I have...

CSI: Hard Evidence (steam gift) -> $500 USD
American Mensa Academy (Steam gift) -> $750 USD
Fuel (Steam Key) -> $500 USD
London 2012 (Steam key) -> $500 USD
Air Control (Steam gift) -> $500 USD
Lord Of The Rings: War In The North (Steam Key) -> $750 USD
The Amazing Spider-Man (1868) with ALL DLC (16881) Steam Gifts -> $600 USD
Pole Position (steam Key) -> $12 USD

I want...

e-Transfer if you are within Canada (bank to bank transfers are an options in Canada and some international banks are doing this well)

I am cashing out (most of my games). I am also fine with letting these games sit and increase in value and rarity. Prices will only increase as limited stock is depleted. and as Steam continues to grow.

Payment must be sent use the PayPal friends and family option, fees are the responsibility of buyer.

Regardless of rep. you will ALWAYS send payment first.

3 years ago*

Closed 3 years ago.
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