interested in something?
DLC Quest (GIFT)
The Ship (GIFT)
Alan Wake
Alan Wake's - American Nightmare DLC
Beat Hazard
Darwinia Soundtrack
Dear Esther
Defcon Soundtrack
Defense Grid: The Awakening
English Country Tune
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Greed: Black Border
Grotesque Tactics
Grotesque Tactics 2
Hearts Of Iron 3
Intrusion 2
King Arthur Complete Collection
Little Inferno
Metro 2033
Oil Rush + DLC
Pacific Storm
Post Mortem
Red Faction: Armageddon
Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Serious Sam 3 Deluxe
Serious Sam Double D
Serious Sam: Random Encounter
Telltale Games (incl. Hector: Badge of Carnage, Poker Night at the Inventory, Puzzle Agent 1 & 2, Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse, Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures) (1 Key)
The Walking Dead
Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers
Warlock - Master of the Arcane
Zombie Driver: Soundtrack
Mass Effect 2
Guilty Gear Isuka
Street Racing Syndicate
Adventure Apes And Mayan Mystery
Blackwell Convergence, Blackwell Legacy, Blackwell Unbound (1 Key)
Blackwell Deception
Cognition - Episode 1
Darwinia, Multiwinia, Defcon, Uplink - Trust Is A Weakness (1 Key)
Dungeons of Dredmor
FairyBloom Freesia
Hacker Evolution
Hacker Evolution Duality
Hacker Evolution Untold
Hard Reset + Jolly Rover + DLC Quest + Lair of the Evildoer
Kill Fun Yeah
Radical Roach
Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds Survivor & Trine (1 Key)
Talisman Prologue
no thanks, i have most of the recent bundles. and im not interested in non steam games
Thanks for the offer though
no thanks, the platform elements and the overall look of the showdown effect seems cool, but i dont really like 2D multiplayer battle games. Sorry, thanks for the offer though.
I have a Humble Bundle #3 key (with VVVVVV and Machinarium from your wishlist and a lot of other games you don't own yet).
Would you trade it for Max Payne 3? Is it a Steam gift?
as i said in my post i'd take 2 keys and 1-2 cards depending on what game they are for. if you don't have any cards you could substitute a bundle key that i don't have.
I have heaps of games available here []
I'm interested in Sleeping Dogs or They Bleed Pixels.
nothing really interests me for sleeping dogs. Honestly i'm trying to trade the bleed pixels for another steam cards game or i'd do it for 2 tf2 keys and your extra licker and fiery omen cards.
I noticed you had CS:go and half life 2 ep 1. I was going to hopefully pick them up in the summer sale. but i'd trade they bleed for cs:go or for half life and those two cards i mentioned above
Sorry, I've already seen They Bleed Pixels for 2 keys, and was hoping to maybe get a better deal. Good luck with future trades.
Some of these for Brutal Legend?
Tradeable: Forge (x3), Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter
Keys: Toy Soldiers, The Maw, Fractal: Make Blooms Not War, Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Disciples II: Gallean's Return, Galactic Arms Race, Grotesque Tactics 2
No thanks i think i have all those bundles. And im not really interested in the two tradable games, sorry. Thanks for the offer tho.
Company of Hero : Tales of Valor GIFT for Frozen Synapse and Organ Trail:Director's Cut from your keys thread?
sorry, i'm not really interested in that game, thank you for the offer though. sorry for taking so long to reply.
Civilization V for Alan Wake Franchise? (If u are interested in the game, you can make a counter-offer XD )
no thanks, everything I i'm interested in I already have. Thanks for the offer tho
nterested in something?
Dead Hungry Diner
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Future Wars
Greed: Black Border
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes
Gumboy Crazy Adventures
Iron Grip: Marauders (In-Game Credit $10 Content Coupon)
King's Bounty: The Legend
Madballs in Babo: Invasion
Madballs in Babo: Invasion DLCs
Off-Road Drive
Oil Rush + DLC + OST
Real Warfare 1242
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Renga Samurai Shogun!
Retro City Rampage
Shank 2
Shattered Haven
Toki Tori
Trapped Dead
Twin Sector
Zafehouse: Diaries
Crazy Fairies
Grotesque Tactics 2 - Dungeons & Donuts
Renga Samurai Shogun!
Unstoppable Gorg
Titan Quest and/or Warhammer 40k Dawn of War GOTY for the bundle with bit trip runner, jamestown, gratuitous space battles, wizorb?
no thanks, i just passed on it earlier for $10 and picked up the $2.50 regular old half life, cus the other games in it don't really interest me
you're offering me anything for just cause 1?? i'd do it for 15 rec but you only have 12
no thanks, I have 2 copies of terraria already that i forgot to add to the list
feel free to discuss i have civ 5, assassins creed 2 deluxe, and just cause 1 i need 7 keys
that game looks like a lot of fun and you're price is good, but i'm going to have to pass at the moment, if someone "buys" one of my games and i get some extra keys i'll hit you back to see if you still have the game
My Assassins Creeds Revelations for Chivalry and 1 Key
or my game for 5 keys?
no thanks, sorry i'm not interested in that game, I owned and beat it already on 360, thanks for the offer tho.
No thanks, i have a tradable copy of chivalry (see the offer above) and i own monaco and counter strike GO + source.
add me :)
Magrunner: Dark Pulse for 5 keys
Rogue Legacy - 6 keys
GunPoint - 5 keys
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - 6 keys
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - 4 keys
Mercenary Kings - 6 keys
The Bridge - 6 keys
Edge of Space - 5 keys
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien - 6 keys
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - 4 keys
Sideway - 4 keys
Antichamber - 7 keys
Sword of the Stars: The Pit - 6 keys
Starseed Pilgrim - 2 keys
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters - 5 keys
Fist Puncher - 5 keys
Unepic - 3 keys
Receiver - 2 keys
no thanks, no offense but some of your prices are kind of high "Sword of the Stars: The Pit - 6 keys" its currently in a bundle and even if it wasn't 6 keys would cost over $10 which is its normal price.
