Are you interested in LA Noire, Shogun 2, Homefront, Just Cause 2, The Witcher or Tomb Raider Underworld?
If you are add me and we can figure out how many of those i would have to give you.
Edit: forgot to add my profile, stupid me
The Orange Box Includes 6 items: Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Portal, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2
Operation Flashpoint: Red River or Driver San Francisco? or something other from my inventory
interested in anything from this?
Im interested, please add me
serious sam HD double pack , renegade ops (tradeable) + terraria (not tradeable I send you it [gift])?
Would you be interested in a key for Deus Ex: Human Revolution? I just got the code for free with my new PC
Valve Complete 2011 Pack / Dungeons - Steam Special Edition / Fable III / Just Cause 2 / Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter / Portal / Supreme Ruler: Cold War / Rome: Total War - Gold / Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath / The Witcher: Enhanced Edition / FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage / Alpha Protocol / Two Worlds II / Day of Defeat: Source / Braid / Quake 4 / Pound of Ground / Half-Life / Defense Grid: The Awakening / Nail'd / HOARD / Monday Night Combat / Hard Reset / Half-Life 2: Episode One / Half-Life 2: Episode Two. For AC:R.