as the title says


1 decade ago*

what you want for The showdown effect?

1 decade ago

would be easier to tell me what you can offer (paypal/keys/games)

1 decade ago

u dont take cards? and games.. its not worth mutch... u probebly buyd it from the humble bundle right? i just need some copys for my friends.. and i dont want to buy humblebundle for them all.

1 decade ago

no, I didn't lol

1 decade ago

how much pp for titan attacks?

1 decade ago

anything reasonable, your offer?!

1 decade ago

2 tf keys for Giana?

1 decade ago

too low sry

1 decade ago

What you want for god mode? Steam games I have: Cargo Commander, The Journey Down: Chapter 1, Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, Men of War: Condemned Heroes, Tower Wars, Chaser, Genesis Rising, Pid, Section 8, Dream Pinball 3D, Insecticide, Imperium Romanum: Gold Edition, SpaceChem, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirror's Edge, Crash Time 2, Larva Mortus, Obulis, Space Trader: Merchant Marine, Tank Universal, Wasteland Angel

1 decade ago

those are bundle keys and I have most of them, sry

1 decade ago

My Mcpixel Key for your Showdown Effect Key.

1 decade ago

it's not a key, and your offer is too low

1 decade ago

How many keys for Trine 2 CS?

1 decade ago

Medal of Honor for Showdown Effect?

1 decade ago

How many keys for God Mode?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

3 Refined metal for titan attack?

1 decade ago

Do you still have titan attacks?

1 decade ago

yes, your offer is?

1 decade ago

Something from here for Giana Sisters?

1 decade ago

Blocks That Matter or Dear Esther (tradeable) for Titan Attacks?

1:Titan Attacks

  • Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars
  • Blood Bowl Legendary Edition
  • Dino D-Day

3:Titan Attacks

  • Darwinia
  • Uplink
  • Penny Arcade 3
  • Trauma
  • Waking Mars
  • Aquaria
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth
  • Dungeons: The Dark Lord
  • Zeno Clash
1 decade ago

Really dude? 6 topics? You better close some of them. You can get suspended for that sort of thing. Not intending to talk shit, but seriously. What you're doing is very much against the rules here.

1 decade ago

There was another use who probably stays all day on this site like yourself and checks and reports others, who commented the same thing in one of my threads and after my reply he realized how sad that was and that he wasn't doing anything productive with his time so he deleted his post. I'll take your post in consideration, but don't you have anything better to do? Just to rat on people because you have issues, you're envious or what's the real problem here?

1 decade ago

Yeah I think it was that DreadPirateR guy, you should ask him about it, probably he's put in his place now. But I see you have a lot of posts in that thread, they should pay you by now for all your heroic efforts and time spent on here.

And on top of all I only bump them once a few days, it happened to bump them all at once today.

But go rat me out, sure. I bet it makes you feel like you're in charge of something, like you have authority. Feels good doesn't it? But in fact you got nothing, you're just a sad fcuk who rats on others. You'd get shived on the streets for that kinda sith ;)

Who the fcuk are you to warn people on this site? So that's what this is all about, you wanna feel like you control something, cause you probably failed controling your sith life

I closed the threads, only got this and the one in which another douceh posted the same sith so people can see.

But you never know ;) Ja bless you kissass

1 decade ago

Yeah you thought that through didn't you, so you deleted your response to my comments? "You're not that important and neither are your deals" was it? Well in your case this applies: "You're not that important to this site and neither are your comments" Now go cry to your mommy or kissass some more people maybe they'll start notice you so you can feel better about yourself. Very productive of you to rat people out

1 decade ago

Actually I deleted it b/c I didnt want to give you the satisfaction of a bump, but fuck it. Heres a bump.

I didn't "rat you out", you arrogant dickhead. You bumped 6-8 topics and the only thing I attempted to do is share information. People have been suspended for that. You were digging your own hole if a moderator had seen it. I've never reported anyone on this site and have no plans on starting.

You're not special. Neither are your deals. And your insults are about as sharp as a butter knife. Get some new material and take some anger management classes you ill-conceived douchebag.

1 decade ago

lol it wasnt me but it is you who is the sad muppet. Try to stick to some rules instead of being a selfish tool and blaming other people for being a rat. Try sticking to the rules and that wont be a problem for you. Are you too stupid to understand that ? I wasnt put in my place at all. The rules are there for a reason. Its 2 threads maximum. Dont be a tool who only thinks of himself and manage to follow some rules and you wont get any comments or reports at all. Especially having a little whiny bitch fest over it. You should have just closed them and shut up. Its funny you calling people rats or put in their place and you dont even have the brains to follow some simple rules. It is productive to try and get rid of worthless pieces of garbage like you from the site.

"You'd get shived on the streets for that kinda sith ;)" oh my god you are stupid you weapon lol :)

1 decade ago

LOL your boyfriend came to rat me out then? Otherwise I don't see how you found out about this topic. It was you, I remember your name and that stupid zorro picture perfectly. Yeah only douchebags rat others out, and the only whining bitches are you sad fcuks cause you're envious of others. Yeah some post the same thread with the same garbage 3-100 times, but I had different threads with different stuff. U jelly?!

1 decade ago

Slapped with your own words and you still use them lol. You're not special, neither are your comments. Tell this to yourself, stop ratting people out and bitch for attention so you can maybe get noticed for doing "productive" work for this site. lol

1 decade ago

Your pathetic. I would never be "jelly" of anyone who used the term "jelly". Has your carer let you near a PC again ? Its not Zorro either cretin. Like i said, "productive" is getting rid of pieces of garbage like you. You dont even have the IQ to type any new words. In the spam and suspension thread you whine the same to someone else. Go take your handbag and cry somewhere else imbecile ;)

1 decade ago

"You're" pathetic you piece of shit who doesn't even know basic grammar. You should be jelly for that at least, that you can't even type common words or sentences. I whine? You're all fcukin bitches who whine about others in that thread lol. Open your fcukin eyes and see just how lame you and all those cnuts are ;)

Now get the fcuk out of my thread you garbage of the society, you reject. Go try and make yourself pleasent in that thread cause here you're obviously not wanted.

1 decade ago

haha you are so stupid its laughable, how old are you ? 5 ? You have just basically repeated my words back to me haha, so sad. Go boil your head you worthless, brainless piece of human excrement. It took you a full day to come back with my own words, that must of hurt your head ha. You're so dumb it takes you an hour and a half to watch "60 Minutes"!. Idiot :)

1 decade ago

I'll tell you again: I don't spend all my time on this site like you sad little no lifer kid. You got stomped, and you came back for more? You don't even know grammar. Get out of my thread fcukin piece of sith fag and stop embarassing yourself. Do something productive, get a job or something.

1 decade ago

Haha you are even funnier when you try and make out you have a life. Just because it takes you so long to think of a reply then dont try and make up excuses. Then using big words for you like productive haha. Like you would know :)

1 decade ago

bumped for sad fcuks like zorro and derp

1 decade ago

duh there is a bump button in the top right hand corner. Or are you too stupid to even use or notice that. Hahaha idiot, jog on.

1 decade ago

that's the joke moron =] look at how stupid you are, you bite that one BAHAHAHHA

1 decade ago

Yeah you try and convince yourself that haha, like you are that smart. I think we know the truth in that with someone as brainless as you :)

1 decade ago

Giana sisters for my FTL?

1 decade ago

I have that bundle, sry man

1 decade ago

Any two of the following games for Showdown:
Splice, Oil Rush, LIMBO, Eets Munchies and Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC

1 decade ago

you have cs go ?

1 decade ago

Half-Life 2 gift for Giana Sisters?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.