I have...


I want...


7 years ago*

Hi! Something here for Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan?

7 years ago

only thing i seen was Magicka not sure thats fair on your end.

7 years ago

Yeah, not sure I'd trade Magicka for Aurion alone... Perhaps you could add one of the other two games or some smaller games from your other thread?

7 years ago

what you want ?
have a look

7 years ago

On top of Aurion, for Magicka, I could do either one of the other two games listed in this thread (Void or Adventures), or a few games from your other thread (kinda hard to choose, as all the games there of any interest are dirt cheap at the moment, so not worth the trade... Maybe Attracio + Earth Overclocked + Elliot Quest + Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny + DLC?).
I understand if that's too much for you, as it does seem like a lot of games. However, by current values, even all those combined are not equal to Magicka alone.

7 years ago

Void + Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan for magicka sure

7 years ago

The prices of your games keep dropping like crazy, and now the combined value of the two games is about one third of Magicka's value. :D But, I guess I'll have to do it now cause I offered it, and I like to stand by my offers.

7 years ago

bro np dont worry about it, if your checking g2a and sites like its cause they are bundled people keep putting them up.

7 years ago

Thanks for understanding, I appreciate it. :)
Yeah, I use g2a to price check and make sure a trade is fair.
In any case, I am still interested in the listed games, so do have a look and see if anything other than Magicka catches your eye. :)

7 years ago

traded with me
see np ;)

7 years ago

Hey there, anything reasonable here for Aurion?

7 years ago

did not see any thing atm

7 years ago

[W] Void Destroyer, Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
[H] https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/KheJj/h-the-witness-space-run-galaxy-stardew-valley-mafia-2-legend-of-korra-and-99-more

Let me know if anything sparks your interest

7 years ago

i see Resident Evil Revelations, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, but not sure

7 years ago

Something here for The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizza Boy ?

7 years ago

Games from my list for Aurion, Void Destroyer

7 years ago

frist thing i see is Magicka, but like i told trader up there not sure its fair.

i have looked at this before think i got others i wanted tho.

7 years ago

I would happily trade Magicka and on top of that I will add a game of my choice that you are missing too.

7 years ago

if you would add me, im not logged in on web and well would have to find my phone

Edit think i found you.

7 years ago*

Sorry didn't see anything at this time, just FYI at some point I will be looking for starwars games, but ATM I don't know what ones I want or there value.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.