I have...

Please ONLY send me offers if you can get me a game from my "Wanted" section, which are mostly non-bundle JRPGs, or I guess I can also accept TF2 or CS2 crate keys. Thanks to a full-time job & sometimes even a social life, I'm now too busy to click on links, scroll through lists, & reply to offers that don't mention what I want. (Don't bother looking at my Steam profile wishlist any more, as I realized most of the games I put there were to track sales for my friends, and not because I actually wanted to play those games myself.) Because of my work schedule, on most days I can only message & trade from 18:30-23:30 US Eastern time, so if you have a very different schedule and/or time zone from mine, we may only be able to trade on my days off from work (that I'm not going out with friends). Sorry & thank you.

Steam Inventory Tradeable Copies: (Obviously non-bundle)
Dead Island: Epidemic Beta (game was canceled and servers shut down, so this is a non-functional vanity item)
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate
Super Hexagon

Time Limited: Expires Jan 31, 2024
Get $10 Off (Almost) Anything in the IGN Store

Humble Bundle Unredeemed Keys and/or Gift Links:
$10 OFF IGN LIVE (May 2024) (Coupon for tickets to an event June 7-9, 2024, so no good if the tickets sell out first)
1 Screen Platformer
1993 Space Machine
2064: Read Only Memories (2 left)
8 Doors (December 2021)
911 Operator
Above Snakes
Across the Obelisk
Action Henk
ADOM - Ancient Domains of Mystery (July 2021)
Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX
The Adventure Pals
Aegis Defenders (December 2019)
Afterimage (March 2024)
Against the Storm (January 2025)
Age of Wonders III
Ageless (March 2021)
Airborne Kingdom
AI War: Fleet Command
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Alien Breed: Trilogy
Alien Spidy
Alina of the Arena
All You Can Eat
All-Star Fruit Racing - Yogscast Car DLC
Almost There: The Platformer
Amanda the Adventurer (May 2024)
The Amazing American Circus
Amazon App Store E3 500 Coin Pack
The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines (January 2021)
Amberial Dreams
Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal-
American Fugitive (August 2020)
The Anacrusis
Ancient Planet
Android Exporter (unrevealed but old from Clickteam 2.5 bundle; not sure what it does anymore)
Animal Super Squad (2 left)
Anomaly Defenders (2 left)
Anomaly Game Collection (contains the 5 games as 1 key)
Anomaly Korea (2 left)
Anomaly: Warzone Earth (2 left)
Anomaly: Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign (2 left)
Anomaly 2 (2 left)
Anvil Saga
Aragami 2 (January 2024)
Arcade Paradise (August 2023)
Arcadia Fallen
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace
ARMA Gold Edition
Armoured Warfare E3 Pack (Chieftain Mk. 6 Main Battle Tank, 30 days of premium time, 2500 Gold)
Army Men RTS (2 left)
Artemis: God-Queen of The Hunt
As Far as the Eye (August 2021)
The Ascent (August 2022)
Asdivine Hearts
Ash of Gods: The Way
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation (3 left)
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China (Uplay)
Assemble With Care
Astebreed Definitive Edition
Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand (December 2024)
Atom RPG Trudograd (July 2022)
Atomicrops (September 2021)
Auto Age: Standoff
Automachef (August 2020)
Autonauts (October 2020)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (September 2023)
Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche
Aven Colony (April 2021)
Avernum 3: Ruined World
Aviary Attorney
Back to Bed (2 left)
Backblaze Online Backup 4.3 (redeem on Backblaze)
Backbone (December 2022)
Backpack Hero
Bad North: Jotunn Edition (January 2020)
The Ball
The Banner Saga 2
Banners of Ruin (July 2022)
Baseball Stars 2
Basement (October 2020)
Basingstoke (July 2020)
Batalj BETA
Batalj BETA Friend Key
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition
Batman - The Telltale Series
Batman - The Telltale Series Shadows Mode
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series
Batman: The Enemy Within Shadows Mode (2 left)
Batora: Lost Haven (2 left)
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe
Battle Islands Commanders - E3 Exclusive Crate
Battle Riders
Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount (2 left)
Battlevoid: Harbinger
Beacon Pines (February 2024)
Bear With Me - Collector's Edition
Beat Cop
Bee Simulator (July 2021)
Before We Leave (February 2022)
Before Your Eyes
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery (May 2023)
Beholder 2
Bendy and the Dark Revival (May 2023)
Between the Stars
Beyond Eyes
Beyond the Wire (December 2021)
Beyond: Two Souls
Binary Domain
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Bit Blaster XL
Black Book (February 2022) (3 left)
Black Future '88 (October 2021)
Black the Fall
Blacktail (August 2024)
Blade & Bones
Blade & Soul E3 Pack (redeem on Blade & Soul)
Blade & Soul Giveaway Pack
Blade & Soul Shadow Guard Bundle (redeem on NC Soft)
Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack (redeem on Blade & Soul)
Blade Assault (December 2022)
Blood And Zombies
Blood Rage: Digital Edition
Blood Rage: Digital Edition - Gods of Asgard
Blood Rage: Digital Edition - Mystics of Midgard
Blood Rage: Digital Edition - Mythical Monsters
Blue Fire (August 2021)
The Blue Flamingo
Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artbooks DLC
Board Battlefield
Bomb Defense
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (December 2024) (Must be redeemed by Jan 6, 2026)
Bone - Episode 1 & Episode 2
Book of Demons
The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales (November 2024)
Boomerang Fu (February 2021)
Border Force
Boreal Blade (March 2021)
Bound by Flame
Bounty Train
Boxes: Lost Fragments (January 2025)
Bravery and Greed (May 2024)
The Bridge
Broken Age (5 left)
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (2 left)
Building Simulator (May 2023)
Bulb Boy
Calico (February 2022)
Call of Duty®: WWII - Call of Duty Endowment Bravery Pack
Call of the Sea (June 2022) (3 left)
The Callisto Protocol (April 2024)
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics (2 left) (this is the base game)
Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals
Carcassonne - The Princess and The Dragon DLC
Carcassonne - Traders & Builders DLC
Carcassonne - Winter & Gingerbread Man DLC
Cartel Tycoon
Cassette Beasts (November 2024)
Cat Cafe Manager
Cat Quest II (must be redeemed before May 31, 2025)
Caveblazers - Arena Mode DLC
Cepheus Protocol (August 2021)
Chainsaw Warrior
Children of Silentown (February 2024)
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (3 left)
Chorus (region locked for half the world, so check with me if you're not in the USA) (2 left)
Cities in Motion
Cities in Motion: German Cities
Cities in Motion: Tokyo
Cities in Motion: US Cities
Cities in Motion 2
Cities XL Platinum
Cities: Skylines - All That Jazz
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Art Deco
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Bridges & Piers
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: European Suburbia
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: High-Tech Buildings
Cities: Skylines - Country Road Radio
Cities: Skylines - Deep Focus Radio
Cities: Skylines - Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack (2 left)
Cities: Skylines - Snowfall (2 left)
Cities: Skylines - Synthetic Dawn Radio
Citizen Sleeper (March 2024)
CivCity: Rome (2 left)
Clatter (2 left)
Clicker bAdventure
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Mac Editor (must be redeemed on website, revealed key only)
ClusterPuck 99
Colt Canyon (April 2021)
Colt Express
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (Origin, not Steam) (May 2022)
Company of Heroes 2
Complete Unity 3D Developer
Conan Chop Chop (January 2023)
Concrete Jungle
Control Ultimate Edition
Coromon (April 2024) (3 left)
Corridor Z
Cosmonautica (2 left)
Crazy Machines 3
Crime Boss: Rockay City - First Month Edition (December 2024) (Must be redeemed by Jan 6, 2026)
Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Elite Starter Pack
Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Crying Suns
Cryofall (February 2020)
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version
Cube Link
Curse of the Dead Gods (June 2023)
Curses 'N Chaos
Cyber Hook (March 2021)
Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dangerous Golf
Dark Deity
Dark Future: Blood Red States (December 2019)
Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes (October 2023)
Dark Scavenger
Darksburg (November 2020)
Darkside Detective
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Darksiders III
DC Universe Infinite 1-Month Free Trial (Must be redeemed by September 13th, 2024, new & returning DC Universe Infinite subscribers only. Cannot be enrolled in a current plan.) (August 2024)
Dead Age
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Deadlight Directors Cut
Deadly Days (July 2021)
The Deadly Tower of Monsters
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death and Taxes
Death Roads: Tournament
Death's Gambit (2 left)
Death's Gambit: Afterlife - Ashes of Vados
Deceive Inc. (September 2023)
Deep Dungeons of Doom (2 left)
Deep Sky Derelicts
Defend Your Life: TD
Deleveled (January 2021)
Demon Turf (March 2023)
Deponia: The Complete Journey
Deponia Doomsday
Deliver Us Mars
Descenders (September 2022)
Desert Child (December 2019)
Desolate (June 2021)
Destiny 2: Beyond Light
Destroy All Humans 2! Reprobed (February 2024)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (March 2024)
Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon
Dicey Dungeons
Diluvian Ultra (August 2024)
Dimension Jump
Disaster Band
Disc Jam BETA (Beta access)
Disciples: Liberation (October 2022)
Disjunction (GOG not Steam) (June 2021)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Do Not Feed The Monkeys 2099
Dome Keeper (October 2024)
Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive (July 2020)
Don't Stand Out
Dordogne (January 2025) (Must be redeemed by Feb 2, 2026)
Downtown Drift
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Draw Slasher
Draw Your Game
Drawful 2
DreadOut: Keepers of The Dark
DreadOut Soundtrack & Manga DLC
Dream Tactics
Dreaming Sarah
Dreamscaper (2 left)
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge
DUCATI - 90th Anniversary
Due Process (November 2021)
Duelyst - 20 Spirit Orbs
Duelyst - Cosmetics Bundle
Duke Nukem Forever (2 left)
Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Duke Nukem’s Bulletstorm Tour DLC for Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition
Dungeon Escape
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos (September 2022)
Dungeon of the Endless
Dungeon Souls
Dustforce DX
DV: Rings of Saturn
The Dwarves
Earthlock (July 2020)
EaseUS Partition Master Pro 11.9 (redeem on EaseUS)
Eastside Hockey Manager
Edge of Eternity (March 2023)
Effie (June 2021)
Elderborn (July 2021)
Eldest Souls (November 2022)
Elegy for a Dead World
Else Heart.Break()
Embr (May 2022)
Emily is Away <3 (August 2022)
Empyrion - Galactic Survival (June 2024)
Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG (January 2023)
Encodya (GOG not Steam) (August 2021)
Endless Legend - Tempest DLC
Endless Space - Collection (2 left)
Endzone - A World Apart (December 2021)
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition (2 left)
The Entropy Centre
Eon Altar Episode 1
Epic Chef (October 2022)
The Escapists DLC: Alcatraz
Eternal Threads (June 2023)
Etherborn (March 2020)
Europa Universalis III Complete
Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
Evan's Remains (March 2022)
EVE Online 30-day Trial Access Code
EVE Online 4 Ship Skins
Exapunks (March 2020)
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow (April 2024)
Expeditions: Viking
Fabledom (February 2025)
Fae Tactics
The Fall
Fallout 76 + Fallout 1 (February 2023)
Family Man (May 2021)
Fantasy Blacksmith (October 2020)
Fashion Police Squad (April 2024)
fault - milestone one (2 left)
fault milestone two side:above
Fearless Fantasy
F.E.X (Forced Evolution Experiment)
Felix the Reaper (June 2020)
Fibbage XL
Figment 2: Creed Valley (July 2024)
Filthy, Stinking, Orcs
First Class Trouble (2 left) (December 2022)
A Fistful of Gun
Five Dates (February 2023)
The Flame in the Flood (2 left)
Flat Heroes
Floppy Knights
Flynn: Son of Crimson
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel (February 2023)
For the King Deluxe
Foretales (September 2023)
Forged Battalion
Forgive Me Father (September 2022) (revealed because was temporarily exhausted, and had to confirm when it was restocked, but unused)
The Forgotten City (September 2023) (2 left)
Fort Meow
Fort Solis (January 2025)
Fort Triumph (September 2021)
Founder's Fortune (April 2023)
FRAMED Collection (2 left)
Freaky Awesome
FreeCell Quest
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
Friends vs Friends (November 2023)
Frog Climbers
From Space (December 2023)
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game (September 2020)
Fury Unleashed (May 2021) (2 left)
Future Proof
