I prioritize trades with users who have positive reputation.
If you’re new, I’m happy to trade, but I prefer using clear steps to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Please comment below before sending me a private message (PM).
Thank you for your interest, and happy trading! 🚀
[H] Available Games:
I base offers on ggdeals prices. Counter offers are welcome! Not really interested in TF2 keys or gems.
[W] Looking For:
Any games from my whishlist
You can also find my full wishlist here: https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561199016695482/
I also take paypal transfer, please add me on discord for that : vik_img
Rules & Preferences:
I prioritize trades with users who have positive reputation.
If you’re new, I’m happy to trade, but I prefer using clear steps to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Please comment below before sending me a private message (PM).
Thank you for your interest, and happy trading! 🚀