a 3 in 1 game compilation worth $45. No.

7 years ago

No thanks. Any games of interest that you have I already have myself.

7 years ago

Bionic Commando for vermintide? or anything here?

7 years ago


7 years ago

I only found two games of interest, 80 Days and Ara Fell, and I wouldn't say they're of equivalent level to the games you're asking for. Sorry.

7 years ago

80 days for Event[0]?

7 years ago

I would trade you Event[0] for Headlander.

7 years ago

Ohh, sorry, I don't have headlander anymore.

I can offer you 80 days + After The End: The Harvest.

7 years ago

Sounds good.

7 years ago

Hello, I am buying some of your game for CS:Go Keys feel free to check my prices here : https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/XL4WZ/multiple-copies-h-csgo-keys-w-stellaris-undertale-dirt-rally-the-witness

7 years ago

No, you aren't. It's really clear in my post that I don't trade games for CSGO keys.

7 years ago

City of Chains or Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves for Kholat?

7 years ago

Sang-Froid is a free game and the other is on sale for .89 right now. No thanks.

7 years ago

Something for guild wars 2? or I can pay 4$ as paypal for it.

7 years ago

Finished a trade with another person, sorry.

7 years ago

Neverwinter Enthusiast Pack - 150 steam gems ?

7 years ago

Not saying it's an unfair deal, but I don't typically trade for gems. Will consider it.

7 years ago

:D Considered it yet? lol

7 years ago

Any update?

7 years ago

Not for me, sorry.

7 years ago

plague inc for 1 csgo key?

7 years ago

I don't trade for CSGO keys. That's very clear in my trading post.

7 years ago*

do you want badges trading cards?

7 years ago

No, I do not. READ THE POST.

7 years ago


YOu probably don't want to read thru this list, but i dont have anything on your WL

Looking for plague inc.

7 years ago

hello, Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition for Stellaris ?

7 years ago

Sorry for the delay; would be up to make this trade if you still have the game.

7 years ago

ok, added you

7 years ago

Art Of Gravity (from your steam wishlist)


Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount (HB gift link?)

7 years ago

I prefer seeing a list and making my own selection or being able to counter-offer instead of a single offer; going to decline.

7 years ago

Something reasonable here for Battleborn?

From what you have and want I could do Duck game for BB and something else to even the value.

7 years ago*

I need to clarify what you mean. Are you saying Duck Game + Another Game for Battleborn or Battleborn + Another Game for Duck Game?

7 years ago

I already got a copy.
But it's pretty clear what I said. DG sells for $8.50, Battleborn for $5, without even comparing the demand for each one you can tell that it's not worth a 1:1.

7 years ago

You already got Battleborn so this is moot, but regardless. DG was sold in a regular bundle with other games. Battleborn has only come in a monthly bundle. You're right, it's not worth a 1:1 trade.

7 years ago

Interested in the Battlerite YogYog DLC, I can offer Carrie's Order Up from your wishlist.
or something from my list here: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/6dnO2/

7 years ago

How about Beat Hazard Mega Bundle?

7 years ago

Never did get a response.

6 years ago

Oh hey, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!

Sorry I value it a little less, and even less now that they are giving away free armored bear mounts.

6 years ago

Well, I still want Carrie's Order Up.

6 years ago

Unfortunately, I no longer have Carrie's. :/

6 years ago

10000000 or Ahnaryo?

6 years ago

Edit: I can do it for Ahnaryo

6 years ago*

Anything from here for Clustertruck?

7 years ago

You don't have anything I want.

7 years ago

Any for Clustertruck?

7 years ago

You don't have anything I want.

7 years ago

Do you wanna trade your Dirt Rally for my 3x CSGO Case Keys ?

7 years ago

I don't trade anything for CSGO keys.

7 years ago

Also offering 3 CSGO Case Key for NBA 2K17

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

You don't have anything I want.

7 years ago

Hello there ! Would you be interested in 6:1 ratio from your freebies for one of my games?

7 years ago

Your list of games include quite a few freebies and everything else seems to be very cheap games, so no, I'm not that interested in a 6:1 ratio trade.

7 years ago

I offered you to choose from 1500 games and your attention was on the few freebies? - Alright!

None of your free games are good quality games and they were also given away for free. I am definitely not looking to offer a higher tier games ( neither a different ratio ) , based on those two factors.

Thanks for your reply anyways !

7 years ago

Several freebies and several cheap games. None of your games have hyperlinks, so I'd have to individually look into the Steam store to figure out what any of those games I'm not familiar with by title alone are. I've seen enough lists to recognize several of the low value games. Yes, I can appreciate that games offered for free have a puny trading value, but I'm not very motivated to look up hundreds of games I don't recognize the title of and probably don't want anyways to find one game I'd have an interest in trading 6 of my games for.

I suppose my main point is that since you don't differentiate what games you got for free versus the ones that came in a bundle, it sort of suggests you would be willing to trade one of the games you got for free against six of mine. Not a very good ratio or system on my side of things.

7 years ago

My Tradables on Barter.
Free games are indicated with $0 next to it. Also you can click on every game and go to its store page.

7 years ago

Really wish you had just sent me that link from the beginning... >_> Oh well, that's life. Which of the 6 free games were you wanting anyways?

7 years ago

Do you have only a single copy of them?

7 years ago

I only have multiple copies of Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade and Space Beret.

7 years ago

How many keys you have for Space Beret?

7 years ago


7 years ago

How many copies of the following you have?

Agent Awesome
Battleplan: American Civil War
Game Tycoon 1.5
Go Mission: Space Travel
Safeguard Garrison
Sleeping Valley
Torch Cave 2
Uriel's Chasm 2

7 years ago*

Armello for Headlander?

7 years ago

I looked at your trade post and you don't have Headlander listed there. But it's not a game I'm dying to trade for right now anyways, so no thanks.

7 years ago

Headlander is this game right ? : http://store.steampowered.com/app/340000/Headlander/
I can have it in 7 hours (i should post it on my trade post) and i will give the key first if you want.
They both cost 20€, i thought it was a fair trade.

PS: Is my trade post better now?

7 years ago*

I appreciate the offer, I am just not interested in trading Armello for Headlander.

7 years ago

Hi something off my list for Dirt Rally?

7 years ago

How about Castle of Illusion and Sonic Generations Collection?

7 years ago

Ok sure I added u

7 years ago

Hello I saw you want Dungeon Souls, I have one, maybe you would trade for Warhammer or NBA? Or idk, tell me some offers, I'm not interested in your games to play, so I will probably trade them away too.

7 years ago*

I wouldn't be up for trading games like that for Dungeon Souls, especially since it's currently in a glitchy, possibly unplayable state right now. I'd offer GRAV for it, especially since you're just wanting to trade the game away.

7 years ago

Oh, I see. GRAV is good? I see it has very bad reviews in Steam, maybe I can't trade it after.

EDIT: I will tell you a list of games I can recognise, let me know if any is ok for trade: Goat Simulator, Superhot, Worms, Ashes of singularity, Shadowrun, XCOM, Plague inc, One Piece.

7 years ago*

I would trade Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut for Dungeon Souls.

7 years ago

I will trade Plague Inc: Evolved for Death Road to Canada.

7 years ago

Closed 5 months ago.
New Bundles