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Galactic Civilizations Ultimate Edition
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Galcon Fusion
Game Dev Studio
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
A Game Of Thrones - A Dance With Dragons
A Game Of Thrones - A Feast For Crows
Gamedec - Definitive Edition (June 2022)
GameMaker Studio 2 Creator 12 Months
Gangs of Space Jingle Jam Pack
Garage: Bad Trip (October 2021)
Garden Life (November 2024)
Garden Story
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Gems of War – Demon Hunter Bundle
Generation Zero
Generation Zero - Alpine Unrest
Generation Zero - Base Defense Pack
Generation Zero - Base Support Pack
Generation Zero - Companion Accessories Pack
Generation Zero - Eastern European Weapons Pack
Generation Zero - FNIX Rising
Generation Zero - Motorbikes Pack
Generation Zero - Reinforced Flakmoped Pack
Generation Zero - Resistance Weapons Pack
Generation Zero - Soviet Weapons Pack
Generation Zero - Tactical Equipment Pack
Generation Zero - Tactical Equipment Pack 2
Generation Zero - US Weapons Pack
Generation Zero - US Weapons Pack 2
Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition (August 2020)
Genesis Noir (May 2022) (2 left)
Get In The Car, Loser!
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online Exclusive E3 Digital Ticket Bundle
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
Ghostrunner 2 (July 2024)
A Glider's Journey
Gloria Victis
Go! Go! Nippon! 2015 DX Edition (base + DLC)
Goat of Duty (October 2020)
Goat Simulator
God's Trigger
Gods Will Be Watching
Going Under (June 2021) (2 left)
Golden Light (March 2023)
The Golf Club™ 2019 featuring PGA TOUR
Golf Gang (October 2022)
Gotham City Impostors Free to Play: Professional Impostor Kit
GRAV (Early Access)
Graveyard Keeper
Greak: Memories of Azur (December 2021)
Griftlands (February 2025)
Grime (June 2023) (2 left)
Grimm & Tonic
Grip + 1 DLC (January 2020)
Grime (June 2023)
Grow: Song of the Evertree (January 2023)
Guacamelee! Complete
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition
A Guidebook of Babel (June 2024)
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- (2 left)
The Gunk (December 2023)
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero
Gunpoint (2 left)
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Guns of Icarus Alliance Collector's Edition
Guns of Icarus Alliance Costume Pack
Guns of Icarus Alliance Soundtrack
Guns of Icarus Alliance Yogscast 2017 Costume Pack
Guns of Icarus Online (2 left)
Guns of Icarus Online Costume Pack
Guns of Icarus Online Soundtrack
GUNS UP! Starter Pack + TV Head (2 left)
Guts and Glory (October 2021)
Gyromancer (2 left)
H1Z1 Trickster Crate
hack me
hack me 2
Hacknet (3 left)
HackyZack (2 left)
Haiku, the Robot
Hammerting (July 2021)
Hard Reset Redux
Hardspace: Shipbreaker (November 2023)
The Haunting of Billy
HAWKEN – Prosk Starter Bundle
Heaven Will Be Mine
Hell Pie (January 2024)
Hello Pollution!
Hellpoint (May 2021)
Here Comes Niko
Heretic's Fork (July 2024)
Hero's Hour (March 2023) (2 left)
The Hex (February 2020)
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack (2 left)
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire (2 left)
A Highland Song
Highway Blossoms
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch.1-5
HIVESWAP: Act 1 (3 left)
HIVESWAP Friendsim (October 2021)
Hokko Life (January 2023)
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Honey I Joined a Cult (June 2023)
Horace (May 2020)
Hot Brass (August 2023)
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora Deluxe
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotshot Racing (March 2021)
How to Survive
How to Survive 2
HunieCam Studio (2 left)
HuniePop (2 left)
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperviolent (July 2024)
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Idle Champions - Asharra Starter Pack
Idle Champions - Bruenor Starter Pack
Idle Champions - Celeste Starter Pack (2 left)
Idle Champions - Delina Starter Pack
Idle Champions - Jarlaxle Starter Pack
Idle Champions - Makos Starter Pack
Idle Champions - Minsc & Boo Starter Pack
Idle Champions - Nayeli Starter Pack
If Found... (May 2022)
Ikenfell (June 2021) (2 left)
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Immortal Planet (2 left)
Immortals of Aveum (February 2025) (Must be redeemed by Sep 3, 2025) (Origin, not Steam)
In Between
In memory of TITAN
In Other Waters (April 2021)
Industria (September 2022)
Infested Planet
Infested Planet - Trickster's Arsenal DLC
Infraspace (September 2024)
Inkulinati (December 2024)
The Inner World
Install Creator Pro (redeem on Clickteam)
Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox
The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy
Intro to Game Development with Unity
The Invincible (December 2024) (Must be redeemed by Jan 6, 2026)
The Invisible Hand (May 2023)
iOS Exporter (redeem on Clickteam)
Iron Danger
Jack Move (October 2024) (2 left)
Jagged Alliance 3 (January 2025)
John Wick Hex (October 2021)
A Juggler's Tale (October 2023)
Jump Stars
JumpJet Rex
Juno: New Origins (November 2021)
Jurassic World Evolution
Jurassic World Evolution: Carnivore Dinosaur Pack
Jurassic World Evolution: Claire's Sanctuary
Jurassic World Evolution: Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack
Jurassic World Evolution: Deluxe Dinosaur Pack (2 left)
Jurassic World Evolution: Herbivore Dinosaur Pack
Jurassic World Evolution: Raptor Squad Skin Collection
Jurassic World Evolution: Return To Jurassic Park
Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr Wu
Jusant (October 2024)
Just Die Already (February 2022)
Karma. Incarnation 1
KarmaZoo (November 2024)
Katamari Damacy Reroll
Kathy Rain
Kero Blaster
Kholat (2 left)
Kill it with Fire (July 2021) (2 left)
Kill the Crows
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Killsquad (April 2022)
King Arthur's Gold
King Arthur's Gold Direct Download Multiplayer Activation key (redeem on King Arthur's site)
The King's Bird (June 2020)
King's Bounty: Platinum Edition
Kingdom Classic
Kingdom: New Lands (2 left)
King and Assassins
Knight Squad
Knights of Honor II: Sovereign (June 2024)
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition
Knights of Pen and Paper 2 (2 left)
Kraken Academy!! (July 2023)
Kyle is Famous: Complete Edition
Lacuna - A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure (December 2021)
Lamplighters League (November 2024)
Last Call BBS (December 2023)
Last Encounter
Lawn Mowing Simulator (July 2022)
Legend of Keepers (July 2022)
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
The Legend of Tianding (November 2023)
Lego 2K Drive Awesome Edition (June 2024)
Levelhead (May 2021)
Liberated (GoG, not Steam)
LiEat (2 left)
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (April 2023)
Lion Quest
LISA: Complete Edition (2 left)
Little Big Workshop (August 2020)
Little Nightmares - Secrets of The Maw Expansion Pass
Loddlenaut (May 2024)
Lone Fungus
The Long Journey Home
The Lord of the Rings Adventure Card Game
LOTR: Adventure Card Game - Definitive Edition
Lords and Villeins (October 2023)
Lost Eidolons (September 2024)
Lost Horizon
Lost in the Dungeon
Lost Ruins
LostWinds (2 left)
LostWinds 2: Winter of the Melodias
Love is Dead
Love Letter (2 left)
Lovecraft's Untold Stories (February 2021)
Lucius Demake
Lumino City
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Machina of the Planet Tree -Planet Ruler-
Mad Max
Mages of Mystralia (January 2020)
MAGIX Music Maker $30 In-app voucher
Maid of Sker (October 2022)
Main Assembly (April 2021)
Mars: War Logs
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (September 2024)
Marvin's Mittens
Massive Chalice
Master Spy
Match Point
McPixel 3 (October 2024)
Mediterranea Inferno (May 2024)
Meeple Station (June 2023)
Mega Man Legacy Collection
Melody's Escape 2
Merchant of the Skies (July 2023)
Metal: Hellsinger (October 2023) (revealed because was temporarily exhausted, and had to confirm when it was restocked) (2 left)
MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures
Miasma Chronicles (June 2024)
Midnight Fight Express (December 2023)
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Midnight Protocol (January 2022)
Mighty No. 9
Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star (June 2021)
Mimic Arena
Mind Scanners (August 2022)
Mindball Play
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
MirrorMoon EP
Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter 1
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae (2 left)
Molek-Syntez (April 2020)
Monster Crown (March 2023)
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp (April 2023)
Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip (December 2024)
Monster Sanctuary (April 2022)
Monster Train (non-bundle)
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC (1 non-bundle, 1 from Oct 2022)
Moon Hunters (2 left)
Moonlighter: Between Dimensions
Moonstone Island (December 2024) (Must be redeemed by Jan 6, 2026)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (November 2022)
Morkredd (May 2021) (2 left)
A Mortician's Tale
Mountain (2 left)
Move or Die (3 left)
Mr. Prepper (October 2023)
Murdered: Soul Suspect
Mushroom 11
Music Maker EDM Edition (3 left)
Music Maker EDM Edition $10 voucher code for in-app purchases
Must Dash Amigos
My Little Universe (February 2025)
Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master (February 2025)
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
NASCAR Heat 2 - October Jumbo Expansion
Nebuchadnezzar (March 2022)
Necromonads + Source Code
Nemo Dungeon
Neo Cab
Neon Chrome
Nested Lands Alpha Playtest (February 2025) (Must be redeemed by Apr 8, 2025) (I don't know if having an alpha key lets you keep the final game on official launch)
Neverwinter Enthusiast Pack + Humble Bundle exclusive in-game title (redeem on Neverwinter)
Neverwinter Feywild Starter Pack
Neverwinter Gilded White Steed (redeem on Perfect World)
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Newt One
Nex Machina
The Next Penelope
Niche - A Genetics Survival Game (May 2020)
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (March 2022) (2 left)
Niffelheim (March 2020)
Night Call (February 2020)
Ninja Senki DX
Nitro Kid
No Longer Home
No Time to Explain (but should automatically upgrade to Remastered after redeeming)
No Time to Explain Remastered (4 left)
Noct (Early Access)
The Norwood Suite
Not For Broadcast
Not the Robots
Not Tonight (January 2021)
Nowhere Prophet (August 2021)
Oaken (February 2024)
The Occupation (September 2020)
Offensive Combat: Redux!
Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast
Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator
Old World (December 2024)
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
OlliOlli World - Rad Edition (January 2023) (temporarily exhausted, waiting for reveal)
Omno (August 2022)
On Rusty Trails
One Finger Death Punch 2
One Step From Eden
One Way Heroics (3 left)
Oozi: Earth Adventure
Operation: Tango (May 2023)
Orbital Racer
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You (2 left)
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space (August 2021)
Outward + The Soroboreans + Outward OST (February 2021)
Overgrowth Secret Preorder Forum (SPF) access
Overload (June 2020)
Overlord II
Override: Mech City Brawl
OXTO (January 2024)
Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim (July 2023)
Pac-Man 256 (2 left)
Pac-Man Museum +
Painters Guild
The Pale Beyond (December 2023) (2 left)
Pandemic: The Board Game
Panzer Corps
Panzer Corps Allied Corps DLC
Paradise Killer (July 2021) (2 left)
Paradise Lost (February 2022)
Paragon Gunslinger Pack
The Park
Partial Control
Party Hard
Party Hard 2
Patch Quest (September 2023)
Path of Giants (December 2020)
Pathfinder Adventures - 40 Chests
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathologic 2 (January 2021)
Pathologic Classic HD
Payday 2: Sydney Mega Mask
PC Building Simulator - Esports Expansion
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind (March 2021)
The Pegasus Expedition (January 2025)
Pesterquest (March 2021) (2 left)
Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh
Pinball FX - Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure
Pinball FX3 - Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure
Pix the Cat
Pizza Titan Ultra
A Plague Tale: Innocence (temporarily exhausted, waiting for reveal)
Planet Alpha
Planet of the Eyes
Plug & Play
Polygon Farm, Polygon City, and Polygon Prototype
Pool Panic (2 left)
Popup Dungeon
Post Void
Potatoman Seeks the Troof
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator (non-bundle, holding for a friend, or $9)
Potion Explosion
ProDAD mercalli v5 (two-year license)
Prodeus (November 2023)
Project Arrhythmia
Project Warlock (February 2020)
Psychonauts (5 left)
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Pumpkin Jack (June 2022)
Punch Club
Punch Club Deluxe
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
Puzzle Agent
Quadle + Source Code
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
Q.U.B.E. 2
Race the Sun
RAD (2 left)
Radio Commander
Raiden V: Director's Cut (April 2020)
