How are you doing? (:
I was mostly looking for Jusant or Mad Max to gift to a friend. The Entropy Centre was more like a backup haha. Thankfully, I just found Jusant, so I’ll be closing this thread soon, but thanks so much for your offer. It was quite fair, and I really appreciated it! You have a great list of games, by the way. I hope we can do a trade some day.
Please take care. Have a great one!
Hey, turtlebathwater.
Thanks for reaching out!
Sure. Please add me on Steam so we can talk details. (:
Hi, can do Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair at 1 TF2 Keys, and TOEM at 0.75 TF2 Keys (1 ToD + 1500 Gems).
Let me know if interested ...
Please beware of impersonators. Always check the SteamID and profile and make sure they match with Steam Trades.
TF2 (Team Fortress 2 key)
TOD (Tour of Duty ticket)
Other offers are welcome.
Check out my other threads.
Please note
Finished deals