I have:
Quantum Conundrum, CSS, CS 1.6, Painkiller Overdose
I want:
I dont want CS:GO, Dota 2.
x4 dota 2 for quantum + cs 1.6 + painkiller
No, thanks.
Spellforce Universe + All Zombies Must Die!: Bundle
poker night at inventory + killing floor for cs + css?
Sorry, I already have Killing Floor, thanks for the offer.
Super Meat Boy + Braid + Lone Survivor for CSS?
C&C 4 Tiberian Twilight for CSS?
L.A. Noire for Quantum Conundrum?
binary domain or spec ops the line for all
Spec Ops The Line tradable?
anything for Nuclear Dawn?
How many dota's for CS 1.6?
Sorry, I dont want Dota 2.
nuclear dawn + the ship complete for css?
A Valley Without Wind + Torchlight + Nation Red for Quantum?
I'm not interested in A Valley Without Wind, thanks anyway.
sequence + legendary for css?
Is their any certain game you would trade for QC?
cs:go for CSS?
Sorry, I dont want CS:GO.
orange box?
cs1.6 +css
I have:
Quantum Conundrum, CSS, CS 1.6, Painkiller Overdose
I want:
I dont want CS:GO, Dota 2.