Railroad Corporation (October 2022)
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum (2 left)
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railway Empire (July 2020)
Raji: An Ancient Epic (November 2022)
Random Access Murder
Rapture Rejects (2 left)
Rapture Rejects - Humble Exclusive "Safari Outfit"
Read Only Memories
Rebel Cops (January 2022)
Rebel Galaxy
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville
Rebound Dodgeball Evolved
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Red Horizon
The Red Lantern (January 2024)
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm (2 left)
Regions of Ruin
Regular Human Basketball
Relicta (May 2021)
Remnant Records (October 2024)
Remnants of Naezith (June 2020)
Remothered: Broken Porcelain (April 2021) (key revealed but unused, because accidentally clicked it while half-asleep)
Resident Evil Revelations (2 left)
Retimed (May 2021)
Retro Game Crunch
Retrowave (January 2022)
Revita (April 2023)
Revival: Recolonization
Revolver 360 Re:Actor
Ring of Pain (2 left)
Rise of Industry (May 2020)
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry
Road 96 (August 2023)
Road Doom
Road Redemption
Road to Ballhalla
Roadwarden (July 2023)
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Robocraft Eagle Pack (redeem on Robocraft)
Robocraft Jingle Jam Pack (redeem on Robocraft) (2 left)
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball (2 left)
Rocket Riot
Rock of Ages 2 – Classic Pack
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break (April 2021)
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos (April 2022)
Rogue Lords (March 2023)
Rogue Rocks
Roguebook (January 2024)
Röki (September 2021)
Rollerdrome (April 2023)
room13 (Early Access) + Source Code
Root Double -Before Crime After Days- Xtend Edition
Rover Mechanic Simulator (November 2020)
RPG Maker VX
Rustler (January 2022) (2 left)
Sable (2 left)
Saints Row (The 2023 reboot) (March 2024)
Saints Row 2
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack
Sakura Agent
Sakura Alien
Sakura Angels (2 left)
Sakura Beach (2 left)
Sakura Beach 2 (2 left)
Sakura Fantasy
Sakura Forest Girls
Sakura Forest Girls 2
Sakura Forest Girls 3
Sakura Fox Adventure
Sakura Gamer
Sakura Gamer 2
Sakura Knight (2 left)
Sakura Knight 2 (2 left)
Sakura Knight 3 (2 left)
Sakura MMO (2 left)
Sakura MMO 2 (2 left)
Sakura MMO 3 (3 left)
Sakura MMO Extra
Sakura Nova
Sakura Shrine Girls
Sakura Space
Sakura Spirit (2 left)
Sakura Succubus (2 left)
Sakura Succubus 2 (2 left)
Sakura Succubus 3 (2 left)
Sakura Succubus 4 (2 left)
Sakura Succubus 5
Sakura Succubus 6
Sakura Swim Club (3 left)
Samorost 2
Samorost 3
Sands of Aura
Saturday Morning RPG
Savage Lands
Say No! More
Scanner Sombre (3 left)
Scars Above (region locked for half the world, so check with me if you're not in the USA) (2 left)
Scorn (February 2024)
Scourgebringer (February 2023)
SCP: Secret Files (November 2023)
Scrap Garden
Schrödinger’s Cat And The Raiders Of The Lost Quark
Seasons After Fall
Secret Files: Tunguska
Secrets of Raetikon
Serious Sam Double D XXL
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
The Serpent Rogue (January 2023)
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Seven: The Days Long Gone
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice (November 2022)
Shadow Warrior 2: Deluxe
Shadowrun Returns (3 left)
Shadows: Awakening (October 2020)
Shady Part of Me (February 2023)
The Shapeshifting Detective (September 2020)
Shapez + Puzzle DLC (September 2022)
Shoppe Keep
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate (July 2023)
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol (2 left)
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies (2 left)
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth - The Collection (2 left)
Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete (3 left)
Sid Meier's Civilization V
Sid Meier's Civilization V DLC (pack of the smaller ones, not the 2 main expansions)
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Civilization & Scenario Pack Bundle
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Gathering Storm (2 left)
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Leader Pass
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall (2 left)
Sid Meier's Civilization VI - New Frontier Pass (can be redeemed as Steam or Epic from Purchases page, non-bundle, 3 left)
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Vikings Scenario Pack
Sid Meier's Colonization (Classic)
Sid Meier's Covert Action (Classic)
Sid Meier's Pirates! (2 left)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (4 left)
Sid Meier's Starships (2 left)
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis (June 2022)
SimpleRockets 2 (November 2021)
Size Matters (May 2021)
Skully (April 2021)
Slinger VR
Small World (2 left)
Small World - A Spider's Web
Small World - Be Not Afraid... DLC (2 left)
Small World - Cursed! (2 left)
Small World - Grand Dames DLC (2 left)
Small World - Royal Bonus
Snake Pass
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder (February 2024)
Soda PDF Home
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Songs of Skydale
Sorcerer King: Rivals (2 left)
Souldiers (November 2023)
Soulslinger: Envoy of Death
Soulstice (March 2024)
SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 10
South of the Circle
Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri (2 left)
Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi
Space Pilgrim Episode III: Delta Pavonis
Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol
Space Run
Space Run Galaxy
Speed Brawl
SpellForce 3 Beta Access
The Spiral Scouts
Spirit of the Island (October 2023)
Splendor (2 left)
Splendor: The Cities DLC (2 left)
Splendor: The Strongholds DLC (2 left)
Splendor: The Trading Posts DLC (2 left)
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake (September 2024)
Star Control I and II
Star Control III
Star Trek Online - Humble Trekkie Pack (2 left)
Star Trek Online TOS Enterprise Bridge Officers Pack
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga™
STAR WARS™: Rebel Assault I + II
STAR WARS™: Rogue Squadron 3D
Star Wars™ Starfighter™
Star Wars™: X-Wing Alliance™
Star Wars:™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns
Starfinder Core Rulebook
Starfinder: Pact Worlds Campaign Setting
Starship Troopers: Terran Command (July 2024)
Station to Station (October 2024)
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steelrising (May 2024)
Stick Fight: The Game
Sticky Business (July 2024)
Stik Bold
Still There (December 2020)
The Stillness of the Wind (June 2020)
Stories Untold
Stories: The Path of Destinies
A Story About My Uncle
STRAFE: Millennium Edition
Stranded: Alien Dawn (September 2024)
Strange Brigade (September 2020)
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (June 2024)
Streets of Rogue
Strider (3 left)
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition
Struggling (December 2020)
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse (June 2021)
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (June 2020)
SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator (August 2023)
Sudden Strike 4
The Suicide of Rachel Foster (October 2020)
Sunrider Academy
Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition (2 left)
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Hexagon (2 left)
Super Magbot (December 2022)
Super Steampunk Pinball 2D
Super Time Force Ultra
Sure Footing
The Survivalists (December 2021)
Surviving Mars: Project Laika
Surviving Mars: Space Race
Swag & Sorcery (September 2021)
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster (July 2021)
Switchblade Epic Pack DLC
Switchblade Starter Pack
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse (May 2020)
Syder Arcade
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga (April 2024) (2 left)
System Mechanic 16.5 (redeem on iolo)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (the 2015 one)
System Shock Pack (from Humble Freedom Bundle, is supposed to activate System Shock 2015 & System Shock 2)
Tabletop Playground (December 2020) (temporarily exhausted, waiting for reveal)
Tacoma (2 left)
Tales & Tactics (February 2025) (Must be redeemed by March 3, 2026)
Tales from Candlekeep - Artus Cimber’s Explorer Pack
Tales from Candlekeep - Asharra’s Diplomat Pack
Tales from Candlekeep - Birdsong’s Entertainer Pack
Tales from Candlekeep - Dragonbait’s Dungeoneer Pack
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack
Talisman: Digital Edition
Talisman - Complete Runestone Deck
Talisman - The Blood Moon Expansion
Talisman - The City Expansion
Talisman - The Dungeon Expansion
Talisman - The Firelands Expansion
Talisman - The Frostmarch Expansion
Talisman - The Highland Expansion
Talisman - The Nether Realm Expansion
Talisman - The Reaper Expansion
Talisman - The Sacred Pool Expansion
Talisman Character - Apprentice Mage
Talisman Character - Black Witch
Talisman Character - Courtesan
Talisman Character - Devil's Minion
Talisman Character - Exorcist
Talisman Character - Gambler
Talisman Character - Genie
Talisman Character - Goblin Shaman
Talisman Character - Illusionist
Talisman Character - Jester
Talisman Character - Martial Artist
Talisman Character - Martyr
Talisman Character - Pathfinder
Talisman Character - Samurai
Talisman Character - Saracen
Talisman Character - Shaman
Talisman Character - Shape Shifter
Talisman Character - Woodsman
Team Racing League
Telefrag VR
Temple of Xiala
Terror of Hemasaurus
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia (October 2021)
There is No Light: Enhanced Edition (February 2024)
They Bleed Pixels
Thief of Thieves
This is the Police
This is the Police 2 (April 2020)
This Means Warp (August 2024)
This War of Mine (3 left)
Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit (3 left)
Through the Darkest of Times (August 2020)
Ticket to Ride: First Journey
Tin Can (August 2023)
Tinykin (2 left)
To The Rescue!
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Toem (December 2022)
Tohu (December 2021)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Uplay)
Tom Clancy's The Division (Uplay)
Tom Clancy's The Division - Survival (Uplay)
Tomb Raider (The 2013 game)
Tomb Raider III
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tooth and Tail
Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties (February 2025)
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
Tower 57 (2 left)
Towerfall: Ascension
TowerFall Dark World Expansion
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (November 2020)
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
Train Station Renovation (February 2021)
Train Valley
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi (August 2023)
Tribes of Midgard (January 2023) (2 left)
Tropico 4
Tropico 5 - Complete Edition
Tropico 5
Tropico 5 - Espionage
Tropico 5 - Waterborne
Truberbrook (April 2020)
Tsioque (November 2020)
Turbo Golf Racing (June 2023)
Twilight Struggle (2 left)
Twin Mirror
Two Digits
Umbrella Corps
Umbrella Corps Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day (October 2020)
Underhero (February 2020)
Unholy Heights
Unit 4
Universal Windows Program Exporter
Universe for Sale (August 2024)
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Valfaris (February 2021)
Vane (May 2021)
Vanguard Princess w/ Hilda Rize & Lilith Packs
Venba (December 2024)
Verlet Swing (July 2020)
Vertiginous Golf
Void Destroyer
Voltage High Society
Voltaire - The Vegan Vampire
VVVVVV (2 left)
Waddle Home
Waking Mars
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
Wanderlust: Travel Stories (GoG, not Steam)
Wandersong (2 left)
Wanted: Dead (temporarily exhausted, waiting for reveal)
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector (June 2024)
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin - Ultimate Edition (March 2024)
Warhammer: Chaosbane (January 2021)
Wasted Pizza
We Are Alright
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest (February 2021)
West of Dead (September 2021) (2 left)
Western Press + Mk Cans II Character DLC
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (December 2022)
Whispers of a Machine (January 2020)
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus (September 2023)
The Wild Eight (February 2021)
Wildfire (March 2021)
WildStar E3 Pack (2 left)
Windjammers 2 (May 2023)
The Window Box
The World Next Door
Worms Clan Wars
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble + Legends Pack DLC (June 2021)
WWE 2K Battlegrounds (March 2021) (3 left)
WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS - Ultimate Brawlers Pass (2 left)
X-Com 2
XCOM 2 + 2 DLCs (May 2020)
XCOM: Chimera Squad (March 2021)
X-Morph: Defense + European Assault, Survival of the Fittest, & Last Bastion DLC
Yoku's Island Express
Yosumin (2 left)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 4: The Ride
You Must Build A Boat
You Suck at Parking - Complete Edition (September 2024)
Youropa (November 2020)
Zero G Arena
Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition
Zoeti (July 2024) (2 left)
Zwei: The Arges Adventure (December 2020)

