Heyo everybody,

would love to see somebody trading that bundlekey from the Humble Deep Silver Bundle ReBundle with me. I just want the base games that were bundled in one key (Risen 2, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Sacred 2 Gold Edition), no BTA stuff. Keys I can offer are:

Velvet Assassins


Steam & Steal Episode 1

Gun Monkeys

Canon Capers

Space Hack

Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten

UFO Extraterrestrials Gold

Thunder Wolves

STORM: Frontline Nation

Huntsman: The Orphanage


Zeno Clash

Kingdom Elemental

Etherlords II

Crash Time 2

Nihilumbra Key for Desura

Broken Age for Ouya

Humble Double Fine Bundle (Psychonauts, Stacking, + Costume Quest)

Brazen and Prototypes Steam Keys (Double Fine Amnesia Fortnight 2012)

Electronic Super Joy: Groove City (Steam Gift)

Please feel free to pick whatever you like and find appropriate.
And please, people, do not offer me trades for trading cards, I am looking for someone who wants to trade a gamekey for a gamekey.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.