I have...

The Last Remnant
Life is Strange - Episode 1
Front Mission Evolved
Beat Hazard Ultra

I want...

200% Mixed Juice, War of the Human Tanks Altered, System Shock 1, CrossCode. Games/DLC I don't own, TF2 keys. Offers, lovely bunches of coconuts, TF2 cosmetics, etc. I'm not interested in trading cards however.

Just have some codes from the square enix bundle that I'd be up for trading. Please make a post before adding. I will accept offers but I will not trade with someone who hasn't made a post.

8 years ago*

Added to offer :) Interested in the first three games :3

8 years ago

Any for front mission evolved, gyromancer?

8 years ago

I could trade Gyromancer for Viscera Detail Santa

8 years ago

Thanks for the reply, but I got the games. Maybe next time!

8 years ago

My Viscera Detail Santa for your Murdered: Soul Suspect? Add me if OK.

8 years ago*

Hi! Something here for Life is Strange?

8 years ago

I didn't see anything I was too interested in, Sorry.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.