I have...


Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift: Arctic Games - removed from Steam store! - 10 keys

Arma 2: Complete Collection - 3.5 keys
Savage Lands - 3.5 keys

Dragon Age: Origins - 3 keys

Dungeon Defenders Collection - 2.5 keys
Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 - 2.5 keys
Left 4 Dead 2 - 2.5 keys
Beasts of Prey - 2.5 keys

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes + DLC - 2 keys
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition - 2 keys

Desperados Collection - 1.5 key
Pole Position 2012 - 1.5 key
Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition - 1.5 keys
How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition - 1.5 keys
Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition - 1.5 keys
Trapped Dead: Lockdown - 1.5 keys

Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves - 1 key
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle - 1 key
Half-Life 2 - 1 key
Spacebase DF-9 - 1 key
Meridian: New World - 1 key
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut - 1 key

The Binding of Isaac - 3 Sacks of gems
The Ship 2pack - - 3 Sacks of gems
Postal 2 Complete - 3 Sacks of gems
Super Meat Boy - 3 Sacks of gems
Deadlight - 3 Sacks of gems
Two Worlds Epic Edition - 3 Sacks of gems
Two Worlds II Castle Defense - 3 Sacks of gems
Over900Zombies - 3 Sacks of gems
Frozen Synapse Prime - 3 sacks of gems

Gorky 17 - 2 Sacks of gems
Greed: Black Border - 2 Sacks of gems
Crash Time 2 - 2 Sacks of gems
Heli Heroes - 2 Sacks of gems
Obulis - 2 Sacks of gems
Roogoo - 2 Sacks of gems
Defy Gravity Extended - 2 Sacks of gems
Syberia II - 2 Sacks of gems
Black Mirror - 2 Sacks of gems
The Ship Complete - 2 Sacks of gems
Sanctum - 2 Sacks of gems
Braveland - 2 Sacks of gems
Little Racers STREET - 2 Sacks of gems
Selknam Defense - 2 Sacks of gems

War of the Vikings: Bonus Coins - 1 Sack of gems
Just Cause 2: Chevalier Classic - 1 Sack of gems
Frontline Tactics - Close Quater Combat Soldier - 1 Sack of gems
Frontline Tactics - Sniper - 1 Sack of gems
Frontline Tactics - Medic - 1 Sack of gems
Gumboy Tournament - 1 Sack of gems
Gun Monkeys - 1 Sack of gems
The Hat Man: Shadow Ward - 1 Sack of gems

I want...

SACKs OF GEMS, CSGO keys, TF2 keys, refined metals, cards, items

4 Sacks of gems as 1 key
18 ref as 1 key
30-100 cards as 1 key (price 0.7eur and more)
TF2 (or Dota 2 or CSGO) items, with some overpay

0.5 key is:
2 sacks of gems
9 refined metals
1 Tour of duty ticket + some cards
cards, items...

I can accept very good game offers (STEAM GIFTS only)

if you accept my price, add me or send trade offer HERE

other offers here, please

(all games are TRADABLE and REGION FREE!)

Beware of impersonators!

Always check Steam profile!
Dont trust traders with private profile or with free games in library only!

I have public profile, never change my Steam nickname and I have over 3300 games in my library.

9 years ago*

Offer sent

9 years ago

i dont see your offer

9 years ago

Actually trade done...Name on steam ;WhodaheckcaresSon,Dota2 item for Orion gift
have a great day

9 years ago

oh, its you :) thank you for trade and have a nice day :)

9 years ago

The Witcher 2 for any of these?

Trine 2: Complete Story
Lumino City
A City Sleeps
theHunter: Primal
The Silent Age
Hero of the Kingdom II
The Sun and Moon

9 years ago

really?? bundle keys?
"I can accept very good game offers (STEAM GIFTS only)"
so - no, thanks...

9 years ago

try some offer :)

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.
New Bundles