I have...

CLOSING THREAD BECAUSE OF A TROLL NAMED ANDLU (https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198079340276) harassing honest people like me because he couldn't get what he wants like the child he is.

My Steam Gifts - My Inventory

  • Endless Space Collection [This is a restricted gift which can only be redeemed in these countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Brunei Darussalam]
  • Frozen Synapse [This is a restricted gift which can only be redeemed in these countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Brunei Darussalam]
  • Game of Thrones - Dog Pack DLC
  • [TRADED] Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle
  • Gun Monkeys

My Steam Game Keys

  • Adam's Venture Chronicles
  • Club Manager 2016
  • Dead Bits
  • Idol Hands
  • [TRADED] Nash Racing
  • The Witch's Yarn
  • Uncanny Valley

My Humble Bundle Steam Keys

  • Anachronox
  • Blackguards
  • The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
  • Coin Crypt
  • [TRADED] Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition
  • Divekick
  • The Dream Machine: Chapters 1-3
  • The Dream Machine: Chapter 4
  • Duke Nukem Forever
  • Empire: Total War
  • Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes
  • Freedom Force
  • Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
  • Freedom Planet
  • Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
  • Grim Fandango Remastered
  • [TRADED] Mafia II Director's Cut
  • Mercenary Kings
  • NBA 2K16
  • NiGHTS Into Dreams
  • Railroad Tycoon 3
  • Risen
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition
  • Sacred 3 Gold
  • Saints Row 2
  • [TRADED] Screencheat
  • [TRADED] SpeedRunners
  • The Stanley Parable
  • Supercharged Robot VULKAISER
  • Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
  • [TRADED] Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul (DLC) -- Needs Base Game
I want...

Extreme want:

  • CS:GO Keys
  • Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
  • Warhammer: Vermintide II
  • Ghost Recon: Wildlands
  • For Honor ROW -- pick 3 games + 6 csgo keys
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege
  • Tom Clancy's The Division
  • XCOM 2

Want the following (in no particular order):

World domination.
The ability to create food just by thinking it.
A girlfriend.
A big D.

I mainly accept CS:GO keys and games that I am interested in.
Drop an offer and I might throw in a few games extra.

Please refrain from adding me if you have a private profile or require me to click on a link to a "picture" to "show" me your inventory.
Other than that, please do feel free to state your offer by commenting. :)

You may send me an offer through my Steam trade link here.

1 decade ago*

7 Days To Die for 300 gems and 2 csgo case? and 5 cards

1 decade ago

Although, you didn't get what you want, we worked something else out. Thanks for the trade!

1 decade ago*

4 keys for the walking dead season 2?

1 decade ago

No, thank you.

1 decade ago

miscreated for csgo keys with cases?

1 decade ago

Don't have cases and I'm currently focusing efforts to secure a copy of Dying Light for myself. I'll keep your offer in mind for the future though. Thanks.

1 decade ago

Empire: Total War for 1 tf2 key?

1 decade ago

I'm interested. Is it okay for me to take 4 cards from your inventory to complete some sets of mine as well, though?

1 decade ago

No sorry, would only offer 1 tf2 key

1 decade ago

Alright. If you're willing to go first, then add me.

1 decade ago

Guess you're not interested anymore? Oh, well. Take care.

1 decade ago

Already have all of those. Thank you :)

1 decade ago

Hi would you be interested to trade one of those games, for a copy of the Ship?

1 decade ago

Would Nights into Dreams do?

1 decade ago

i was thinking in Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy

1 decade ago

Oh. I forgot to update my list -- it is updated now. Sorry about that. I already used that on myself you see.

1 decade ago

ok then, sorry but there's not anything to my liking :/

1 decade ago

[H] The Walking Dead Season 2 [RU/CIS] [W] 2 Keys (Dota or CS or TF2)

9 years ago

Sorry, I'm in the Philippines. Moving to NZ in a month or so.

