Hmm I'm only interested in L4D. Wanna trade?
(EDIT; if someone sees: Own L4D now, need L4D2)
I think I'm not interested in this anymore, since I read this: haha clown-phobia :D BUT I'd trade Showtime for Tribloos 2, I saw you own it too?
In general I'm ready to offer 2 at once, but would you mind to trade 2:2? My second choice would be Dreaming Sarah, then the values are equal. :)
Well, I can trade Dreaming Sarah for Aveyond and forget about the other two...
Add me if you're ok with it :)
The thing.. I really want swapper..:D Why not the 2:2 trade? It think it's fair, if you want I can put 5 cards on top but just because I want them so much. Please? ٩꒰ ˘ ³˘꒱۶~
The thing is, I already own half of the Macventure Collection, so I'm really not that interested in that! And I don't think that those two games together worth Swapper! That's why I offered you the other trade. I understand that you can't go 2:1, hell, I don't know if I would go either! But those are the only two options I can give for the trade!
Thanks for understanding!
Alright, now I understand your offer a little better.
What I forgot, before I decide which offer I choose: I also have all games of this bundle available (except darksiders, since it's only a franchise code and not seperate ones). I'd give you Aveyond, MacVenture + another game of this list or the Darksiders bundle? So 3:2?
I am interested in AX:EL I have
Only interested in Thomas Was Alone. Do you mind putting 5 cards on top to offset the prices?
Interested in Darksiders 2 + DLC. I have a few games from your want list, let me know if we can make a deal.
Thanks for your message. Unfortunately it's the whole Darksiders Franchise Pack (including DS1) and I'm not sure if it will be added as a gift to your account if you already own it or what happens. And I need to trade the full pack, which means I have to take a couple of games for it (I definitely found some games on your list, I'm just not sure if you're aware of that). List price on steam is 59.99$/54.99€
Ah ok, I thought maybe it was from the current Indie Gala bundle. Thanks anyway!
Yes it is but it comes as a full franchise pack. So everyone who offers this will have DS1 included.. If you're willing, I'm up for trading it for Bioshock (was from the 1$ bundle, wasn't it?), Xcom: unknown enemy (same bundle?/if not: right now on sale for 5$), Monaco and Knights of pen & paper +1. I paid 10$ for it, it's quite equal.
how much cards for batman arkham origins? let me know if any interests you
Would you trade Batman Arkham City (GOTY Edition) for Heroes Storm Over The Pacific?
I can't find that game on Steam. (I only accept Steam keys)
But it doesn't sound fancy to me anyways :/ Do you have other games?
:( I just traded most of my games , last one trying to get rid of it . I'll restock next week though , What are you interested in by the way ?
Everything from my "want list" (just under the "have list") ;)
Or wishlist in Steam. You can find the link on my profile here.
Shelter alone is too weak, I expect a bit more for Batman. I think all of the games on my wishlist have been cheaper on sale than Batman's lowest price, which means I have to trade it for 2-5 games (depends on the titles).
i have Monaco and SuperMeatBoy from ur wishlist (steam gifts)
i want Darksiders FP
I will most likely get the game tomorrow from a different source. Is their something in particular from my list you want? I'm interested in Deponia of your games.
Hmm I can't trade Deponia alone for that game. I'd do it for Don't Starve Together (if not it's ok, I can get it tomorrow from a friend) though.
What about this "Deponia" + "Don't starve together" for "LEGO - Marvel Super Heroes" + Another one from the LEGO series from your choice?
If that doesn't work, sorry for taking your time.
Would you possibly accept MIND: Path to Thalamus for LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes AND LEGO Marvel Super Heroes?
I just realized how unfair that trade offer was. How about MIND for just LEGO Marvel?
Yea 2:1 especially on this title is a bit unfair :D
I WOULD trade MIND for Lego Marvel but I have to sort requests first since I got couple of offers for that game. I tell you when anyone declines my latest offers. It up to the person below (he's not answering in the chat right now but it makes much more sense to me to have a 2:2 deal of games I want except only one). Hope you understand and I'll let you know!
I'm not sure yet, since he didn't give me a yes or no if we have the deal. But Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is still free apart from all offers, I'm not interested in any other game of you but I can keep it if you want?