Rage anarchy edition or sleeping dogs key for walking dead. Or dead island and I'll go first
29 cards (including Saints Row the third full set) + Metro 2033, Sacred citadel and Risen(single key), for torchlight 2
Im not interested in the bonus HiB key since i bought 3 or 4 early copies of that bundle. If the cards are worth $6 same as 3 keys then id do it. Most cards are worth between 10 and 20 cents and ii dont see any cards in your inventory.
My games up for trade:
The number after the (-)dash is the cost in tf2/csgo keys, unless indicated otherwise
If game has (gift) after it then it is a steam tradable gift, if there is nothing then it is a steam key.
(cards) mean the game has steam trading cards.
If the game has a ^ then i'm thinking about keeping it.
Most of my gifts are tradable.
Brutal Force (gift)(removed from store) - $30
Mighty No. 9^ - 8 (csgo only) or $15
FINAL FANTASY IV Bundle (gift)(Cards) - 9
Halfway (gift) - 4
I am Bread (gift) - 3
Icewind Dale^ (gift) - 7
Legend of Grimrock 2 (gift) - 6
Lichdom Battlemage^ (gift) - 4
Lords of the Fallen deluxe^ (gift) - 7 or $13
Killer is Dead^ (gift) - 5
Resident Evil 4^ - 5
S.O.R.S. (key) - 2
Shadowgate + 2 Macventure series (gift)(cards) - 4 (unable to purchase this version on steam)
Steam Squad^ (gift) - 8
Unending Galaxy (key) - 2
Worlds of Chaos : Corruption (key) - $4
Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action! (gift) - 1.5
Always Sometimes Monsters (gift)(cards) - 2
Anna extended edition (gift)(cards) - 1
Axis Game Factory (gift) - 2.5
Blade Symphony (gift)(cards) - 3
Chivalry: Complete Pack^ (gift)(cards) - 5
Concursion (gift)(cards) - 2
Contagion (gift)(cards) - 2
Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon (gift) - 2
Deadcore (gift) - 2
Demonicon (gift)(cards) - 3
Desktop Dungeons^ (gift)(cards) - 5
Deus Ex Human Revolution: The Missing Link (gift) - 3 (Not available in store)
Dream^ (gift)(cards) - 6
Enemy Front (gift) - 3
E.Y.E. Divine Supremacy (gift)(cards) - 2
Fight the Dragon^ (gift) - 3
Forced (gift)(cards) - 2
Forge starter pack(gift) - .5
Guacamelee! Gold Edition (gift)(cards) - 1.5
Guardians of Orion^ (gift) - $5
Half-Life 1 Anthology(gift) - 5
High Strangeness - 1.5
How to Survive (gift)(cards) - 2
Just Cause (gift) - .5
Kromiai^ (gift)(cards) - 2
La-Mulana (gift)(cards) - 2
Mars: War Logs (gift)(cards) - 2.5
Metro: Last Light - Season Pass - 2
Miasmata (gift) - 2
Might & Magic X - Legacy Digital Deluxe^ (gift) - 6
Monochroma (gift)(cards) - 3
Mutant Mudds Deluxe (gift)(cards) - 1.5
Natural Selection 2 (gift)(cards) - 1
Pinball FX2 - Star Wars™ Pinball: Balance of the Force Pack (gift) - 1.5
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 GOTY(gift)(cards) - 5 (Not Available in store)
RPG Maker VX Ace (gift)cards) - 5
Rome: Total war (gift)(cards) - 2
Serious Sam 3 BFE (gift)(cards) - 2
Skullgirls (gift)(cards) - 2
Space Hulk (gift)(cards) - 2.5
Steamworld Dig (gift)(cards) - 1.5
Sniper Ghost Warrior: gold edition(gift) - 1
Surgeon Simulator (gift)(cards) - 2
The Void - 5 (not available on steam store)
Tomb Raider Underworld (gift) - 2
Wanderlust (gift)(cards) - 1.5
Wizardry 6, 7, & 8 (gift) - 4
X-COM: Complete Pack (gift) - 2.5
.5 could be 1 TOD ticket, 2 gem sacks, or around $1.50 worth of cards
The Following are Steam keys:
Astral Breakers - 1
Attractio - 3
Bleeding Border^ - 1.5
Cyber Team Manager - 2
Doodle god - 1
Dream Factory - 1
Evolution - 1
Hotlead - 1.5
Lonath Online - 1
Magician's Apprentice^ - 2
Mysteries of the Past: Shadow of the Daemon Collector's Edition - 1
Philia : The Sequel to Elansar (removed from steam) - $4
Tracks and Turrets - 1
Rogue Harvest - 1
BioDrone Battle - 1
Where Angels Cry - .5
Huntsman: the Orphanage - .5
Rush For Glory - 1
Sky Nations (cards) - 1
Micron - .5
Data Hacker: Initiation - .25
Just write your offers in the comment section.
no new bundled games please
my games
my wishlist
Other games up for trade Link
I currently have tf2 keys, 3 CS:GO keys, looking for the following games and games on my wishlist at reasonable prices.
Necropolis, Axiom Verge, Megasphere, Action Henk, Until I Have You, Secrets of Grindea, Courier of the Crypts, The Witness, Firewatch
wishlist at reasonable prices