I have...

For Honor, as steam gift copy

I want...

30€ in Steam Trading Cards

For the record - thats the current (22nd August 2017) historical low price (technically 29.46€), aside from Amazon's one-off deals, which don't matter to me.

If we are taking Steam Cards of value from 0.03€ to 0.30€ that equals 100 to 1000 cards.
Only interested in complete sets of cards, meaning they can be used to make badges right away. Alternatively you could try matching the cards i have to make sets... but that obviously takes longer (it would be more useful to me tho).

NOT interested in:

  • NO Cards from Card sets which cost more than 1.5€ to purchase (that means Card sets from 0.12€ to 1.5€ are valid entries). See this for more details: http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?badgeprices
  • NO Foil cards.
  • NO Payday 2 cards (already have Lv.5 Badge)
  • NOT LESS than 100 cards in your trade offer (make it 100 or more according to value).

Limits on Card Sets (due to already existing Badges or Card Sets):

  • 4x Sets of - Arcane RERaise -
  • 4x Sets of BARRIER X
  • 4x Sets of Bold New World
  • 4x Sets of Cataegis : The White Wind
  • 4x Sets of Craft The World
  • 4x Sets of Crash Force
  • 4x Sets of Escape This
  • 4x Sets of Fruit Arranger
  • 4x Sets of Head Shot
  • 4x Sets of Heaven Island Life
  • 4x Sets of Lone Leader
  • 4x Sets of Machine Hunt
  • 4x Sets of Shot Shot Tactic

What i would like seeing the most:

  • LIKE Dragon Ball Xenoverse Cards
  • LIKE Final Fantasy Cards
  • LIKE Cards from Games that have no Store Page (to make it short). A Value of 0.03€ per card will be used for these. And yes that means you can dump all the Digital Homicide cards you collected on me, within limitations and exceptions as outlined above. If i would end up with spare cards (of this type) by accepting your offer, it will be declined however. So... matching my inventory is a must, if you try trading these with me.

As this is a high value trade (for me anyway), i will be expecting a high (none-fake) reputation before we do a trade.

Trade will be done in a single Steam Trade.

You must have 2FA (2nd Factor Authentication) on Steam via Smartphone enabled to trade with me. As in: your trade offer doesn't take 1 month to process.

Any scam attempt, friend request spam and further will be ignored/blocked and reported where appropriate.

Trade Offer URL:

6 years ago*

Wanted trading cards not other games, but thanks for the offer. ;)

6 years ago

Would you be interested in 134 card sets for For Honor? They should be 784 cards worth 29 euro

6 years ago*

After taking a look this is what i see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VwVMmKpHe1bTstTg12gEsUFC6_1tAwCgAntWnoV5IKo/edit?usp=sharing

US Dollar value looks fine, Euro doesn't.

Edit: Changed all values according to: http://steam.tools/cards/
Still looks bad... >_<

Edit2: Checked all values against european Steam Marketplace.

6 years ago*

Trade offer accepted and therefore this steamtrade comes to an end... after reps given. ;)

Edit: Both have given reviews to each other and this trade is now officially closed.

6 years ago*

Hi, there! ^^

Check here and tell me if I'm able to get my hands on that game for what I have:


Let me know :)

6 years ago

Going by cards alone: no. Taking Gem Sacks into consideration as well: yes. But since i'm only interested in cards, the final answer has to be: no. Thanks for your offer anyway. ^^

6 years ago

Wow, that explanation blew my mind XD

Thanks, again :)

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.