Fanatical (formerly known as Bundle Stars) Unredeemed Keys (sorry, no gift link option):
200% Mixed Juice!
3000th Duel
Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Aeterna Noctis (2 left)
Akka Arrh
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX
App Game Kit w/ most DLCs
Arcade Paradise
The Ascent
The Ascent: Cyber Edition Bundle
Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO v3 w/ most DLCs
Baby Shark: Sing & Swim Party
Bakery Simulator
Banner of the Maid
Batman: Arkham Asylum GotY Edition
Batman: Arkham City - GotY Edition
Battle Fantasia -Revised Edition-
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock (3 left)
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Anabasis (2 left)
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Armistice
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: The Broken Alliance (2 left)
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Ghost Fleet Offensive
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Modern Ships Pack
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Reinforcement Pack (2 left)
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Resurrection
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Sin and Sacrifice (2 left)
Beyond Eyes
A Bird Story
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Racers
Blood: Fresh Supply
Book of Demons
Bound By Flame
Breakout: Recharged
Bridge Constructor Stunts
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered
Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon
Broken Sword 4 - the Angel of Death
Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse
Cally's Trials
Capsule Force
Castle Flipper
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Centipede: Recharged
Chroma Squad (2 left)
Circle Empires Rivals
Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues
Cobra Kai 2: Dojos Rising
Concordia: Digital Edition
Concordia: Digital Edition - Aegyptus & Creta
Concordia: Digital Edition - Britannia & Germania
Concordia: Digital Edition - Fish Market
Concordia: Digital Edition - Salsa
Concordia: Digital Edition - Venus
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
Coromon Deluxe Edition
Cortex Command
Crash Drive 3
Creeping Terror
Cultist Simulator (2 left)
Cultist Simulator: Original Soundtrack (2 left)
Cultist Simulator: The Dancer (2 left)
Cultist Simulator: The Exile (2 left)
Cultist Simulator: The Ghoul (2 left)
Cultist Simulator: The Priest (2 left)
D/Generation HD
Dark Deity
Dark Deity Deluxe Edition
Days of War Definitive Edition (won as a free spin game)
Dead End Junction
Deep Sky Derelicts : Definitive Edition
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
Dice Legacy
Dimension Drifter
Disciples Sacred Lands Gold
Doors: Paradox
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Dub Dash
Dungeons 2
Dungeons 3
Eador. Imperium
Eastside Hockey Manager
Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
The Entropy Centre
The Escapists
Etherlords I & II
Evan's Remains
The eXceed Collection: Aural Brutality Edition (Delisted from Steam, so have to make a very strong offer)
Fairy Fencer F
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force
Fallback: Uprising
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate
FATE: Undiscovered Realms
fault milestone one
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator
Final Stardust: Cosmic Nexus
The Final Station
Finding Paradise (2 left)
For The King
For The King - Deluxe Edition
FORCED: Slightly Better Edition
Frostpunk: Game of the Year Edition
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
Fury of Dracula: Digital Edition
Gal Gun 2 Random Costume
Gamedec - Definitive Edition
Game Guru w/ most DLCs
Gamepedia PRO Quarterly Subscription (3 months)
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Ghost Master
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Giana Sisters: Twisted Bundle
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
Glitch Busters: Stuck On You
Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan
Goat Simulator
GT Legends
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
Gun Gun Pixies (2 left)
Gungrave G.O.R.E + 5 DLCs
The Gunk
Helheim Hassle
Hellbreach: Vegas
Hello Neighbor
A Hole New World
Holodrive Beginner's Pack
Homestead Arcana
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Honey, I Joined a Cult
I am Bread
If My Heart Had Wings
If My Heart Had Wings -Flight Diary-
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
The Indie Mixtape (revealed but unused bonus mystery key)
Industry Giant 2, Kill the Bad Guy
Inertial Drift
Interstellar Space: Genesis
Interstellar Space: Genesis - Evolving Empires
Interstellar Space: Genesis - Natural Law
The Invisible Hours
Isonzo - Movember Handlbar DLC
ITORAH (2 left)
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
King's Bounty II
King's Bounty II - Duke's Edition
Kitaria Fables
Knights & Merchants
The Last Campfire
Learn Japanese to Survive! Hiragana Battle 2 left)
Learn Japanese To Survive! Katakana War
The Legend of Tianding
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Leisure Suit Larry 2 Looking For Love (In Several Wrong Places)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals
Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up Or Slip Out
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail
Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Uncut and Uncensored
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice
Lichdom: Battlemage
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Little Acre
Little Orpheus
Long Gone Days
Long Live The Queen
A Long Way Down
Lost Castle
LoveKami -Divinity Stage-
LoveKami -Useless Goddess-
Lovely Planet Arcade
Magical Eyes - Red is for Anguish
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Maid of the Dead
Manic Mechanics
Marine Park Empire
Mask of the Rose
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Megabyte Punch
Mind Zero
Minit Fun Racer
Minute of Islands
Moero Chronicle
Monster Monpiece
Monster Prom
Monster Train
Moonlighter: Complete Edition
Moorhuhn: Tiger and Chicken (WW)
Mr. Run and Jump
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Neverwinter: Bane of Baphomet Pack (redeem in Arc client)
Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix
Nigate Tale
Night Cascades
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nurse Love Addiction
Nurse Love Syndrome
Omen Exitio: Plague
On My Own
On Rusty Trails
One Small Fire At A Time
Our World Is Ended.
Out There: Oceans of Time
Override 2: Super Mech League
Papo & Yo (2 left)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Imperial Edition (non-bundle, at least $5.50 or 3 TFT keys)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Enhanced Edition
Pathologic 2
Pix the Cat
PixelJunk Shooter
Pixel Piracy
The Princess' Heart
Pro Cycling Manager 2020
Project Highrise
Project Temporality
Pumped BMX +
Pumped BMX Pro (revealed but unused bonus mystery key)
Raiders of the North Sea
Realms of Arkania – Complete Classic Trilogy
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Revised Edition w/ For the Gods DLC
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Redeemer: Enhanced Edition
Redout: Enhanced Edition
Redout Complete Bundle (2 left)
Redout: Space Assault
Reiner Knizia Yellow & Yangtze
Repella Fella
Reverse Crawl
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball (2 left)
Rogue State Revolution
Rush for Berlin Gold
The Sacred Tears TRUE
Say No! More
Secrets of Raetikon
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shadowrun Returns
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition
Shape of the World
She Sees Red- Interactive Movie
Shift Happens
Shooting Stars!
The Silent Age
Sir, You Are Being Hunted
Sir Whoopass: Immortal Death
Skullgirls: Beowulf
Skullgirls: Big Band
Skullgirls: Color Palette Bundle
Skullgirls: Eliza
Skullgirls: Robo-Fortune
Skullgirls: Squigly
Skulls of the Shogun
Smoke and Sacrifice
Snake Pass
Snooker Nation Championship
Space Colony
Stacks TNT
Starpoint Gemini Warlords Gold Pack
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Stealth Inc 2
SteamWorld Dig
SteamWorld Heist
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech
Steel Vampire
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strategic Command: World War I
Styx: Master of Shadows
Styx: Shards of Darkness
Supercharged Robot VULKAISER
Supreme Ruler 1936 (Mystery Key revealed but not redeemed 8/8/21)
Syberia: The World Before
Tails of Iron
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation
Talisman: Digital Edition
Talisman - Character Pack #3 - Devil's Minion
Talisman - Character Pack #5 - Martyr
Talisman - Character Pack #6 - Gambler
Talisman - Character Pack #7 - Black Witch
Talisman - The Frostmarch Expansion
Talisman - The Reaper Expansion Pack
Tenta Shooter
Teslagrad 2
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
This War of Mine
This War of Mine: Stories - Season Pass DLC
This Way Madness Lies
Tomb Raider (the 2013 game)
Torchlight II
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tour de France 2020
Train Valley 2
Trillion: God of Destruction
Tropico Reloaded
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Tyrant's Blessing
Unbox: Newbie's Adventure
The Uncertain: Light At The End
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story
Vanguard Princess + all DLCs
The Walking Dead: 400 Days
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
The Walking Dead: Season Two
War for the Overworld
War of the Human Tanks
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach
Warstone TD
We Are The Dwarves
What Lies in the Multiverse
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School
White Day VR: The Courage Test
The Wild Eight
Wings of Glory
A Wizard's Lizard
Wizardry 8
Wolfenstein 3D
World's Dawn (revealed but unused bonus mystery key)
Worms Clan Wars
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
Yumeutsutsu Re:After
Zero Reflex : Black Eye Edition
Zool Redimensioned

