[W] i Want a Invite to World of Warcraft on Recuit a Friend , on EU ! [H] u got ur bonus !

just add me or commend here , i give u my email and u send me a mail invite :D then u get these :

Earn triple the experience* when you're grouped together with him
You and him will have the ability to summon each other from any point in the world.
For every two levels of experience you earn, you can grant one level of experience to any one of his characters of a lower level.
If you purchase 1 month of World of Warcraft game time, he will get 1 month of FREE World of Warcraft game time.
If you purchase 2 months of World of Warcraft game time, he will receive an EPIC in-game mount.

just remember , u need to be on EU , coz i am on EU

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.