9 years ago

Mini Ninjas please? List below:

(Fortune's Tavern DLC) Invite The Dwarves To Dinner x 4 (IG Gift Link)
(Fortune's Tavern DLC) Play The Mayor x 5 (IG Gift Link)
3 Stars Of Destiny x 3 (IG Gift Link)
A Valley Without Wind
Air Guardians x 2
Biology Battle
BloodNet (IG Gift Link)
Bloop x 2
Breakout Invaders (IG Gift Link)
CO-OP: Decrypted x 4 (IG Gift Link)
Company Of Heroes (HB Gift Link)
Crazy Cars - Hit The Road x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Crystals Of Time x 2
Cyberpunk 3776 x 3 (IG Gift Link)
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive
Desert Thunder
Developer Alliance Bundle(Polarity, BEEP, Camera Obscura, Out There Somewhere)(ROW Gift)
Escape Machines x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Fortune's Tavern - The Fantasy Tavern Simulator x 5 (IG Gift Link)
Ghost Recon Phantoms E3 Avatar (HB Site Redeem Code)
Ghost Recon Phantoms Starter Pack (HB Site Redeem Code)
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials Of Glork (IG Gift Link)
Grapple x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Grave Prosperity: Redux - Part 1 (IG Gift Link)
Gun Monkeys x 4
Gunship (IG Gift Link)
Hacker Evolution Duality
Hare In The Hat x 5 (IG Gift Link)
Insecticide Part 1 x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Kraven Manor x 2
Lumino City
Make it indie! x 2
Marine Sharpshooter II: Jungle Warfare
Monument Builders - Alcatraz x 2 (IG Gift Link)
On A Roll 3D (IG Gift Link)
Once Bitten, Twice Dead! (IG Gift Link)
Payday 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack (RU/CIS Gift)
PeriAreion (IG Gift Link)
Pitiri 1977 x 2
Polarity (Gift Latin America Only)
Project Temporality x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Quantum Rush Champions (IG Gift Link)
QuestEvent x 2 (IG Gift Link)
R.O.O.T.S. x 4
RADical ROACH Deluxe Edition
Red Lake (IG Gift Link)
Residue: Final Cut x 4 (IG Gift Link)
Rex Nebular And The Cosmic Gender Bender (IG Gift Link)
SMITE Loki Pack (HB Site Redeem Code)
SMITE Xbox One Closed Beta (HB Site Redeem Code)
Shattered Haven
Shin Samurai Jazz x 3 (IG Gift Link)
Space Trader: Merchant Marine
StarFence (IG Gift Link)
Storm In a Teacup x 2
Streets Of Chaos x 2
Super Furball x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Terra Ingonita - Chapter One: The Descendant x 2 (IG Gift Link)
The 39 Steps x 2
The Albino Hunter x 3 (IG Gift Link)
The Book Of Legends x 4 (IG Gift Link)
The Defenders: The Second Wave (IG Gift Link)
The Nightmare Cooperative x 2
Trine 2: Complete Story x 3
Uriel's Chasm x 2
Warframe 7-Day Credit & Affinity Booster Packs (HB Site Promo Code)
Why So Evil (IG Gift Link)
Why So Evil 2: Dystopia (IG Gift Link)
Wooden Floor x 4 (IG Gift Link)
World Of Tanks Invite Code (HB Site Redeem Code)
World Of Warships Closed Beta Key (HB Site Redeem Code) (NA Servers Only)
World War 2: Time Of Wrath
iBomber Defense
iBomber Defense Pacific

9 years ago

Heya dj, sorry. Wasn't around for a time. Mini Ninjas has been traded off and the list wasn't updated at the time though. Good luck!

8 years ago

i have agarest trade for Payday 2?

9 years ago

Hey there Ace, sorry that I wasn't around. Payday's all gone unfortunately; even before you posted I guess. since the list wasn't updated at the time... Good luck!

8 years ago

Maybe we can trade some games your spare games that I don't own, for my spare games that you don't own (1:1).
I saw you have "Particula" in your want-list, and I happen to have it.
Please, compare the rest my trade list with your steam library using compare2steam:
Hopefully we can make a good deal!

