I have...

Assassins Creed Black Flag - 7 keys
Assassins Creed Black Flag Digital Deluxe - 9 keys
Far Cry 3 - 4 keys
Child of Light - 3 keys
Might and Magic X Legacy - 3.5 keys
Rayman Legends - 4 keys
South Park The Stick of Truth - 6 keys
Valiant Hearts The Great War - 2 Keys
Watch Dogs - 9 keys

Weekend Deal:

X Rebirth - Standard 7.5 Keys / CE 10 Keys

I want...

TF2 Keys
DOTA2 Keys

Assassins Creed Black Flag - 7 keys
Assassins Creed Black Flag Digital Deluxe - 9 keys
Far Cry 3 - 4 keys
Child of Light - 3 keys
Might and Magic X Legacy - 3.5 keys
Rayman Legends - 4 keys
South Park The Stick of Truth - 6 keys
Valiant Hearts The Great War - 2 Keys
Watch Dogs - 9 keys

Hi Folks,

I am purchasing these titles on demand from the Australian Steam store, so these are ROW. If it is not in my inventory don't worry, I will purchase as needed. Due to the 30-day trade restriction on gifts, you will need to go first, and I will gift you the game after. You must not already have the game in your Steam library in order to be able to accept the gift.

NOTE: I am not making a profit from these trades, I am only listing the lowest possible number of keys required to be able to sell the keys and purchase the games above. In most cases there is a gap of around 0.20 - 0.50c. If the above prices help with getting a copy for cheaper than you can buy elsewhere, I'm happy to help, but please don't ask for better prices because it can't be done sorry.

Add me for a quick trade =)


9 years ago*

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry + Rayman® Legends + Valiant Hearts: The Great War™ for 7 keys?

9 years ago

Can do those 3 for 8 keys total if you are interested

9 years ago

Hi there, I would be interested in X Rebirth CE, Cities: Skylines, Shovel Knight, Grim Fandango Remastered, Homeworld Remastered (2x), Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Premium Edition and Distance.
What would be your price in TF2 keys?

9 years ago*

The majority of items on the Australian store are more expensive than anywhere else on Earth. I just listed a couple of select items from the weekend sale that happen to be cheaper than the US store in case anyone needed them. Sorry I couldn't help.

9 years ago

Hi. 1,5 tf2 Keys for Valiant Hearts?

9 years ago

At the price of two keys there is around 0.20c left, so I can't sorry.

9 years ago

Prices higher than on the store? wtf

9 years ago

Thanks for your valuable input.

9 years ago

Portal and gta san andreas for south park?

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.