Indie Gala Unredeemed Keys and/or Gift Links:
Ace of Protectors (4 left)
Advent Rising
Adventure World (4 left)
Akane the Kunoichi
Always the Same Blue Sky
Among the Heavens
Animal Lover
Annie Amber (3 left)
Aozora Meikyuu (4 left)
Armed with Wings: Rearmed
Banzai Escape (4 left)
Beach Bounce (3 left)
Beach Bounce - Soundtrack
Beasts Battle (2 left)
Between Me and The Night (3 left)
Blockstorm (3 left)
BloodRayne Betrayal (2 left)
Blue Rose
A Boy and His Blob
Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils
Club Life
Club Life - Soundtrack
Coffee Talk
Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly
Cold Dreams
Cyber City 2157: The Visual Novel (4 left)
Darconika: The Cube of Soul (5 left)
Dark Fear (2 left)
A Detective's Novel (4 left)
Divine Slice of Life (2 left)
Divine Slice of Life - Soundtrack
Door to Door
Double Dragon: Neon (2 left)
Dungeon Journey
Echo Tokyo: Intro
Elliot Quest
Epic Showdown
The Girl on the Train
Go To Bed: Survive The Night
Go! Go! Nippon! - My First Trip to Japan (6 left)
God's One Day World (4 left)
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (2 left)
Gundemonium Recollection
High On Life
Highrise Heroes: Word Challenge
Highschool Possession (2 left)
Highschool Romance
Hitogata Happa
Impulse! (4 left)
Island Defense
Jake's Love Story
Koi-Koi Japan
Last Days of Spring Visual Novel (5 left)
Lionessy Story
Lost in Paradise
Love in the Glen (4 left)
Love in the Glen - OST (4 left)
Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle
Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle : School Girls Edition
Maria the Witch
The Merchant Memoirs
My Personal Angel
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) (2 left)
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
Orion: A Sci-Fi Visual Novel
Pink Rage Otome
Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold'em
Postmen of Horizon
Power of Love
Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Rapid Squirrel
Rover The Dragonslayer
Sakura Angels (5 left)
Sakura Beach (5 left)
Sakura Beach 2 (4 left)
Sakura Spirit (5 left)
Serafina's Crown (4 left)
Shan Gui
Songs of Araiah: Re-Mastered Edition
Sorry. (Entschuldigung)
Space Girls
Starsphere (3 left)
Sudoku Quest
Survive Me Miolhr
Sweet Volley High
Sword of Asumi - Deluxe Edition (6 left)
Swordbreaker The Game (4 left)
Tears Revolude
Timore Inferno
Tokyo Hosto
True Lover's Knot Deluxe Edition (4 left)
Tyler (2 left)
Video Blogger Story
Wandering in space
Wanderlust: Rebirth
Way to Go!
A Wild Catgirl Appears (5 left)
You, With Me - A Kinetic Novel