8 years ago

Hi Royal,
Sorry... I wasn't around for a long time lol. And now that I am, I'm kinda looking out for keys at the moment. Good luck!

8 years ago

Hi sydn, not interested in any games at the moment. Do you happen to have some keys instead?

8 years ago

Hello, I'm little interested in NBA 2K16, how many CSGO keys would you like to get for it?

8 years ago

Hi Sammo :O
Hmm, would you like to make an offer? I was thinking 6 keys of my choosing in your inventory... or not? :D

8 years ago

That's way more I'd pay for this game, anyway I'll wait for next bundle sale of this game, it's not a must have game for me so I'll wait a couple weeks or months :)

8 years ago

Um, okay? What were you planning to offer for them for then? Well anyway, good luck to you.

8 years ago

I was looking for g2a or kinguin price (6-8€) and I saw it cheaper (3-4 CSGO keys). Anyway as I said I'm not so much interested in this game right now. Good luck with trading too ;)

8 years ago

I might go with 4 keys + some stuff but even then, 4 is just cutting it too low. 5 Is fair in my honest opinion. If you do change your mind, 5 is the lowest I'd go. Take care.

8 years ago

hi, i'd be interested in a Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul DLC (Humble Gift Link) can offer Savage Lands for it

8 years ago

How about Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul DLC + INK + Screencheat for a key?
I tried Savage lands and I didn't really like it that much.

8 years ago

if the DLC and Screencheat are HB Gift Links then sure, INK can be a Steam-Key
e. thanks!

8 years ago*

Thanks for the trade!

8 years ago

how much for NBA 2K16?

8 years ago

5 CS:GO Keys?
Or if you have GR: Wildlands I can do = NBA 2K16 + 3 CS:GO keys? :D

8 years ago

Something from Here for NBA 2K16

8 years ago

No thank you, 5 Keys is my price for 2K16...

8 years ago

Sup, dont know did i offer you already or no, still: Anything here https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/hIUjp/gamesfallout-nvmetroorigin-gmsw-offerskeysitems or from my steam gifts for NBA 2k16?

8 years ago

Heya DefieO. I checked the list and inventory, but I didn't find anything that interested me. I'm going for 5 keys for it if ever you get around to getting them. That being said, I see that you have one key in your inventory... are u interested in anything else in my list?

8 years ago

Wave of Darkness / Tempest or https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/Xtt3c/ for Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle

7 years ago

Hi agk90. I really have to say that I am interested in those games but my goal right now is to save up keys to get For Honor... Would you agree to trade the Tropico Bundle for a key instead?

7 years ago

sorry, i cant offer key, i want to trade game vs game :)

7 years ago

Ah sorry to hear that. I can add COIN CRYPT to the bundle for a key. Let me know if u change your mind. Good luck!!

7 years ago

Hi GT4... unfortunately, I am only interested in keys or For Honor, at the moment. My price for it is 4 keys.

7 years ago

Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich for lichdom battlemage

7 years ago

Thanks for thee offer justseedy, but I'm only interested on my wishlist items at the moment...

7 years ago

Hey there, anything reasonable here for Nash Racing?

7 years ago

I've been having some gaming munchies for Agent Awesome for a long time. Trade?

7 years ago

Sure, added!

7 years ago

hi 1 csgo key for tropico 4 ! thanks

7 years ago


7 years ago

All 4 chapters? Would you happen to have 2 keys?

7 years ago*

preferably all 4

7 years ago

was hoping there'd be a game you'd be interested in for them?

7 years ago

Let me think about it. I'll send a message if I'm interested in the games. So far though, I need the keys.

7 years ago

sure just send me an add if you see something your interested in

7 years ago

anything here for NBA2k16, mafia 2, grim fandango, stanley and mercenary kings? - https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/uWUMm/h-humble-monthlybioshock-dont-starve-lotsa-games-w-april-monthly-csgo-keys-paypal

7 years ago

On the fence with Shadowrun: HK at the moment. I'll message if I want to go through with it...