Yeah, I was just saying thanks for the thought. As for the LEGO Batman thing, that's super-cool of you, but I don't think I'll be able to afford to buy any new games to trade for a while, so go ahead and trade it if you get offers. Seriously though, that's very kind of you. :)
If you're here and can trade NOW I'm free to swap Batman 2: DC Super Heroes for MIND: Path to T. :)
(Other person is afk for hours in steam chat and didn't tell me how long or if our deal is safe etc)
Added you on Steam. LEGO Batman 2 not LEGO Marvel, right? That's okay with me, just checking.
Draw a Stickman: Epic and Mind: Path to Thalamus for The LEGO Movie - Videogame and Titan Quest?
And something of this steam gift (all ROW):
Do you have anything else than the 3 games in your trade-thread? I won't trade my 10$ bundle only for a game that was on sale for 1.50$ ^^
I trade the Lego games for 2-3 bundle games. I didn't find anything interesting besides TSP on your trade list, but I would accept some cards to the deal. ? <= anything here for Crystal Catacombs?
Nothing that catches my eye.. But feel free to make a new offer if you have something new / from my wishlist. :)
hi, something here for Lego Batman 2 and/or Lego Movie.
Hi there! :)
How about Monaco and Beat Hazard + Ultra + Shadow Operations Unit DLC ... and maybe 1 more game from my list that you'd like
LEGO The Movie?
Sounds good but I definitely need a 3rd thing on that trade and I couldn't find anything from your list. Do you have any CS:GO key that you could add to the offer?
I'm sorry but I think that's too much to ask - there are LEGO the Movie deals on Kinguin for 3€.
Giving you 2 games and a key for 2€ does feel a little unfair. Maybe it'd be different if I had several keys in my inventory but I won't buy 1 for this deal.
I won't discuss the value of bundle games again, but let me say that a key is NOT worth 2€, you can buy them everywhere for 1,50€ or even less. I understand that you don't want to buy it, I only had hopes you had it in your inventory ;) Well my last offer is the 2 games + capsule key + your 6 cards (papers,please/the swapper).
(Und das nur weil ich gerade gesehen habe, dass du Veganer bist und "von hier" kommst :D).
Meh, I was just about to write: "Alrighty, so let's do this!" when I saw that my CS:GO Capsule Key has a trade ban until Feb 25, 2015 (8:00:00). -____-''
Sorry for wasting your time.
If LEGO the Movie is still on your list on the 25th I'll get back to you on that offer ;) .... bis dahin, krachen lassen!
Heyhey, nur ne kleine Erinnerung, ob der Deal noch steht? Hast Glück, dass das Game noch da ist, kamen viele Angebote rein. Eigentlich wollte ich gerade nur noch einmal schauen, wann der Schlüssel handelbar wird, dabei sind mir andere interessante Titel auf deiner Liste aufgefallen... Keine Ahnung, ob du die neu hinzugefügt hast (eins davon auf jeden fall -> Deus Ex), oder ich sie übersehen habe, aber ich mach dir nun 3 verschiedene Angebote und du kannst selbst entscheiden, was für dich am besten ist :)
-> Unser abgemachter Deal: Monaco + Beat Hazard + Kapselschlüssel + 6 Karten
Oder neu 1: Monaco + Beat Hazard + Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Oder neu 2: Monaco + Beat Hazard + Teleglitch: Die More + Half Minute Hero
Wenns nach mir ginge, tendiere ich doch eher zu eines der 2 neuen Angebote ehrlich gesagt. Verrückt, da wir jetzt extra so lange mit dem Tausch gewartet haben wegen dem Schlüssel, aber so wirklich brauchen tu ich ihn doch nicht mehr und das war nur, weil ich kein anderes Spiel von deiner Liste interessant fand ^^
I have audiosurf, but I'm only interested in darksiders pack. Can we talk about? I have also other games but they aren't in your list
I couldn't find anything else on your list that I want, but I would trade it for Audiosurf + 4 CS:GO keys
Just got that game from another trade. I bought the bundle for 10€ which is why I have to ask for 4 keys or other games I'm interested in. Feel free to come back to this thread if you've got new games or something :)
Hmm I would take it if it was a bundle game but I'm not that interested to trade the Franchise Pack away.. I don't wanna exploit anyone (if I request more on top of a gift), so I have to pass on this one. But still open for offers ^^
5 keys. I can go lower if you have any (bundle) games I'm interested in or card sets.
