I have...

Game Trader is an Android app I created while learning Flutter :)
It runs in the background and notifies you of new messages on SteamTrades.

You can find it on F-Droid:

You need to whitelist the app in your battery saving settings to get timely notifications. The default check interval is 15 minutes but your phone ultimately decides how often to allow it to run.

It took about a month but the app has finally been published.

If you're interested in the details of the submission and review process, take a look at the app's merge request:

You can also examine the app's source code and build the APK file yourself. The code is in my Github repo:

Github is showing clones and visits over the past few days, so I assume there's some interest in the app. If you did try it, please leave a comment so I and others know what your experience with it was like. Also feel free to report issues or suggest features on Github.

Someone asked me about the Anti-Feature message: "This app has features you may not like".

The "NonFreeNet" Anti-Feature applies to apps that depend on a service that is not free and open source, and my app depends on SteamTrades.com. You can see the reason for the anti-feature in the F-Droid client. Here's a screenshot of it.

The same applies to apps like ProtonVPN, because even though the app is open-source, the VPN service itself is proprietary. It does not apply to apps like NextCloud, because the NextCloud app and server are open-source.

If you are worried about the safety of the app, there are things you can do to verify it. Like I said before, the code has already been reviewed by the F-Droid team. If you don't trust the F-Droid team, you can still examine the code and build the app yourself.

If you're not familiar with Flutter and Dart, you can maybe ask on a programming forum for an evaluation of the code. Or you can paste the code in parts into ChatGPT or Gemini and ask what each part is doing. Here's an example of the latter:

The code of the app is the five .dart files in the lib folder. Everything else, except the icons, can be generated automatically with flutter.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

4 years ago*

Wow this is a really good idea :0, i donĀ“t understand the preferences very good, but the other this like the message that shows and the window that opens seems to be very nice, keep working on it i will download it ;)

4 years ago

The preferences are how often you want it to check for new messages. The default is every 5 minutes.
The log level controls whether you get notified of any errors or warnings, like failure to check for messages because of Internet issues.
The email settings are required only if you want to receive email notifications.

4 years ago

Wish i was smart enough to install this. Thought about making it a Chrome extension?

4 years ago

It did occur to me.
I have no experience with browser extensions, and what they are allowed to do. I don't know if you can keep loading pages in the background, or if you can send emails.
I will investigate it sometime :)

4 years ago

You know what would be great!!! A steamtrades android app!!!! You know programing make it happen bro!!

4 years ago

IKR :)
This script is doing the job for me right now. I'm running it on a Linux VPS I have, and I receive email notifications on my phone. I have added an auto bump option but haven't yet pushed it to GitHub.
But you're right, a mobile app would be great. I was reading about Xamarin the other day, and I look forward to trying it!

4 years ago


4 years ago

I will :)

4 years ago

Hello there! First of all, impressive, thanks for your influence.
After that, I'd have to ask you, pretty please, to stop investigating the auto-bump option. That will only bring chaos to SteamTrades so please don't go that way. Message notifications are hella cool but that... Please, for the sake of the community, don't code that and give it out to people.

4 years ago

Hello okcerS97,
I thought it was okay since ST doesn't allow you to bump more than once an hour, script or no script.
The code is already on GitHub, but I can remove it if it breaks any rules.
Thank you for your feedback.

4 years ago

Well the thing is, image 100 people (a really small number compared to the size of ST community) starts using it. Imagine 100*3=300 posts being bumped every. single. hour. That wouldn't be fair as there are users from different time zones who can only bump sometimes, users who are busy and can't bump all the time etc. That would make their posts appear quite rarely as the others are abusing the system. It may sound as a plus for them but if you think about it for a while you'll understand that breaking the system that way will only cause harm to the community. It's not necessarily breaking the rules but again, for the sake of the balance in the community, please don't share the code to auto-bumping. Use it yourself, sure (You deserve that for making it yourself, again I'm impressed!), but think about the fairness here when deciding whether you should give it to other users. Cheers!

4 years ago

Fair enough :)
I will remove it right away. Thanks again for your feedback.

4 years ago

Thanks for that mate, really appreciate it!
P.S. Just saw your other threads, added you but I'm going off, would like to discuss buying your games for Paypal. Talk to ya tomorrow! c:

4 years ago

Welcome back and thank you for this! Tested it out, works pretty good.

4 years ago*

Thanks :)

4 years ago

im using this thanks it works great

4 years ago

You're welcome!

4 years ago

Are u able to transform message notification into Tampermonkey script to browser?
so i dont even need to come here anymore? :D

Maybe some filter would be good also. If message include "something here" or other generic spam trash it wont even send notification? Of course filter term is optional for users what will be excluded.
Also nice to see myself in video :)
Its still great job from u!

4 years ago*

Thank you :)

Adding a filter should be easy, I think.

I haven't tried Tampermonkey before. DrUnKeNTiGeR suggested doing the message notifications in an Android app, and I was considering that route. I will take a look at Tampermonkey too.

4 years ago

This is an amazing project you're working on! How's the progress coming along for the chrome extension?

4 years ago

Thanks :)

The Chrome store is frustrating, actually.
First there was a $5 fee I had to pay before I was allowed to submit my extension. They do not accept PayPal and my Mastercard was declined for some reason. I did a search and saw that this issue was widespread. Someone said he worked around it by getting a virtual Visa card so that's what I did.

Now I can submit my extension for review, but every time I do that the status shows 'Pending review' for some time then 'Rejected'. I don't even get an email from them explaining why it was rejected and what I need to do to fix it. I did another search and saw that this issue was also widespread:


I have contacted support but haven't yet heard from them.

The process for Firefox went far more smoothly. They performed a series of automated tests on my extension and it passed. Then it was held up for a few hours until someone reviewed the code, and it went public.

4 years ago

Thank you for the app.
It's working fine on a Xiaomi phone, but on an older Asus phone I just get a blank page.

2 months ago

You're welcome :)
What's the Android version?
Can you open the ST website in the phone browser?

2 months ago

I just tried Chrome and it cannot open the website either
It's giving me the error message "your connection is not private" and "NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID"

Android version is 6.0.1

2 months ago

This seems to be an issue with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates:

SteamTrades is using Let's Encrypt as the certificate authority so it's affected as well.

There may be a workaround for this, but it needs more investigation. Please open an issue on Github so we can track it there.

2 months ago

Thanks a lot for making the app

2 months ago

You're welcome!
Hope it serves you well.

2 months ago

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