If you can get me the key and im able to activate it as a normal key in steam ill send you a giftcard with the same value of the key and shattered orizon

1 decade ago*

Message me on Steam : Fncwill

I can probally do this but wanna know more info

1 decade ago

ru key is 34$ what you wanted me to buy in total was 49$ so sorry no

1 decade ago

one thing DONT ADD ME IF your not going to go first

i know im not the most trusteable person but i alredy got scammed way too many times and im not going to risk myself now when its about money

so if you wont go first dont add me

1 decade ago

no thanks

1 decade ago

i can offer a tradeable copy of blackops 2 preorder not a key . im looking for amazon gift cards . if you are interested then add me to discuss .

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.