Hello! I am interested in your next games:
Contraption Maker
Poker Night at the Inventory
Here are 2 lists of games that I trade:
Hello there, one of these games below for your Chernobylite Enhanced Edition?
Aragami 2
Life is Strange 2: Complete Season
Hi there, i noticed you have Poker Night as a steam gift.
Interested to trade at all for games or tf2 keys (how many you asking for one copy?)
Okay i see, thats too much for me as i have offers for 45 tf2.
Also, i noticed i have a lot of games from your wishlist. Interested to trade for them with tf2 keys?
You could check here:
Anything you like for yourself
How much are you offering for "Team Fortress 2 badges - Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser, Hannah's Altruistic Aspect, Sips' Selfless Simulacrum, Sjin's Generous Guise" ? I have an old HB code from ages ago.
TF2 Keys 🔑
Poker Night Family Sharing (more info below)
Team Fortress 2 item codes:
🦀 Spycrab codes
📺 Team Fortress 2 badges - Mandrew's Munificent Mug and Israphel's Eleemosynary Expression
📺 Team Fortress 2 badges - Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser, Hannah's Altruistic Aspect, Sips' Selfless Simulacrum, Sjin's Generous Guise
📺 Team Fortress 2 badges - Honeydew's Charitable Countenance and Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy
🧠 Team Fortress 2 badges - Thought that Counts
💖 Team Fortress 2 badges - Heart of Gold
🍲 Boiling Point codes
🥽 TF2VRH codes
Family Sharing Poker Night 1 and 2 for those that are interested in getting items such as Lugermorph or Dangeresque, Too?
🔵 Price list:
Poker Night 1+2 - 20 Keys 🔑
Poker Night 1 - 16 Keys 🔑
Poker Night 2 - 8 Keys 🔑
(Mixed or item overpay is also accepted)
You will additionally receive items from SpaceChem and Alien Swarm as a bonus
🟢 Items you receive:
Poker Night 1 - Poker Night 2 - SpaceChem - Alien Swarm
🔴 Reasons to trust:
🟡 How it works:
If you are interested add me on Steam or Discord (nemesis_a)