Keys I've received from other people in trades or giveaways, so I'm not 100% sure they work:
Gone in November
Home Design 3D

I want...

Unless otherwise noted, I want these for Steam. I don't care if you get these for me from the Steam store itself, Humble, Fanatical, or some other respectable site (let me know from where, in case something goes wrong). If any of these games has a Deluxe/Premium/Ultimate version that comes bundled with DLC, I would prefer the highest/most complete version possible, and am willing to trade you that many more of my games to make it happen.

Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land Ultimate Edition
Chained Echoes
Life is Strange: Double Exposure Ultimate Edition
Split Fiction
TF2 or CS2 crate keys (I don't actually play either, but if you only want like 1 game instead of doing a big trade for 2-10+ games, I can at least convert these to Steam wallet funds towards a game I want, but it's not efficient for me because of the percentage I lose to Steam fees & taxes)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - Ultimate Edition
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II Complete Edition (or at least the Ultimate Edition)
Visions of Mana - Digital Deluxe Edition
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 - Ultra Edition

I'm not a professional trader trying to make money here - I'm just trying to more efficiently get the games I want to play myself, or to give as presents to my RL friends. Frankly, I have more leftover inventory than I want to manage now, so yeah, tell me what 2-10 (or more, if you get me a Deluxe/Premium/Ultimate edition) of my games you would want, in exchange for buying me 1 thing off my Wanted list. Everything in my trade list (except for the 1 or 2 items specifically noted as otherwise) is something I purchased myself, so I guarantee all of them.

Please ONLY send me offers if you can get me a game from my "Wanted" section, which are mostly non-bundle JRPGs, or I guess I can also accept TF2 or CS2 crate keys. Thanks to a full-time job & sometimes even a social life, I'm now too busy to click on links, scroll through lists, & reply to offers that don't mention what I want. (Don't bother looking at my Steam profile wishlist any more, as I realized most of the games I put there were to track sales for my friends, and not because I actually wanted to play those games myself.) Because of my work schedule, on most days I can only message & trade from 18:30-23:30 US Eastern time, so if you have a very different schedule and/or time zone from mine, we may only be able to trade on my days off from work (that I'm not going out with friends). Sorry & thank you.

9 years ago*

I don't have starships, but would you want Munin or pixel piracy for the binding of Isaac + dlc?

9 years ago

And papers please too maybe? (with Isaac for both)

9 years ago

I already have Pixel Piracy, but sure, Munin for Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb sounds good to me. Add me on Steam? (Lotus Crane)

9 years ago

Update: Don't Starve has been removed from the list. Was traded to Nash Kraven for 1 copy of Starships. I would still take more copies of Starships (for my other Civ: BE friends) if anybody's still interested in my other games.

