One Splinter Cell: Blacklist key for Uplay. Its not a Steam key because Steam does not accept SC: Blacklist keys. Of course.


Anything, really. If its on my wishlist it helps. If its really amazing or new I will be extra inclined to consider. Fair trade, though. Don't rip me off by offering something worth $10 and the like.

Fine print

Alright, yes, I know I am a new person here, and I have no rep or anything. There is no reason for you to trust me at all. Hell, it even says to run away from people like me on a pinned post here. The thing is that I don't seem to be able to find any website where I can give away Uplay keys, so I thought I would come here, having seen others offer Uplay keys for Steam games. If it makes me more credible, I got the key from www.free-cd-key.com which are legit (I've won and redeemed a key from the raffles there before). Wow, I sound patronising don't I. Anyway, it really is up to you whether to trust me or not.

One word though, No Mafia II and Civ V keys/trades. I have them both on Steam already.

1 decade ago*

Well, nobody trusts me huh. I'm touched >.<

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.