7 years ago

ok, add me on steam when you decide

7 years ago

None atm, sorry. Interested in keys though...

7 years ago

How many keys u want for SpeedRunners and NBA 2K16 please? Separated both games, thanks :)

7 years ago

NBA 2K16 for 6 keys? :O
Speedrunners for 3 keys. :D

7 years ago

6 for bundle version, its more than whole bundle :D ? 3 keys for $1 tier speedrunners? Yay, not really, thanks

7 years ago

I'm sorry that you feel that way. If you want an argument on trading, I won't give it to you. :D I gave you the price based on what is currently fair. Just because your great great grandfather bought your house for 400 USD doesn't mean you should sell it for 400 USD today. K? K.

7 years ago

I dont need argument, if u think xxx% overpriced games are fair then yo, your thread, no problem from my side, i only asked for price. Not interested in very ovepriced ones, thats it. Thanks 4 reply and have a nice day :)
i sure respect profit for seller, but not when its xxx%
//reply, i never insulted or aruge you, i only said how u can say its fair sell game from (part of) $1 tier for 3 csgo keys, thats all, no insulting or smth. Its 18x overpay only on 1 game, thats why i said.

7 years ago*

You are clearly trying to argue right now by trying to smear my prices as "overpriced" on MY thread.

I ask that you stop posting your lowball-centric behavior on my thread. You are welcome to post your opinion but you are accusing me and my prices of something it is not. If you do not stop, I will report you as you clearly have not read the TOS. Your behavior constitutes a violation where you express yourself by demeaning the prices set by an individual on his thread.

Sorry if you feel the way you feel about my prices. I just feel insulted at the moment. Let's just leave it at that. Have a nice day.

7 years ago*

I thought I already told you to stop communicating. And you still insist on posting your your LOW BALLING opinion and arguing with my prices on my thread. I realize English is not your first language but you're being an idiot right now. That's fine. I reported you.

You should also go post this on every other thread (which is basically everyone at the time of this writing) who has the same price as me so everyone knows how smart you are.

7 years ago*

Something from Here for NBA 2K16

7 years ago

Thank you for the offer, but I'm not interested in any games unless it is on my wishlist at the moment.

7 years ago

Hi. Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition for Mafia II Director's Cut?

7 years ago

Hi! I'll think about it but I'm weighing in on a No for now... sorry.

7 years ago

Alright, no problem! Just let me know if you change your mind.

7 years ago

Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition + Stanley parable for rust?

7 years ago

Counter-offer: H1Z1 + Rust or some keys

7 years ago

Mafia II Director's Cut +stanley for rust?

7 years ago

Tempting but no thank you. If you add H1Z1, then yes.

7 years ago

BUT RUST are almost the same as value like ur 2 games.. even h1z1 for that 2 games isnt fair..

7 years ago

On my end, Rust = 499.95 pesos
While Mafia 2 = 759.85 pesos and Stanley Parable is 419.95 peesos
H1Z1: Survive is 499.95 without the sale. But it shows that it is 299 pesos right now because of a 40% sale on Steam that I just noticed.

7 years ago

Currently only want keys, sorry. Unless you wanna get it for 6 keys?

7 years ago

how much for both csgo keysMafia II Director's Cut NBA 2K16

7 years ago

6 keys for nba, 3 keys for mafia separately.
You can get them both for 8 keys :D

7 years ago

Only interested in keys at the moment, sorry. Thanks for the offer though.

7 years ago

Hello :)
Would you like to trade your Mafia II Director's Cut for anything of here?

7 years ago

Hi Cauix... Don't have any games I'm interested in that are found in your list, sorry.
Thanks for dropping by though.

7 years ago

Interested in Dead Island GOTY , How many csgo keys on that ?

7 years ago

What are you offering for it?

7 years ago

2 csgo keys ?

7 years ago*

Hi Rolenta. Sorry, been busy. I was thinking 3 keys seeing as this is the GOTY edition which was removed by Steam.