9 years ago

Update: The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb have been removed from the list. Were traded to ShadowSlayer998 for Munin. I would still take copies of Starships, if anybody's still interested in my other games.

9 years ago*

Ah, looked at your list... and nah, don't really want any of those enough to trade the Max Payne. Sorry.

9 years ago

Hi there, sorry I don't have Starships (after it myself!) but am very interested in Paper's. Please. Anything from here of interest:

9 years ago

Uh, the only thing on your list that looks interesting is Batman, but Papers is worth only about half that in the Steam store. Would you like to add one of: Awesomenauts, The Bridge, Dysfunctional Systems, Hotline Miami, Super Hexagon, Terraria?

9 years ago

Hi, thanks very much for the reply. Can I add The Bridge please and you have a deal!

9 years ago

Hey sorry been out of state all day. Uh... if you catch me in the next half hour or so, then we can make the trade now-ish. Otherwise I should be home in like... 3 hours? If we can't conduct the trade tonight, then I'll be sitting at the computer most of tomorrow. Add me on Steam (Lotus Crane). I tried looking for you, but no relevant hits.

9 years ago

Hi there, just come back to my machine - will try and add now. Thanks!

9 years ago

Update: The Bridge and Papers, Please have been removed from the list. Were traded to MagicVision for Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY. I would still take copies of Starships, if anybody's still interested in my other games.

9 years ago

Hi! Maybe here you will find what you want ?:)

9 years ago

Hmm, maybe your Rome II: Caesar in Gaul. What were you thinking for it?

9 years ago

i got a few types :) , add you to discuss:)

9 years ago

Critical Mass
Dead Space 2 - 1key
Dragon Age origins - 1key
Fearless Fantasy
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Guns n Zombies
Huntsman: The Orphanage (Halloween Edition)
It came from space, and ate our brains X 19
Kingdom Rush
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition
Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey X19
Magicka - 1key
Magicka Wizard Wars Paradox Playtpus Robe
Magicka: Horror Props Item Pack
Magicka: The Other Side of the Coin
Merchants of Kaidan X19
Montague's Mount
Of orcs and men - 1key
Party of Sin
Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut)
Ship Simulator Extremes
Spark Rising X19
STALKER Call of Pripyat - 1key
SteamWorld DigSurvivalist X19
Teleglitch: Die More Edition
The binding of isaac - 1key (gift)
The Moon Sliver
The Original Strife: Veteran Edition X19
The Samaritan Paradox
Victoria II
War of the Roses: Kingmaker
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War II
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition
Warhammer® 40K: Space MarinE

Any interest?

9 years ago

Eh... not really. Thanks for asking though.

9 years ago

Hi! Maybe here you will find what you want ?:)

9 years ago

Hmm, nothing on that list I'm interested in that I don't already have.

9 years ago

Sorry; either I have those games, or am not interested.

9 years ago

are u interested in any of these ? http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/j4Iw7/h-a-bunch-of-games-w-games-i-dont-own

--- Realms Of The Haunting
--- Gunmonkeys ( 1 Steamgift and more keys are available )
--- Gentlemen! ( more keys are available )
--- Nihilumbra
--- Air Guardians ( more keys are available )
--- Footlol
--- Guns Of Icarus Online ( more keys are available )
--- The Nightmare Cooperative ( more keys are available )
--- Stealth Bastard Deluxe ( more keys are available )
--- Knightshift
--- Knights & Merchants HD
--- Jet gunner ( have to check for available keys )
--- Dead Bits ( have to check for available keys )
--- Enclave
--- Two Worlds: Epic Edition
--- Talisman: Digital Edition: Martyr Character Packs
--- SolForge — Dinosaur Starter
--- Talisman: Digital Edition: Gambler Character Packs
--- Talisman Prologue
--- Talisman: Digital Edition
--- Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War II
--- Anomaly War Earth
--- Dead Space 2
--- It came from space, and ate our brains
--- Syberia

9 years ago

Hmm, maybe Syberia and the various Talisman products (base game and packs). Which games from my list specifically were you looking at?

9 years ago

Hotline miami, awesomenauts and trine collection and spelunky, terraria and tomb raider

9 years ago

Add me on Steam (Lotus Crane). I tried looking for you but too many results back, and none with your icon.

9 years ago

Sent you an invite. Says you haven't been online in the past 22 hours?

9 years ago

Update: Awesomenauts, Hotline Miami, and Terraria have been removed from the list. Were traded to MagicCookies for Syberia, Talisman: Digital Edition, Talisman: Gambler, Talisman: Martyr. I would still take copies of Starships, if anybody's still interested in my other games.

9 years ago

Interested in 2cppies of Spate for Spore?

9 years ago


9 years ago

what would you like for blood bowl?
ive got:
Velvet Assassin
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
BattlePaths desura
and cards

9 years ago

Hmm none of those, sorry.

9 years ago

interested in Chivalry RoW Gift ?

9 years ago

Already have it, thanks.

9 years ago

Spelunky please? list below:

3 Stars Of Destiny x 2 (IG Gift Link)
140 x 2
A Bird Story
A Valley Without Wind
Age Of Empires II HD Edition: The Forgotten Expansion (HB Gift Link)
Air Guardians x 4
Antichamber (HB Gift Link)
Biology Battle x 2
Boson X
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Cities In Motion 2 (HB Gift Link)
CO-CO: Decrypted (IG Gift Link)
Cobi Treasure Deluxe
Company Of Heroes (HB Gift Link)
Crystals Of Time x 3
DarkBase 01 x 2
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive x 2
Desert Thunder
Developer Alliance Bundle(Polarity, BEEP, Camera Obscura, Out There Somewhere)(ROW Gift)
Drakensang: The River Of Time x 2
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Dungeon Defenders Collection (HB Gift Link)
Dustforce DX (HB Gift Link)
FootLOL Epic Fail League x 2
Fort Defense
Fortune's Tavern - The Fantasy Tavern Simulator x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Frozen Synapse Prime (Double Pack) x 2
Gentlemen! x 3
Ghost Recon Phantoms E3 Avatar (HB Site Redeem Code)
Ghost Recon Phantoms Starter Pack (HB Site Redeem Code)
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials Of Glork (IG Gift Link)
Grapple (IG Gift Link)
Gun Monkeys x 4
Guns N Zombies
Guns Of Icarus Online x 2
Hacker Evolution Duality x 2
Hare In The Hat x 2 (IG Gift Link)
In Space (IG Gift Link)
Invite the Dwarves to Dinner DLC (IG Gift Link)
Kraven Manor x 2
Lilly And Sasha: Nexux Of Souls
Lilly Looking Through x 2
Limbo (HB Gift Link)
Marine Sharpshooter II: Jungle Warfare
Medieval II: Total Warfare (HB Gift Link)
Montague's Mount
Mount & Blade
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising x 2
Payday 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack (RU/CIS Gift)
Play the Mayor: Become the Mayor Of Fortune's City DLC (IG Gift Link)
Polarity (Gift Latin America Only)
Pool Nation
Portal Of Evil x 2
Quantum Rush Champions (IG Gift Link)
RADical ROACH Deluxe Edition
Residue: Final Cut x 2 (IG Gift Link)
Riptide GP2
Risk Of Rain (HB Gift Link)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl
Shattered Haven
Shin Samurai Jazz (IG Gift Link)
SMITE Loki Pack (HB Site Redeem Code)
SMITE Xbox One Closed Beta (HB Site Redeem Code)
Smugglers 5: Invasion x 2
Space Trader: Merchant Marine x 2
Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Steel Storm Burning Retribution & DLCs
Super Meat Boy (HB Gift Link)
The Albino Hunter (IG Gift Link)
The Book Of Legends x 2 (IG Gift Link)
The Moon Sliver
The Nightmare Cooperative x 3
The Path
The Samaritan Paradox
The Ship (ROW Gift)
Time Gentlemen Please! & Ben There Dan That
Tower Wars
Two Digits
Vertical Drop Heroes HD x 2
Visibility x 2
Warframe 7-Day Credit & Affinity Booster Packs (HB Site Promo Code)
WildStar Standard Edition (HB Site Redeem Code) (Key Expires 12/31/2015)
Wooden Floor (IG Gift Link)
World Of Tanks Invite Code (HB Site Redeem Code)
World Of Warships Bonus Content (HB Site Redeem Code)
World Of Warships Closed Beta Key (HB Site Redeem Code) (NA Servers Only)
Zack Zero

9 years ago

Hmm... maybe Frozen Synapse Prime? Add me on Steam (Lotus Crane).

