12 cs go keys sounds better for 1 Law & Order: Legacies gift if you like that make me please a offlineoffer
How much for Cold Contract ,STORM: Frontline Nation and Droplitz
How much for The Harvest and Adam's Venture Complete Pack
if you buy all 3 keys for Cold Contract ,STORM: Frontline Nation and Droplitz you can have it for 12 keys total
the gifts a re a other story
for Harvest i take directly 22 Key because its ultrarare as a gift but i think you can buy a key much cheaper from amazon
Adams Venture would be something arround 15 keys
to much man,STORM: Frontline Nation is 1$ ,Cold Contract is 2$ (1 key ) and Droplitz how much is for u ? Maybe im interested only in Droplitz.
I offer 12 keys for Harvest and 10 for Adam
if you want only droplitz i take 6 keys
and i dont think i want trade my gifts for that offer
if we talk about Paypal i think i would like to have something like 70 euros for my first copy the 2nd is then a other story
thanks for the offer but not really i want first have a look how the market react with the 15 day marketbann who starts in 3 days
Something for Dirt 2 ?
This War of Mine
Cities XXL
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Styx Master of Shadows
for you no paypal only csgo keys because we tryed before a trade and it dont work out
I think you are thinking about a differente person, I didnt have any problem with anyone in the past. Could you tell me our case? Indeed, I wont deal if I cant pay with Paypal, sry :)
mate i have a perfect brain i know your picture and your name youre the guy who changet the country to my country
thats you or?
its not really removed now but i think its the same way like mafia1, means it not commes back i have some steamkeys that i sell for 8 dollar paypal the gifts i dont sell on moment beside you want pay 50 csgokeys for it :)
how about Pre-order edition of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for WAS -The Hourglass of Lepidoptera- ?
no thanks like i statet before i take 70 euro paypal for the first copy and with that i could buy in less then a year 10 copys from dragon dogma. I have enough games to play so i buy in 99% never pre editions. Beside that i checked short what the game would cost me if i buy it for me self its 19.20 euro
Intersted in mafia 2 for something on the list?
please give fair offer and then you offer me bundlegames ? mate they are removed means they value goes up there you recive absolut nothing for your offer haha
lol silly bear -
I can have it for ~1$
so keep Your "presious game gems". Cya
no thanks its not really much worth because you can buy the games from greenmangaming and i believe the nuvems ones are also complete
Just wanted to let you know that you have an impersonator:
Seems to be a somewhat nice impersonator tho as he warned me about another scammer lol
Offers, CSGO keys, Paypal only for 30plus rep users at least 3 month member on steamgifts