Hello, yes i'm interested. Is this the European version (ROW) of the game?
Would you be interested to get the 5 X-COM + Space Hack by trading some additional cards?
You seem to be new to trading. I will tell you honestly that no one will take you up on trades. You offering cheap dollar games from bundles in exchange for games that are expensive and not been bundled.
Just because your old X-COM games cost 4,99€ doesn't mean you can find someone who wants to trade for a game valued at 15,00€.
Your games/bundles can all valued at less than 2 dollars.
Yes, i'm new in trading and i'm aware that this games comes from a bundle who was affordable. I only give the Steam Value since it's the actual comparison point now that the bundle no more exists.
However my first goal was to trade these games for Steam Cards. Meanwhile I've checked that it make no sense to trade them for recent games even if they are turning around 20€. I will change this part of the offer.
Besides I'm also aware that X-COM games are certainly not games who are really wanted by actual gamers (maybe retro gamers or X-COM fans) and there are too many trades on the site so it also make nonsense to bump the trade very often. Maybe I will give away the games at the end.
Hi, thanks for the answer. Here a priority list of the your Steam Cards that you could trade for all 4 X-COM games:
I think that 15-20 Steam Cards are correct (I will give you Space Hack on top) but I'm also ready to go down to 10-15 Steam Cards if they are really helping me to obtain badges. However since you are the first to contact me since the new offer, feel free to give me your own opinion on the quantity you are willing to trade.
Steam Key from November 2014 issue of PC Gamer UK:
Steam Cards:
I want 1 or 2 Steam Cards for Space Hack.