I have...

A tradable gift copy of Biozone.

I want...

USD / EURO payment only.


I have a tradable gift copy of Biozone.

This game is not available on many stores as you can see on SteamDB

I am only looking for 5.50 USD / 5.00 EURO payment. No other offers.

Please read the following lines to avoid misunderstandings / mishappenings.

  1. Your paypal account must be verified and at least 7 months old.
  2. You will pay all fees, if there are any.
  3. You must send to family of friends by selecting the option: I'm sending money to family or friends
  4. You must include a description that reads:
    This is payment for virtual Steam items, already received
    My Steam account is <steamID64>
    I will not charge back under any circumstances
  5. I will not go first under any circumstances.

If you are interested, please post here first. I do not accept random friend invites. I do not send random friend invites.

I reserve the right to trade with anyone I choose to. No offense.

Thanks in advance :)

If your country does not support gifting to family / friends, you have to overpay in order to cover fees.

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.
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