I have...

TF2 Key
TF2 Keys

I want...


Selling my TF2 and CSGO keys for PayPal. Not looking for any other trades or forms of payment at this time.

TF2: $1.60usd - 60 available
CSGO: $1.75usd - 54 available

Plus any applicable PayPal fees. Minimum trade of 5 keys, maximum is at my discretion.


You must go first
You must have positive Steamtrades rep
You must have a clean Steamrep.com
You must have an account in good standing (no VAC bans etc) - this also means that I will not trade to 'alt' accounts
You must have a valid Steam account that is of a decent age, with a reasonable games collection (not all F2P) and some valuables in your inventory
You must have verified PayPal
You cover PayPal fees (if any)
You must send PayPal as a "friends and family" gift with the following message:

[This gift is from Steam ID {STEAMID} to my Steam friend Oridiian, as thanks for the exchange of digital goods. I will not issue a chargeback or request a refund under any circumstances]

I reserve the right to decline any trade for any reason, and I am the sole judge of the integrity and trustworthiness of the Steam account I am trading with.

Please leave a short note here if you add me on Steam, as I receive many spam friend requests daily that I ignore

Cheers ^_^

5 years ago*

Added to buy csgo keys

5 years ago

Thanks for the trade =)

5 years ago

Added for keys.

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.