7 years ago

ok works for me

7 years ago

Great! I'll add you.

7 years ago

[H] Neighboring Islands offer?

7 years ago

I'm interested in games like that but can't offer anything for it at the moment since I am trying to get the games on my wishlist. Thank you for the offer though; I would most likely contact you at a later date when I have something to offer for it. Take care.

7 years ago

Interested in nba2k16, price?

7 years ago

Can you offer any games on my wishlist up there? Like, The Division or Wildlands?
If not, state an offer.

7 years ago

I have Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III from WL, maybe add me to discuss?

7 years ago

Hi Omni :D I'm not really into RTS games... it is my BANE. lol

7 years ago

Hello. Would you mind telling me the key price for Empire: Total War? I can trade using CS: GO keys. Common or uncommon. Thanks! P.S. Is it the collection, or just the base game?

7 years ago

What would you offer me for it? It's the base game as far as I can tell... It has no pretty pictures lol.
Is 3 keys okay for you?

7 years ago*

Blackguards & Adam's Venture Chronicles for The Walking Dead: Season 1 & Survivalist?

7 years ago

I'm kind of interested in the Walking Dead. I'll send a message if I want to proceed. At the moment, I need keys for a game that I need. Thank you for the offer.

7 years ago

Didn't see anything I wanted, sorry. Thanks for the offer.

7 years ago

One cs:go key for the stanley parable?

7 years ago

No thank you :(

6 years ago

Tooth and tail or the wolf among us for NBA?

6 years ago

Not interested in those games sadly... I would have liked Wolf Among Us but I sort of finished that with a GOG version... :(
Are you interested to trade my Empire Total War for your Vermintide End Times?

6 years ago

Can do for nba 2k16

6 years ago*

No thank you.

6 years ago

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide for NBA 2K16?

6 years ago

Something else perhaps?

6 years ago

sorry that's the only one iam interested in, how many csgo keys you'd like for it?

6 years ago

Enough to get me Vermintide 2 would be nice, lol.
So I guess 5?

6 years ago

Sorry too high will have to pass

6 years ago

3 tf2 keys for NBA 2k16 if gift link

6 years ago

Hi. I'm looking to trade it for Vermintide 2. So my price for it is 5 CSGO keys.

6 years ago

Too high, could give you vermintide 2 if you add keys

6 years ago

I don't know if that's fair for me considering that 2K16 is sold at a higher price than Vermintide 2 in Steam, G2A, and Kinguin...

6 years ago

Vermintide 2 is not bundled, NBA 2k16 on the other hand is

6 years ago

If you bought 3 cars on sale for a dollar doesn't mean that they are worth 33 cents... It just means you lucked in and now have something other people don't. The only way those cars would be worth 33 cents is that EVERYONE has them and no one wants them any more.

Look, I'm not here to argue with you. Thanks for the offer and good luck to us.

6 years ago

Try to trade it 1:1. You will not get it no matter how much you're arguing with me right now

Have a good day

6 years ago

You have such an annoying passive-aggressive attitude that you made me NOT want to trade with you now and in the future. Bye.

6 years ago

Wouldn't change much since your prices are too high, we would never trade
good luck you'll need it for vermintide 2

6 years ago

You come into MY thread and accuse me of high prices? I took a look at yours. You undercut people a lot and get more than you should. GO take a look at the so called prices in STEAM, G2A. and KINGUIN and tell me about PRICES. Talk about a double standard LOL, GTFO kid. I didn't invade your thread to spout shit. You're in MINE.

6 years ago*

Stop being dramatic, I'm not trading with you because your prices are higher that's all. Stop insulting me because you're not trading with anyone

6 years ago

Could you stop trolling in my thread thinking someone would back u or agree with you? Do you want a thread war in yours? Because your prices are high. SMH. Kids these days.

6 years ago

Calling other people kids is a very mature thing to do lel

Stop answering me and I'll stop answering you as simple as that

6 years ago

LOL, keep crying.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.
New Bundles