9 years ago

Ok ill be on around 5pm est to make trade added ya on steam

9 years ago

Update: Spelunky has been removed from the list. Was traded to djnemonic for Frozen Synapse Prime. I would still take copies of Starships, if anybody's still interested in my other games.

9 years ago

Update: Max Payne 3 Complete Edition has been removed from the list. Was scammed by ezezx (of Argentina, according to Steam) with a false offer of Princess Evangile.

9 years ago

I just got scammed by Ezezx too. I'm looking him up online this thread popped up. Message me on Steam?

8 years ago

Hello really interested in Spore Collection, maybe some games here ? http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/xE1Xx/h-bundle-leftovers-w-games
I can add cards if needed

9 years ago

Sorry, none of those interest me.

9 years ago

something here



9 years ago

Hmm sorry, I don't see anything interesting there.

9 years ago

What would you like for Spore complete edition? (Starships, Keys, etc...)

9 years ago

If you could get me 2 copies (Steam trade window gifts, not keys) of Starships, that'd be enough for my Spore Complete.

9 years ago

Eh, not seeing anything that really catches my eye. Thanks for asking though.

9 years ago

Anything from my list for Dysfunctional Systems ?

9 years ago

Eh, not seeing anything that really catches my eye. Thanks for asking though.

9 years ago

Anything here for Gone Home?

9 years ago

Hmm, not seeing anything I want that I don't already have. Thanks for asking though.

9 years ago

2 TF2 keys for Recttear?

9 years ago

Nah, don't really need TF2 stuff. Thanks for asking though.

9 years ago

how much for spore ccomplete pack?

9 years ago

Make an offer? Preferably something from my wish list. A Steam inventory giftable/tradeable copy would be better; if you're going to use a key, I'm going to have to ask you to go first. Last time I went first with an unrated trader, they scammed me.

9 years ago

2x Sid Meier's Starships for spore ccomplete pack ?

9 years ago

Hmm, if you had reached me a few weeks ago, that'd have been a great offer. Unfortunately I only need 1 copy of Starships now, so Starships and... what else do you have to offer for the Spore?

9 years ago

Sid Meier's Starships and the other one from the list below?

Valiant Hearts: The Great War™
The Talos Principle
Remember Me
Democracy 3
If My Heart Had Wings
Sakura Fantasy Chapter 1

9 years ago

Just regular LISA, or LISA Complete? If it's LISA Complete, then it's a deal.

9 years ago

Alpha Kimori Ep 1 and PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate for Recettear?

9 years ago

Sure, that's an even trade. Add me on Steam. Same name, except a space, so Lotus Crane.

9 years ago

Update: Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons and Recettear have been removed from the list. Were traded to snipearcher for Alpha Kimori Episode One, PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate, and X-note.

9 years ago

I'm interested in Tomb Raider GOTY (2013).
Let me know if you are interested in anything from: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/nFCZK/h-games-w-tomb-raider-borderlands

9 years ago

Hmm, I have most of that list, but I guess I'd be okay with Arkham City, plus one of either Mousecraft or Pix the Cat.

9 years ago

Update: Sanctum 2 Complete and Tomb Raider GOTY have been removed from the list. Were traded to HarmlessOrchid for Batman Arkham City, Mousecraft, Pix the Cat, and Schrodinger's Cat.

9 years ago

Update: Acquired another copy of Sanctum 2 Complete and Tomb Raider GOTY, so they've been added back to the list.

9 years ago

Is there anything that you're interested in here for Blood Bowl Chaos Edition?

9 years ago*

Nope not really. Thanks for asking though!

9 years ago

Okay, thanks for the reply. :)

9 years ago


I'm interested in Sakura Spirit.

Here's what I currently have: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/T3i8r/h-250-leftover-steam-codes-w-steam-codes-for-games-i-dont-have


9 years ago

Hrm, I guess I'd trade Sakura Spirit for a combination of Hamlet, Akane the Kunoichi, and either one of the Vanguard Princess DLCs? Add me on Steam if you're interested - same name as here, except with a space in the middle.

9 years ago

back to bed or Nihilumbra or Vanguard Princess for Contagion

9 years ago

Hmm... is that Vanguard Princess a key or an inventory tradeable copy? But I might be interested in some trade involving some of those. Add me on Steam? Same name as here, except with a space between the words.

9 years ago

Vanguard Princess is a steam key ^^ and i already got contagion ,now i'm intersted in , blackgaurds or Abyss Odyssey, if you want to trade i will add you ^^ or if you want the dlcs (Vanguard Princess Hilda Rize ,Vanguard Princess Lilith)

9 years ago*

If you're okay with 1 of those game for both DLCs, then sure, go ahead and add me on Steam.

9 years ago

I just got Hilda Rize & Lilith from Nivq (see thread below), but if you still want Blackguards or Abyss Odyssey, and get something new to trade for them, let me know.

9 years ago

Update: Sakura Spirit has been removed from the list. Was traded to nilescaulder for Akane the Kunoichi and Hamlet.

9 years ago

Update: Dungeon Defenders (1) Collection has been removed from the list. Was traded to SaltnPepper for 100% Orange Juice and Heavy Bullets.

9 years ago

Would you be willing to trade your Insurgency for gems or cards? :)
If yes, how many? :)
I can also trade for any game on my list
(If you got several copies, I'm also interested in the others)

9 years ago

Hmm, maybe. Would it be too much to ask for 5,000 gems for Insurgency? Either that, or the 2 Vanguard Princess DLCs. Go ahead and add me on Steam if you want to talk some more. Same name as here, except a space between the words.

9 years ago

Added you, I can trade it for the 2 DLCs if you'd like. :)

9 years ago

Update: Insurgency has been removed from the list. Was traded to Nivq for Vanguard Princess - Hilda Rize & Lilith.

9 years ago

got chaos on deponia if you're interested in that game

9 years ago

Not seeing anything I want there, but thanks for asking.

9 years ago

200% Mixed Juice?

9 years ago

Uh, I guess I'd be interested in that. But it depends what you're asking me for from my list?

9 years ago

200% MJ never was on actual sale so I'm looking for equal offer: SPORE pack/ Tomb Raider.

9 years ago

Hmm, even assuming 75% off sales, Spore Complete would be $12.50, and Tomb Raider GOTY would be $7.50. Pretty safe to assume that 200% MJ (which at full price is $7) is going to go to at least 25% off during Black Friday or Steam winter sale, so more like $5.25. But eh, I guess it's better to craft 200% MJ badges and items sooner rather than later, so okay, I can do Tomb Raider GOTY for it. Add me on Steam (same name as here except with a space between the words) if you want to go through with it.

9 years ago

Added you but you seems to be declined my request.

9 years ago

Ah sorry, no I just had to head out to work for the entire day. Only got back home a little while ago. Maybe I'll catch you later tonight, or maybe tomorrow (I should be home all day grinding my alt in The Secret World).

9 years ago

Update: Tomb Raider GOTY has been removed from the list. Was traded to Kein Zantezuken for 200% Mixed Juice.

9 years ago

Update: Spore Complete has been removed from the list. Was traded to snipearcher for 3 Stars of Destiny, Go! Go! Nippon!, and Xenonauts.

9 years ago

Hi, there! I'm interested in 2 copies of Abyss Odyssey ^^

Anything from here?


Please let me know <3

9 years ago

Uh I only have 1 copy of Abyss Odyssey left. But I do have 4 copies of Contagion? I don't see anything from your game list that I want that I don't already have, but I guess feel free to make a gem offer for Abyss Odyssey or Contagion?

9 years ago

Hi! Something here for Astebreed?

9 years ago

Hmm, the only thing that's catching my eye is Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes. That's probably a bit too much for just Astebreed, so I'll also throw in a copy of Contagion?

9 years ago

I've added you to discuss!

9 years ago

Anything reasonable here for Astebreed?

9 years ago

Hmm, maybe Stealth Inc. 2?

9 years ago

Sure, added you! Message me when you are ready :)

9 years ago*

I want


My thread is here Hope you can find something

9 years ago

Hmm, maybe Fairy Bloom Freesia + Koala Kids?

9 years ago

Update: Traded a copy of Astebreed to eifelkenny for Stealth Inc. 2. I'm not removing Astebreed from my list of available games just yet; if I get another good offer, I may have to go ahead and purchase another set of this week's Humble Bundle, if the site allows me to. Not sure; I've never been in a situation where the bundle was good enough that I'd want to buy more than 1 set.

9 years ago

Deadcore, Coin crypt or Devils Dare for Astebreed??

9 years ago

Already have Devil's Dare; not particularly interested in the other two. But thanks for asking.

9 years ago

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