Hello, I can give you Battleblock Theater ♡ for Darksaiders pack idf you want :)
No sorry, you definitely need to add more (games I want or CS:GO keys) to the deal if you want the FP lol..
Hi, I suppose you won't be interested but would you like to trade your LEGO the movie for one Limbo key?
You can check my Steam profile to see comments about trades made in other forums.
Hey there, you were right, I can't accept that offer. Do you have any other game serial keys or CS:GO keys (items)?
Hi again!
This are the only games I've got right now for change:
Afterfall Insanity - Extended Edition
Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
Gunspell - Steam Edition
Primal Carnage
Speedball 2 HD
Star Wars - Dark Forces
Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic
Star Wars - Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Superfrog HD
The Shopkeeper
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
Dead Space
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Mirror's Edge
I could give you LIMBO and other 3 if you are interested in any of them.
Thanks for your offer. I'm not interested in them I'm afraid. :/
But feel free to come back if you have anything else. :)
Do you have another 1 tier game I could be interested in? Since KTB is of the 4$ tier
i don't know, I saw the game on the list and i remind myself about these game. All "free" HB games:
Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
Thomas Was Alone
The Great Jitters: Pudding Pani
Cubemen 2
Bridge Constructor Playground
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Battle Group 2
Hi, any of these for Supreme Commander 2?
Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition
Bret Airborne
Broken Sword 2: the Smoking Mirror - Remastered
Canyon Capers
Chaos Domain
Chaos Ride
Crash Time 2
Dead Bits
Ionball 2: Ionstorm
Last Inua
Lost Civilization
Racer 8
Realms of the Haunting
Shadows on the Vatican - Act I: Greed (cards)
Space Hack
UFO: Aftermath
I have Euro Truck... and interested in darksiders franchise pack, are you willing?
Sorry, can't do this. Do you have any other games to add? Could only find 3 in your other trade thread.
Would u be interest in Shadowgrounds Pack? It's a Gift.
I'm interested in Lego.
Sorry, I hope you understand I can't trade a regular bundle game for those "special"/more expensive games. Do you have more games available? I saw XCOM: Enemy unknown in your other thread, I'm interested but still I need to ask for a little more (especially if you want Darksiders, but Lego will be traded for 3 bundle games)
Hey thanks for the offer. I'd trade if you add The Bridge and Phoenix Force to the mentioned games.
30 cards for Darksiders I + Darksiders II + ALL DLCs (Franchise Pack) ? i have a card set as well.
Hey =)
Sorry but my friend doesn't want anything :(
Is there any other game you would trade it for?
Got it in the meantime anyways :D But too bad with your friend, my second (backup) choice would have been Half Minute Hero. Is there no chance I'll give you Psychodelia, you will give me Half Minute Hero and you give your friend anything else? If not, unfortunately I can't anything else on your list I'm interested and I'd trade for 15 random trading cards (or racer 8 + platypus II since I don't want these games but at least they drop cards)...
hello ... i got : Euro Truck Simulator 2 (steam key) ... if you interesting let me know
Unfortunately it's reserved right now, but I'll let you know in a few days if it's still available or not (I'm have an offer which includes a item that is not tradeable yet)
so I will pick Darksiders I + Darksiders II + ALL DLCs (Franchise Pack) , then.
sorry ETS2 already gone ... I dont realize it ... just now (key is gone like more then an hour).
but if you like somethin else ... try to look
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ༼. ❛ ᴗ ❛.༽ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
// = 1st tier was higher than 2€ (or there was only 1 tier for the full bundle)
... As well as other games of my Steam wishlist.
Hejhej, awesome unknown!
☀︎ I trade 1:1 first tier bundle games, only very few exceptions (for example 1st tier, but it cost more than 2€ ).
☀︎ I accept trading cards but the amount highly differs from game to game and I prefer trading games.
☀︎ I do not accept cards for every game, especially not for the popular and more expensive ones (Tier > 1).
☀︎ I'm also looking for CS:GO/TF2 items, just ask for the price of the game you want.
☀︎ Feel free to make me an offer, I'm interested in way more games than listed here!
Have a beautiful day,
geoglitch ♡